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Colleen Higgins coggins87

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coggins87 /
Last active October 31, 2019 21:46
Colleen Higgins Resume

Colleen Higgins

[email protected] Seattle, WA 603-560-2056(c)


Full-stack developer who is equally thrilled by front-end and back-end code. Proficient in mobile-first responsive design and test-driven development. Exceptional critical thinking and problem solving skills from a background in healthcare and conservation. Experience with modern tooling and a strong drive to continue to grow and learn.

# Registration page
## User story:
As a prospective user, I can register an account so that I can login and use the application.
## Acceptance criteria:
As a first time user:
- I'm directed to a registration page.
- On that page, I can enter my name, username, and password.
coggins87 / gist:92920c58145bdd65cd1534a79d3b969a
Last active September 8, 2019 02:02
Server?Client Questions Capstone 2
Which database tables are created in the migrations?
word, language, user
What are the endpoints for user registration, login and refresh?
user registration: POST /api/user
login: POST /api/auth/token
refresh: PATCH /api/auth/token
What endpoints have been implemented in the language router?
Responsiveness didn't work on all screens, also 404 message was cut off on certain size screens; results and navigation is easy/snappy.
Plan on addressing responsiveness and header image size
ame of your app: Amrapp
Link to live static version (since been updated)
Link to repo on GitHub
The user feedback you collected.
--make sure to include password rules on register page
--landing page has good description/clean
Indicate who you spoke to, what you learned, and what if anything you did in response to the feedback.
coggins87 / gist:4e1eb451c2021f7137e0afefe8788a36
Last active August 2, 2019 18:03
expiry time(auth) lesson questions
1. Should the client or the server take more security precautions?
--client--as this is the entry point for users, and controls how the server is accessed, need to put precautions here
2. What's the difference between local storage and session storage?
--local storage saves data in a browser for any window or tab that would access that domain.
--session storage saves data like local storage, but the data is not persisting outside of the tab.
3. What problem does a JWT expiry time solve?
--users who may leave their tab or page open and forget to log out, leaving it vulnerable to attack
4. Is a refresh endpoint protected or public?
5. What would happen if a refreshed JWT was requested with a JWT that had already expired?
coggins87 / gist:1d2a78cab929fdd6a28d78948a67d538
Last active August 9, 2019 04:30
learning a new codebase
How are the syntaxes async and await useful when writing JavaScript code?
--makes code more efficient--especially with auth where there are many steps happening as well
With respect to Knex, how does the transaction method relate to BEGIN and COMMIT syntax in PostgreSQL?
--BEGIN in SQL refers to a block of commands that are all pro
What is a "sequence table" in PostgreSQL?
creates a single row table that makes unique numeric identifiers to help rows in a table
restart identity automatically restarts the sequences owned by columns of the truncated tables. cascade truncates all tables that have the foreign key references to any of the named tables added to the group through cascade
What does SELECT setval('blogful_users_id_seq', 1) do?
setval will set that sequence value to 1,
Landing page :
--click on search to take to search page
(if server down at any button, throw error)
--click on login to go to login page
--click on add account to create new user
(if server down at any button, throw error)
Can make a new account:
Role: Task: Priority:
New User Want to sign up for an account High
New User I want to have access to workouts High
New User I want to be able to add movements Medium
Returning User Want to log into my account High
Returning User Want to add movements to db High
Returning User Want to save workouts to my account Medium
Returning User Want to be able to access workouts High
Returning User Want to be able to share workouts Low
administrator I want to view all user accounts High
coggins87 / gist:2e03f7c6fad267e2398bdb6b227d6552
Created July 26, 2019 01:55
relationships and schema design assignment
1. How many people work in the Sales department?
projects=# SELECT
projects-# e.emp_name as Employee,
projects-# d.dept_name as department
projects-# FROM
projects-# department d
projects-# JOIN
projects-# employee e
projects-# ON
projects-# = e.department