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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Schedule info for Djangocon Europe 2015 provided for pyvideo/pyvideo issue #127
title speaker time description
Welcome missing 09.00 Welcome to Cardiff
Baptiste's adventures in Djangoland Baptiste Mispelon 09.20 Our keynote speaker describes how he tackled burnout by travelling around Europe, eating Welsh cakes, pierogi and stroopwafel.
Avoiding monoliths Hanna Kollo 10.10 Hanna explains how to take advantage of Django's flexibility to build modular systems, when working with large projects with ever-changing requirements.
Injecting Django into the work environment Abdulrahman Alotaibi 10.30 Abdulrahman discusses what makes users willing to switch from one framework or language to another.
Cardiff University Wellbeing service missing 10.50 A brief introduction to the support the Wellbeing service is offering at the event
Pushing the pony’s boundaries Ola Sitarska 11.30 Ola is a Django core developer and has spent five years pushing Django's admin to its limits. She'll discuss some of the things you can do, and some you really should try, with this amazing toolbox.
the Cardiff Maths e-learning project Dafydd Evans 12.20 Dafydd introduces a new virtual learning environment aimed at mathematicians.
Real Cardiff missing 12.40 Peter Finch is one of Cardiff's best-known poets; he's here to demystify and de-mythify Cardiff and its elusive, evasive heart.
#django live missing 14.15 Experience the 24-hour free #django emergency hotline, with the legendary doismellburning, apollo13 and MarkusH - live!
Reaching out - Django in the social sciences Lucie Daeye 15.00 Lucie first encountered Django in 2014; a few months later she was using it in her doctoral studies to manage and map social sciences research data.
Salt for django developers Yann Malet 15.20 Yann overviews Salt and describe some of its unique features. By the end of the talk, you should be able to dive in and start writing your own Salt states and working with existing ones.
Switching from nose to py.test at Mozilla Mathieu Agopian 15.40 Mathieu talks about the move between two testing frameworks for a large code base.
A sincere tale of Django, developers and security Erik Romijn 16.30 Erik discusses ways to understand security better, making it intrinsic to our work, issues common to Django websites and why it matters so much.
On privilege and moral duty Maik Hoepfel 17.20 Maik Hoepfel raises questions about the privileges and freedoms many of us in the software industry enjoy, and considers what duties follow from them.
Lightning talks missing 17.40 Five-minute talks on any subject.
Into the rabbit hole Ola Sendecka 09.10 Our keynote speaker warns of the dangers that rabbit holes present to the programmer, discusses how to spot them and tells a story about ModelForms.
Give your pony wings Benjamin Wohlwend 10.00 Benjamin explains why finding some of the bottlenecks in an under-performing site can be easier than one would think, and fixing them is a fun and rewarding experience.
Django's role in the polyglot web David Gouldin 10.20 David investigates the world that Django now lives in: the polygot web, where apps commonly access multiple data stores and span different frameworks and even languages.
Local development with docker Stefan Foulis 10.40 Stefan Foulis describes how you can reduce the multiple dependencies required for local Django development to just one: Docker.
Web accessibility is not an option Xavier Dutreilh 11.30 Xavier explains why Django web developers should care about the accessibility of their websites, and what they can do to improve it.
Django aggregations demystified Theofanis Despoudis 12.20 Theofanis explains aggregations and annotations in Django, showing how to build both simple and very complex queries that produce meaningful results.
Using Python to load-test web apps Yulia Zozulya 12.40 Yulia discusses the whys and why-nots of using Python tools for load and performance testing.
The Full Stack Octopus Kat Stevens 14.30 Kat describes the challenges and benefits of being the only web developer in the company.
Using Django in a desktop application Thomas Turner 14.50 Thomas describes how Django is used in to build a desktop application, and the pros and cons of this approach.
Lispisms Shai Berger 15.20 Shai discusses some Lisp features (as well as a library in development) that could be of use to Python coders.
Forms are static - no, they aren't Markus Holtermann 15.40 Markus describes a pluggable Django app that gets around various problems associated with forms: django-dynamic-forms.
Effortless real time apps in Django Aaron Bassett 16.30 Aaron discusses how the real-time web is changing the way we interact and collaborate online, and explains easy ways to add real-time functionality to Django websites.
True beauty is on the inside, but users are shallow Loek Van Gent 17.20 Loek explains why the best practices adopted by frontend frameworks are important in building good Django websites.
Lightning talks missing 17.40 Five-minute talks on any subject.
The net is dark and full of terrors James Bennett 09.10 Our keynote speaker tells tales of the unexpected, and describes some alarming things the Django team have learned about security in the process over the past ten years.
How to write a view David Winterbottom 10.00 David explains why views are easy to learn but hard to master, why many Django projects suffer from bloated, unmaintainable views and why it need not be so.
Hypothesis, randomised testing for Django Rae Knowler 10.20 Rae shows how to use the Hypothesis library to find more bugs in your Django project than you ever thought possible.
An ageing coder tackles his ageing code Owen Campbell 10.40 Owen describes his journey through coding, between writing his company's accounting software in 1999, and then rewriting it in Django fifteen years later.
lookups, transforms and expressions Anssi Kääriäinen 11.30 Anssi introduces the Lookup, Transform and Expression classes, new
Better web applications through user testing Ludvig Wadenstein 12.20 Ludvig introduces user testing and other techniques that can help developers ensure they're solving the right problems - the ones their users need solved.
Project templates - alternatives and tools Emmanuelle Delescolle 12.40 Emmanuelle discusses alternatives to the standard Django project structure, and some tools to help automate project building.
Panel missing 14.30 The state of the
What it’s really like building RESTful APIs with Django Paul Hallett 14.50 Paul describes the lessons learnt building a real RESTful
Demystifying mixins with Django Ana Balica 15.20 Ana peers behind the mixin 'magic' that helps keep Django projects decoupled.
PostgreSQL support in Django Moses Mugisha 15.40 Moses discusses the support built into PostgreSQL that helps meet the occasional need for schema-less tables.
Coding with knives (pt ) Adrienne Lowe 16.30 Adrienne describes learning to code and teaching to cook, and discusses how lessons learned in one subject can help in another.
Conformity and you - a question of style Greg Chapple 16.50 Greg asks what style conventions really mean for our code.
Lightning talks missing 17.40 Five-minute talks on any subject.
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