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Ali Akbar Vathi coderespawn

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coderespawn /
Last active September 26, 2023 02:25
Upgrades and builds the DLSS Unreal Engine Plugin from 5.2 to 5.3
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
# Step 0: Delete 'Plugins_Temp' and 'Plugins_5.3' directories if they exist
if os.path.exists('Plugins_Temp'):
print('Deleted existing Plugins_Temp directory.')
if os.path.exists('Plugins_5.3'):
coderespawn /
Created April 23, 2021 13:53
Change Log: Dungeon Architect for Unity

CHANGE LOG: Dungeon Architect

Version 1.17.1

  • New: Grid Flow builder's Create Main Path and Create Path nodes support position constraints. Use a script to control where the nodes are created in the flow graph. Sample added to the launchpad
  • New: Grid Flow supports static spawn / goal room positions. This allows you to blend your static level art with the procedural dungeon. Added a new sample in the launchpad demoing this
  • Fix: Module database is more fault tolerant while finding and assigning user defined connections during compilation. When your connections are off by a little, it will make a better guess of the right connection slot
  • Fix: Fixed the grid builder's paint data getting destroyed on dungeon rebuilds
  • New: New side scroller sample setup for snap grid flow builders in the Launch Pad
coderespawn / gist:1c5f4fca49d2817fa93d3c51152e68cb
Created November 24, 2019 17:09
Renaming a UE4 plugin without breaking stuff. add this to your plugin's Config/DefaultPLUGINNAME.ini
#include "MyMeshExporter.h"
#include "RawIndexBuffer.h"
#include "StaticMeshVertexBuffer.h"
#include "PositionVertexBuffer.h"
void UMyMeshExporter::ExportStaticMesh(UStaticMesh* StaticMesh)
const FStaticMeshVertexBuffer& VertexBuffer = StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].VertexBuffer;
const FPositionVertexBuffer& PositionVertexBuffer = StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].PositionVertexBuffer;
coderespawn / IIT Resources
Created June 8, 2017 23:36
IIT resource preparation
coderespawn /
Last active December 25, 2024 17:01
Dungeon Architect Change Log - Unreal Engine

CHANGELOG: Dungeon Architect

Version 2.36.0 Release Notes [25-Dec-2024]

  • CRITICAL FIX: Theme editor viewport property changes no longer trigger editor crashes
  • Fix: Resolved multiplayer build sequence issue where dungeons were building on clients before server completion
  • Fix: Corrected Grid Flow debug visualization alignment for dungeons placed away from world origin
  • Fix: Improved memory management during dungeon generation to prevent editor crashes when changing levels while the dungeon was being built
  • Fix: Resolved naming conflicts between Lyra and Dungeon Architect Gameplay framework (DAG)
coderespawn / FurthersRoomsMarkers.cs
Created March 30, 2017 04:12
Emits markers on the furthest rooms of the dungeon. You can then add these markers in your theme file and attach anything to it. More info here:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using DungeonArchitect;
using DungeonArchitect.Builders.Grid;
public class FurthersRoomsMarkers : DungeonMarkerEmitter {
public string startMarker = "StartRoom";
public string endMarker = "EndRoom";
template<typename T>
T* GetAsset(const FName& Path) {
UObject* Obj = StaticLoadObject(UDungeonThemeAsset::StaticClass(), nullptr, *Path.ToString());
return Cast<T>(Obj);
void ADA413XGameMode::BuildDynamicDungeon() {