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Forked from simonhamp/AppServiceProvider.php
Created March 13, 2023 19:30
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A pageable Collection implementation for Laravel

Paginated Collections in Laravel

Use Case

Laravel provides pagination out of the box for Eloquent Collections, but you can't use that by default on ordinary Collections.

Collections do have the forPage() method, but it's more low-level, so it doesn't generate pagination links.

So you have to create a LengthAwarePaginator instance. But what if you want the behaviour to be the same as an Eloquent collection? Then use this macro!

The benefit of this is that the syntax and output is almost identical to the Eloquent Collection paginate() method and so it can (relatively) easily be swapped out for an Eloquent Collection when testing.


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There are 2 approaches below. Which one you use is up to you, but you don't need both. I personally prefer the macro method as I feel it's cleaner and works well with minimal effort, but it's not so good at working with your IDE (code hints etc) and can feel a little detached in some cases.

The macro way

If you prefer, add the Collection macro to a Service Provider. That way you can call paginate() on any collection:

collect([ ... ])->paginate( 20 );

See AppServiceProvider.php for a sample implementation.

The subclass way

Where you want a "pageable" collection that is distinct from the standard Illuminate\Support\Collection, implement a copy of Collection.php in your application and simply replace your use Illuminate\Support\Collection statements at the top of your dependent files with use App\Support\Collection:

// use Illuminate\Support\Collection
use App\Support\Collection;

$items = [];
$collection = (new Collection($items))->paginate(20);

Note that this method doesn't work with the collect() helper function.

namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
* Paginate a standard Laravel Collection.
* @param int $perPage
* @param int $total
* @param int $page
* @param string $pageName
* @return array
Collection::macro('paginate', function($perPage, $total = null, $page = null, $pageName = 'page') {
$page = $page ?: LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage($pageName);
return new LengthAwarePaginator(
$this->forPage($page, $perPage),
$total ?: $this->count(),
'path' => LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPath(),
'pageName' => $pageName,
namespace App\Support;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection as BaseCollection;
class Collection extends BaseCollection
public function paginate($perPage, $total = null, $page = null, $pageName = 'page')
$page = $page ?: LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage($pageName);
return new LengthAwarePaginator(
$this->forPage($page, $perPage),
$total ?: $this->count(),
'path' => LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPath(),
'pageName' => $pageName,
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