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Last active January 21, 2017 00:35
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react-motion preset keyframe generator in stylus
if x == 0
result = 0
result = 4
for i in (0..10)
result = ((result + (x / result)) / 2)
return 2.71828 ** (-13 * t) * (2.71828 ** (13 * t) - 13 * sin(t) - cos(t))
return -1 * (7 * 2.71828 ** (-7 * t) * sin(sqrt(71) * t)) / sqrt(71) - 2.71828 ** (-7 * t) * cos(sqrt(71) * t) + 1
return -0.5 * (2.71828 ** (-6 * t)) * (-2 * (2.71828 ** (6 * t)) + sin(12 * t) + 2 * cos(12 * t))
return -1 * sqrt(10 / 11) * (2.71828 ** (-10 * t)) * sin(sqrt(110) * t) - 2.71828 ** (-10 * t) * cos(sqrt(110) * t) + 1
lerp(a, b, p)
return a + p * (b - a)
@keyframes move
for i in (0...100)
{i + '%'}
t = i / 100
p = spring-wobbly(t)
left: lerp(0px, 280px, p)
react-motion has some stiffness/dampening presets for their spring based animations:
- noWobble (stiffness: 170, damping: 26)
- gentle (stiffness: 120, damping: 14)
- wobbly (stiffness: 180, damping: 12)
- stiff (stiffness: 210, damping: 20)
this is some stylus code that generates css keyframe animations for those presets.
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