Simple Dashing job to send sensu client history checks to dashing widgets.
Put the sensu.rb
file in your /jobs
Add a snippet, like the one below, to the dashboard layout file for each client/check combination. Customize it to work for the particular client and check:
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
<div data-id="sensuclientname-sensucheckname" data-view="Text" data-title="sensu check" data-text="Waiting For Data"></div>
Checks are fetched every 3 minutes, but you can change that by editing the job schedule.
if dashing is not running on the same host as the sensu api server.
There is nothing in here that actually changes the STATUS_COLOR on the dash.
The variables are set, but nothing ever happens with them