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Created July 7, 2015 19:07
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This example illustrates modelling small aggregates instead of a large cluster: See discussion:!topic/dddinphp/WBKuPAT0OS8
* This example illustrates modelling the following use cases:
* - A user can write and publish an article, with the title, description.etc.
* - X users can then respond to said article by posting comments,
* - and responding to one another.
* - it is very common for an Article to be 'locked' when it becomes older.
* Note: The example is an incomplete draft.
* - Persistence layer,
* - the complete set of value objects,
* - some methods
* - most of the assertions
* - and domain events
* are missing.
class User
* @var UserId $userId
private $userId;
* @param ArticleId $articleId is generated somewhere on the outside
* @param string $title
* @param string $description
* @return \Article
public function publishArticle($articleId, $title, $description)
return new Article($articleId, $title, $description, $this);
class Article
* @var ArticleId
private $articleId;
* @var UserId
private $author;
* @var string
private $title;
* @var string
private $description;
* @var \DateTimeImmutable
private $publishedAt;
* @param ArticleId $articleId
* @param string $title
* @param string $description
* @param UserId $author
public function __construct(ArticleId $articleId, $title, $description, UserId $author)
$this->articleId = $articleId;
$this->title = $this;
$this->description = $description;
$this->author = $author;
$this->publishedAt = new \DateTimeImmutable();
* @param UserId $userId
* @param CommentId $commentId
* @param string $text
* @return Comment
public function addUserResponse(UserId $userId, CommentId $commentId, $text)
return Comment::asArticleResponse($commentId, $userId, $text);
* In the example we assume that an article gets locked automatically when it is older than 4 weeks
* @throws Exception\Article
private function assertNotLocked()
$fourWeeks = new \DateInterval('P28D');
$now = new \DateTimeImmutable();
$fourWeeksAgo = $now->sub($fourWeeks);
if ($this->publishedAt < $fourWeeksAgo) {
throw Exception\Article::isLocked($this);
class Comment
* @var CommentId
private $commentId;
* @var UserId
private $author;
* @var ArticleId
private $referencedArticle;
* @var text
private $text;
* @var null|CommentId
private $respondedComment;
* @param CommentId $commentId
* @param UserId $author
* @param ArticleId $referencedArticle
* @param string $text
* @return Comment
public static function asArticleResponse(CommentId $commentId, UserId $author, ArticleId $referencedArticle, $text)
return new self($commentId, $author, $referencedArticle, $text);
* @param CommentId $commentId
* @param UserId $author
* @param ArticleId $referencedArticle
* @param string $text
* @param CommentId $respondedComment
* @return Comment
public static function asCommentResponse(CommentId $commentId, UserId $author, ArticleId $referencedArticle, $text, CommentId $respondedComment)
return new self($commentId, $author, $text, $referencedArticle, $respondedComment);
* @param CommentId $commentId
* @param UserId $author
* @param ArticleId $referencedArticle
* @param string $text
* @param null|CommentId $respondedComment
private function __construct(CommentId $commentId, UserId $author, ArticleId $referencedArticle, $text, CommentId $respondedComment = null)
$this->commentId = $commentId;
$this->author = $author;
$this->referencedArticle = $referencedArticle;
$this->text = $text;
$this->respondedComment = $respondedComment;
* @param UserId $userId
* @param CommentId $commentId
* @param string $text
* @return Comment
public function addUserResponse(UserId $userId, CommentId $commentId, $text)
return Comment::asCommentResponse($commentId, $userId, $this->referencedArticle, $text, $this->commentId);
* Action 1: A user can write and publish an article, with the title, description.etc.
class PublishArticleWrittenByUserHandler
private $userCollection;
private $articleCollection;
public function handle(PublishArticleWrittenByUser $command)
/** @var $user User */
$user = $this->userCollection->get($command->authorId());
if ($user === null) {
throw Exception\User::notFound($command->authorId());
$article = $user->publishArticle(
* Action 2 and Assertion "locked" Article as part of Article::addUserResponse:
* X users can then respond to said article by posting comments
class RespondToArticleHandler
private $articleCollection;
private $commentColleciton;
public function handle(RespondToArticle $command)
/** @var $article Article */
$article = $this->articleCollection->get($command->articleId());
if ($article === null) {
throw Exception\Article::notFound($command->articleId());
$newComment = $article->addUserResponse(
* Action 3: and responding to one another
class RespondToCommentHandler
private $commentCollection;
public function handle(RespondToComment $command)
/** @var $respondedComment Comment */
$respondedComment = $this->commentCollection->get($command->respondedCommentId());
if ($respondedComment === null) {
throw Exception\Comment::notFound($command->respondedCommentId());
$response = $respondedComment->addUserResponse(
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