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Created July 12, 2022 14:02
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Measure true RAM and SWAP consumption in Linux with grouping by user or application
import os
import re
import sys
import pwd
import csv
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TextIO, Optional, Sequence
Pid = int
Uid = int
STDERR = sys.stderr
# Dumps PSS and SWAP PSS for every process into /tmp/ram.csv and prints short stats to stdout
# Run as root
# Don't forget to edit `get_group()` method to filter out applications
class ParseError(BaseException):
class ProcStat:
pid: Pid
ppid: Pid
uid: int
user: str
cmdline: Sequence[str]
pss_kb: int
swap_pss_kb: int
DIGITS_RE = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+$')
def collect_ram_stat():
all_stat = []
with os.scandir('/proc') as it:
for entry in it:
if not DIGITS_RE.match(
stat = read_process_stat(int(, entry.path)
if stat:
return all_stat
def read_process_stat(pid: Pid, proc_path: str) -> Optional[ProcStat]:
status_file = os.path.join(proc_path, 'status')
cmdline_file = os.path.join(proc_path, 'cmdline')
smaps_file = os.path.join(proc_path, 'smaps_rollup')
with open(status_file, 'rt') as f:
ppid, uid, name = parse_status_file(, status_file)
with open(cmdline_file, 'rt') as f:
cmdline = parse_cmdline(
# Kernel threads have empty cmdline
if cmdline == ['']:
cmdline = [name]
with open(smaps_file, 'rt') as f:
pss_kb, swap_pss_kb = parse_smaps_rollup(, smaps_file)
except ProcessLookupError as e:
# Kernel threads have a smaps file but don't allow to access it
pss_kb = 0
swap_pss_kb = 0
except FileNotFoundError as e:
print(f"File not found: {e}", file=STDERR)
return None
# except ProcessLookupError as e:
# print(f"Error reading /proc for PID {pid}: {e}")
# return None
except PermissionError as e:
print(f"Cannot access /proc for PID {pid}: {e}. Are you root?", file=STDERR)
return None
return ProcStat(
pid = pid,
ppid = ppid,
uid = uid,
user = get_user_name(uid),
cmdline = cmdline,
pss_kb = pss_kb,
swap_pss_kb = swap_pss_kb
PPID_RE = re.compile(r'^PPid:\s*(\d+)\b', re.MULTILINE)
UIID_RE = re.compile(r'^Uid:\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)', re.MULTILINE)
NAME_RE = re.compile(r'^Name:\s*(\S.*)$', re.MULTILINE)
def parse_status_file(content: str, path: str) -> tuple[Pid, Uid, str]:
ppid_m =
if not ppid_m:
raise ParseError(f"Cannot find PPid in {path}")
uid_m =
if not uid_m:
raise ParseError(f"Cannot find Uid in {path}")
name_m =
if not name_m:
raise ParseError(f"Cannot find Name in {path}")
return int(ppid_m[1]), int(uid_m[2]), name_m[1].strip()
def parse_cmdline(cmdline: str) -> Sequence[str]:
return cmdline.split("\0")
PSS_RE = re.compile(r'^Pss:\s*(\d+)\s*kB\b', re.MULTILINE)
SWAP_PSS_RE = re.compile(r'^SwapPss:\s*(\d+)\s*kB', re.MULTILINE)
def parse_smaps_rollup(content: str, path: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
pss_m =
if not pss_m:
raise ParseError(f"Cannot find Pss in {path}")
swap_pss_m =
if not swap_pss_m:
raise ParseError(f"Cannot find SwapPss in {path}")
return int(pss_m[1]), int(swap_pss_m[1])
def get_user_name(uid: Uid) -> str:
return pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name
except KeyError:
return str(uid)
def write_to_csv(ram_stat):
with open('/tmp/ram.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(['PID', 'USER', 'CMDLINE', 'PSS, Kb', 'SWAP_PSS, Kb', 'GROUP'])
for item in ram_stat:
def count_ram(ram_stat):
mem = {}
total = [0, 0]
for item in ram_stat:
group = get_group(item)
mem.setdefault(group, [0, 0])
mem[group][0] += item.pss_kb
mem[group][1] += item.swap_pss_kb
total[0] += item.pss_kb
total[1] += item.swap_pss_kb
for group, (pss, swap) in mem.items():
usage_mb = (pss + swap) / 1024
pss_mb = pss / 1024
swap_pss_mb = swap / 1024
print(f"{group:20s} {usage_mb:8.2f} Mb ({pss_mb:.2f} PSS + {swap_pss_mb:.2f} SWAP PSS)")
print(f"{'total':20s} {total[0]/1024:.2f} Mb PSS + {total[1]/1024:.2f} Mb SWAP")
def get_group(item):
if re.match(r'^app_', item.user):
return item.user
m ='(\bfirefox\b|gnome-terminal-server|\bbash$|\bssh$)', item.cmdline[0])
if m:
return item.user + ':' + m[1]
return item.user + ':*'
ram_stat = collect_ram_stat()
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very nicely written

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