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fell in love with Dart && Flutter

Rodrigues cofirazak

fell in love with Dart && Flutter
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cofirazak /
Created March 15, 2024 08:26 — forked from g0rdan/
Ultimate Flutter cleaning
echo "flutter clean ..."
flutter clean
echo "Deleting .flutter-plugins ..."
rm -rf .flutter-plugins
echo "Deleting .packages ..."
rm -rf .packages
echo "Deleting .symlinks ..."
rm -rf ios/.symlinks/
cofirazak / .zshrc
Last active May 2, 2021 12:47
My current zshrc (2020-03-28)
# Add the flutter tool to your path:
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/flutter/bin"
# ??? Setting JAVA_HOME for android studio ???
export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-11.jdk/Contents/Home"
# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.
export ZSH="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh"
# Set name of the theme to load --- if set to "random", it will
cofirazak / zsh-syntax-highlighting-filetypes.zsh
Created March 28, 2020 07:36
Like these colors in my shell:
# Name: zsh-syntax-highlighting-filetypes
# Author: Magnus Woldrich <[email protected]>
# Update: 2011-06-20 23:26:38
# This is based on nicoulaj's zsh-syntax-highlighting project [0]. I've
# taken the initial version of his script and added highlighting for
# filetypes and a few other things. The filetype highlighting rules are
# taken from my LS_COLORS [1] project.
cofirazak / alias-finder.plugin.zsh
Created March 28, 2020 07:08
I use oh-my-zsh alias-finder plugin with ZSH_ALIAS_FINDER_AUTOMATIC=true. So i add -l in line 42. That's the equivalent for a wildcard search.
alias-finder() {
local cmd="" exact="" longer="" wordStart="" wordEnd="" multiWordEnd=""
for i in $@; do
case $i in
-e|--exact) exact=true;;
-l|--longer) longer=true;;
if [[ -z $cmd ]]; then
cofirazak / directories.zsh
Last active March 28, 2020 07:04
I use oh-my-zsh alias-finder plugin with ZSH_ALIAS_FINDER_AUTOMATIC=true. And don't use cd -n. So I comment lines 11-20:
# Changing/making/removing directory
setopt auto_pushd
setopt pushd_ignore_dups
setopt pushdminus
alias -g ...='../..'
alias -g ....='../../..'
alias -g .....='../../../..'
alias -g ......='../../../../..'
cofirazak / gulpfile.js
Last active December 7, 2019 10:21
PHPSpec auto-testing gulpfile.
* If you don't like the verbosity level of notifications you can remove the [, verbose: 'v'] at the end of line 35.
* And if you have more than 1 file in spec directory is better to create phpspec.yml in root project directory,
* it doesn't matter if phpspec.yml will be empty or properly configured,
* and comment line 34 and uncomment line 33.
* For this file to work properly you need to install:
* brew install node
* npm install --global gulp-cli