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Forked from pruperting/
Created August 24, 2014 23:54
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#updated ffmpeg progress indicator
#by Rupert Plumridge
#for updates visit
#Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales Licence
# Based on the ffmpegprogress bar from:
# which was based on my initital progress script - circle of life and all that ;)
# version 2.0
# 07.04.2011
# now uses apparently better progress detection, based on duration of overall video and progress along the conversion
# 1) Run the script with the name of the file to be converted after the name of the script (e.g. ./ "My Awesome Video.mpg)
# Please adjust the following variables as needed.
# It is recommended you at least adjust the first variable, the name of the script
display () # Calculate/collect progress
START=$(date +%s); FR_CNT=0; ETA=0; ELAPSED=0
while [ -e /proc/$PID ]; do # Is FFmpeg running?
sleep 2
VSTATS=$(awk '{gsub(/frame=/, "")}/./{line=$1-1} END{print line}' \
/tmp/vstats) # Parse vstats file.
if [ $VSTATS -gt $FR_CNT ]; then # Parsed sane or no?
PERCENTAGE=$(( 100 * FR_CNT / TOT_FR )) # Progbar calc.
ELAPSED=$(( $(date +%s) - START )); echo $ELAPSED > /tmp/elapsed.value
ETA=$(date -d @$(awk 'BEGIN{print int(('$ELAPSED' / '$FR_CNT') *\
('$TOT_FR' - '$FR_CNT'))}') -u +%H:%M:%S) # ETA calc.
echo -ne "\rFrame:$FR_CNT of $TOT_FR Time:$(date -d @$ELAPSED -u +%H:%M:%S) ETA:$ETA Percent:$PERCENTAGE" # Text for stats output.
trap "killall ffmpeg $SCRIPT; rm -f "$RM/vstats*"; exit" \
INT TERM EXIT # Kill & clean if stopped.
# Get duration and PAL/NTSC fps then calculate total frames.
FPS=$(ffprobe "$1" 2>&1 | sed -n "s/.*, \(.*\) tbr.*/\1/p")
DUR=$(ffprobe "$1" 2>&1 | sed -n "s/.* Duration: \([^,]*\), .*/\1/p")
HRS=$(echo $DUR | cut -d":" -f1)
MIN=$(echo $DUR | cut -d":" -f2)
SEC=$(echo $DUR | cut -d":" -f3)
TOT_FR=$(echo "($HRS*3600+$MIN*60+$SEC)*$FPS" | bc | cut -d"." -f1)
if [ ! "$TOT_FR" -gt "0" ]; then echo error; exit; fi
# Re-code with it.
nice -n 15 ffmpeg -deinterlace -vstats_file /tmp/vstats -y -i "$1" -vcodec libx264 -level 41 -vpre main -vpre medium -crf 24 -threads 0 -sn -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -ac 2 -ar 48000 -vsync 1 -async 1000 -map 0.0:0.0 -map 0.1:0.1 "$1".mkv 2>/dev/null & # CHANGE THIS FOR YOUR FFMPEG COMMAND.
PID=$! &&
echo "ffmpeg PID = $PID"
echo "Length: $DUR - Frames: $TOT_FR "
display # Show progress.
rm -f "$RM"/vstats* # Clean up tmp files.
# Statistics for logfile entry.
((BATCH+=$(cat /tmp/elapsed.value))) # Batch time totaling.
ELAPSED=$(cat /tmp/elapsed.value) # Per file time.
echo "\nDuration: $DUR - Total frames: $TOT_FR" >> $LOG
echo -e "Re-coding time taken: $(date -d @$ELAPSED -u +%H:%M:%S)"\
"at an average rate of $AV_RATE""fps.\n" >> $LOG
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