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Forked from abayer/Jenkinsfile
Created December 20, 2017 05:18
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An example Declarative Pipeline Jenkinsfile for Feb 15 2017 demo
// A Declarative Pipeline is defined within a 'pipeline' block.
pipeline {
// agent defines where the pipeline will run.
agent {
// This also could have been 'agent any' - that has the same meaning.
label ""
// Other possible built-in agent types are 'agent none', for not running the
// top-level on any agent (which results in you needing to specify agents on
// each stage and do explicit checkouts of scm in those stages), 'docker',
// and 'dockerfile'.
// The tools directive allows you to automatically install tools configured in
// Jenkins - note that it doesn't work inside Docker containers currently.
tools {
// Here we have pairs of tool symbols (not all tools have symbols, so if you
// try to use one from a plugin you've got installed and get an error and the
// tool isn't listed in the possible values, open a JIRA against that tool!)
// and installations configured in your Jenkins master's tools configuration.
jdk "jdk8"
// Uh-oh, this is going to cause a validation issue! There's no configured
// maven tool named "mvn3.3.8"!
maven "mvn3.3.8"
environment {
// Environment variable identifiers need to be both valid bash variable
// identifiers and valid Groovy variable identifiers. If you use an invalid
// identifier, you'll get an error at validation time.
// Right now, you can't do more complicated Groovy expressions or nesting of
// other env vars in environment variable values, but that will be possible
// when is merged and
// released.
stages {
// At least one stage is required.
stage("first stage") {
// Every stage must have a steps block containing at least one step.
steps {
// You can use steps that take another block of steps as an argument,
// like this.
// But wait! Another validation issue! Two, actually! I didn't use the
// right type for "time" and had a typo in "unit".
timeout(time: true, uint: 'MINUTES') {
echo "We're not doing anything particularly special here."
echo "Just making sure that we don't take longer than five minutes"
echo "Which, I guess, is kind of silly."
// This'll output 3.3.3, since that's the Maven version we
// configured above. Well, once we fix the validation error!
sh "mvn -version"
// Post can be used both on individual stages and for the entire build.
post {
success {
echo "Only when we haven't failed running the first stage"
failure {
echo "Only when we fail running the first stage."
stage('second stage') {
// You can override tools, environment and agent on each stage if you want.
tools {
// Here, we're overriding the original maven tool with a different
// version.
maven "mvn3.3.9"
steps {
echo "This time, the Maven version should be 3.3.9"
sh "mvn -version"
stage('third stage') {
steps {
// Note that parallel can only be used as the only step for a stage.
// Also, if you want to have your parallel branches run on different
// nodes, you'll need control that manually with "node('some-label') {"
// blocks inside the parallel branches, and per-stage post won't be able
// to see anything from the parallel workspaces.
// This'll be improved by,
// which adds Declarative-specific syntax for parallel stage execution.
parallel(one: {
echo "I'm on the first branch!"
two: {
echo "I'm on the second branch!"
three: {
echo "I'm on the third branch!"
echo "But you probably guessed that already."
post {
// Always runs. And it runs before any of the other post conditions.
always {
// Let's wipe out the workspace before we finish!
success {
mail(from: "[email protected]",
to: "[email protected]",
subject: "That build passed.",
body: "Nothing to see here")
failure {
mail(from: "[email protected]",
to: "[email protected]",
subject: "That build failed!",
body: "Nothing to see here")
// The options directive is for configuration that applies to the whole job.
options {
// For example, we'd like to make sure we only keep 10 builds at a time, so
// we don't fill up our storage!
// And we'd really like to be sure that this build doesn't hang forever, so
// let's time it out after an hour.
timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES')
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