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How I use Redis for new projects with Docker Compose


version: '3.9'
        image: redis
        restart: always
            - 6178:6379
            - redis_data_a:/data
        entrypoint: redis-server --appendonly yes
        image: redis
        restart: always
            - 6179:6379
            - redis_data_b:/data
        env_file: .env
        entrypoint: redis-server --appendonly yes  --requirepass ${REDIS_PASSWORD}

    name: redis_network



This compose file yields:

  • redis://localhost:6179
  • redis://localhost:6178


  • docker compose pull - gets the lastest redis image
  • docker compose up - runs the redis databases via Docker compose in the foreground (e.g. blocking)
  • docker compose up -d - runs the redis databases via Docker compose in the background (e.g. non-blocking). This blocks the PORT value too.

View what's running

  • docker compose ps -- see all docker compose services that are running
  • docker ps -- see all docker containers that are running (similar but different)

Stopping what's running

  • docker compose down - stop + keep database data. Frees up the PORT value (regardless of how docker compose is running)
  • docker compose down --rmi all -v - DANGER - this will stop the database running AND delete all data.

Using other compose files:

  • docker compose -f compose.other.yaml Anything after -f needs to be a docker compose file. Consider using this for staging.

Example using redis-cli client

redis-cli -h localhost -p 6178 PING

Should respond with PONG

redis-cli -h localhost -p 6179 PING

Should respond with (error) NOAUTH Authentication required.

Using auth:

redis-cli -h localhost -p 6179

Then use the abc password set in .env file:

> auth abc 

Using Redis in the Redis shell (redis-cli):

set some_key some_value
get some_key

These method(s) will work for redis that has auth and redis that doesnt. If redis has auth, you must authenticated before these commands will work.

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