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RunLayer Java & Python
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC)
* Copyright (C) 2016, Numenta, Inc. Unless you have an agreement
* with Numenta, Inc., for a separate license for this software code, the
* following terms and conditions apply:
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU Affero Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.numenta.nupic;
import static org.numenta.nupic.algorithms.Anomaly.KEY_MODE;
import static org.numenta.nupic.algorithms.Anomaly.KEY_USE_MOVING_AVG;
import static org.numenta.nupic.algorithms.Anomaly.KEY_WINDOW_SIZE;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.numenta.nupic.Parameters.KEY;
import org.numenta.nupic.algorithms.Anomaly;
import org.numenta.nupic.algorithms.Anomaly.Mode;
import org.numenta.nupic.algorithms.CLAClassifier;
import org.numenta.nupic.algorithms.Classification;
import org.numenta.nupic.algorithms.SpatialPooler;
import org.numenta.nupic.algorithms.TemporalMemory;
import org.numenta.nupic.encoders.DateEncoder;
import org.numenta.nupic.encoders.Encoder;
import org.numenta.nupic.encoders.EncoderTuple;
import org.numenta.nupic.encoders.MultiEncoder;
import org.numenta.nupic.encoders.ScalarEncoder;
import org.numenta.nupic.model.Cell;
import org.numenta.nupic.util.ArrayUtils;
import org.numenta.nupic.util.Tuple;
import org.numenta.nupic.util.UniversalRandom;
public class RunLayer {
public static boolean IS_VERBOSE = true;
public static boolean LEARN = false;
public static boolean TM_ONLY = true;
public static boolean SP_ONLY = false;
public static boolean NETWORK = false;
public static class MakeshiftLayer {
private Connections connections;
private MultiEncoder encoder;
private SpatialPooler sp;
private TemporalMemory tm;
private CLAClassifier classifier;
private Anomaly anomaly;
private int recordNum;
private int[] prevPredictedCols;
private Map<String, Object> classification;
private Network network;
// private static String INPUT_PATH = "/Users/cogmission/git/NAB/data/artificialNoAnomaly/art_daily_no_noise.csv";
// private static String readFile = "/Users/cogmission/git/NAB/data/artificialNoAnomaly/art_daily_sp_output.txt";
private static String INPUT_PATH = "/Users/cogmission/git/NAB/data/realTraffic/TravelTime_387.csv";
private static String readFile = "/Users/cogmission/git/NAB/data/realTraffic/TravelTime_sp_output.txt";
private static List<int[]> input;
private static List<String> raw;
private static String encFilePath = "/Users/cogmission/git/lscheinkman/NAB/art_daily_encoder_output_java.txt";
private PrintWriter encFile = null;
* Makeshift Layer to contain and operate on algorithmic entities
* @param c the {@link Connections} object.
* @param encoder the {@link MultiEncoder}
* @param sp the {@link SpatialPooler}
* @param tm the {@link TemporalMemory}
* @param cl the {@link CLAClassifier}
public MakeshiftLayer(Connections c, MultiEncoder encoder, SpatialPooler sp,
TemporalMemory tm, CLAClassifier cl, Anomaly anomaly) {
this.connections = c;
this.encoder = encoder;
this.sp = sp; = tm;
this.classifier = cl;
Parameters parameters = getParameters();
// 2015-08-31 18:22:00,90
network = Network.create("NAB Network", parameters)
.add(Network.createRegion("NAB Region")
.add(Network.createLayer("NAB Layer", parameters)
.add(new TemporalMemory())));
network.observe().subscribe((inference) -> {
double score = inference.getAnomalyScore();
int record = inference.getRecordNum();
recordNum = record;
Set<Cell> act = ((ManualInput)inference).getActiveCells();
int[] activeColumnIndices = SDR.cellsAsColumnIndices(act, connections.cellsPerColumn);
Set<Cell> prev = ((ManualInput)inference).getPreviousPredictiveCells();
int[] prevPredColumnIndices = prev == null ? null : SDR.cellsAsColumnIndices(prev, connections.cellsPerColumn);
String input = Arrays.toString((int[])((ManualInput)inference).getLayerInput());
String prevPred = prevPredColumnIndices == null ? "null" : Arrays.toString(prevPredColumnIndices);
String active = Arrays.toString(activeColumnIndices);
System.out.println(" TemporalMemory Input: " + input);
System.out.println("TemporalMemory prev. predicted: " + prevPred);
System.out.println(" TemporalMemory active: " + active);
System.out.println("Anomaly Score: " + score + "\n");
}, (error) -> {
}, () -> {
// On Complete
public void printHeader() {
System.out.println("Record #: " + recordNum + "\n");
System.out.println("Raw Input: " + MakeshiftLayer.raw.get(recordNum + 1));
* Input through Encoder
* @param timestamp
* @param value
* @param isVerbose
* @return Tuple { encoding, bucket index }
Encoder<?> valueEncoder = null;
public Tuple encodingStep(DateTime timestamp, double value, boolean isVerbose) {
if(valueEncoder == null) {
List<EncoderTuple> encoderTuples = encoder.getEncoders(encoder);
valueEncoder = encoderTuples.get(0).getEncoder();
Map<String, Object> encodingInput = new HashMap<String, Object>();
encodingInput.put("value", value);
encodingInput.put("timestamp", timestamp);
int[] encoding = encoder.encode(encodingInput);
if(isVerbose) {
System.out.println("ScalarEncoder Output = " + Arrays.toString(encoding));
int bucketIdx = valueEncoder.getBucketIndices((double)value)[0];
// writeEncOutput(encoding);
return new Tuple(encoding, bucketIdx);
* Input through the spatial pooler
* @param encoding
* @param isVerbose
* @return Tuple { dense output, sparse output }
public Tuple spStep(int[] encoding, boolean learn, boolean isVerbose) {
// Input through Spatial Pooler
int[] output = new int[connections.getNumColumns()];
sp.compute(connections, encoding, output, true);
int[] sparseSPOutput = ArrayUtils.where(output, ArrayUtils.WHERE_1);
if(isVerbose) {
System.out.println("SpatialPooler Output = " + Arrays.toString(sparseSPOutput) + "\n");
return new Tuple(output, sparseSPOutput);
public void networkStep(int[] sparseSPOutput, boolean learn) {
* Input through the Temporal Memory
* @param sparseSPOutput
* @param learn
* @param isVerbose
* @return Tuple { active cell indices, previous predicted column indices, predicted column indices }
public Tuple tmStep(int[] sparseSPOutput, boolean learn, boolean isVerbose) {
// Input into the Temporal Memory
ComputeCycle cc = tm.compute(connections, sparseSPOutput, learn);
int[] activeCellIndices = cc.activeCells().stream().mapToInt(c -> c.getIndex()).sorted().toArray();
int[] predColumnIndices = SDR.cellsAsColumnIndices(cc.predictiveCells(), connections.cellsPerColumn);
int[] activeColumns =
.map(cell -> cell / connections.cellsPerColumn)
if(isVerbose) {
System.out.println(" TemporalMemory Input: " + Arrays.toString(sparseSPOutput));
System.out.println("TemporalMemory prev. predicted: " + Arrays.toString(prevPredictedCols));
System.out.println(" TemporalMemory active: " + Arrays.toString(activeColumns));
return new Tuple(activeCellIndices, prevPredictedCols, predColumnIndices);
* Run classification step
* @param activeCellIndices
* @param bucketIdx
* @param inputValue
* @param learn
* @param isVerbose
* @return the {@link Classification}
public Classification<Double> classificationStep(int[] activeCellIndices, int bucketIdx, Object inputValue, boolean learn, boolean isVerbose) {
classification.put("bucketIdx", bucketIdx);
classification.put("actValue", inputValue);
Classification<Double> result = classifier.compute(recordNum, classification, activeCellIndices, true, true);
if(isVerbose) {
System.out.print("CLAClassifier Prediction = " + result.getMostProbableValue(1));
System.out.println(" | CLAClassifier 1 step prob = " + Arrays.toString(result.getStats(1)) + "\n");
return result;
* Run Anomaly computer step
* @param sparseSPOutput
* @param prevPredictedCols
* @param isVerbose
* @return the raw anomaly score
public double anomalyStep(int[] sparseSPOutput, int[] prevPredictedCols, boolean isVerbose) {
double anomalyScore = Anomaly.computeRawAnomalyScore(sparseSPOutput, prevPredictedCols);
if(isVerbose) {
System.out.println("Anomaly Score: " + anomalyScore + "\n");
return anomalyScore;
* Increment the record number
public void incRecordNum() {
* Returns the current record number
* @return
public int getRecordNum() {
return recordNum;
* At the end of a cycle, stores the current prediction
* as the previous prediction.
* @param predColumnIndices
public void storeCyclePrediction(int[] predColumnIndices) {
prevPredictedCols = predColumnIndices;
public void writeEncOutput(int[] output) {
try {
}catch(Exception e) {
/////////////////////////////////// End Layer Class Definition ////////////////////////////////////////
public static MultiEncoder createEncoder() {
MultiEncoder encoder = MultiEncoder.builder().name("").build();
ScalarEncoder se = ScalarEncoder.builder()
encoder.addEncoder("value", se);
DateEncoder de = DateEncoder.builder()
.timeOfDay(21, 9.5)
encoder.addEncoder("timestamp", de);
return encoder;
public static Parameters getParameters() {
UniversalRandom random = new UniversalRandom(42);
Parameters parameters = Parameters.getAllDefaultParameters();
parameters.set(KEY.INPUT_DIMENSIONS, new int[] { 104 });
parameters.set(KEY.COLUMN_DIMENSIONS, new int[] { 2048 });
parameters.set(KEY.CELLS_PER_COLUMN, 32);
parameters.set(KEY.RANDOM, random);
//SpatialPooler specific
parameters.set(KEY.POTENTIAL_RADIUS, 12);//3
parameters.set(KEY.POTENTIAL_PCT, 0.85);//0.5
parameters.set(KEY.GLOBAL_INHIBITION, true);
parameters.set(KEY.LOCAL_AREA_DENSITY, -1.0);
parameters.set(KEY.NUM_ACTIVE_COLUMNS_PER_INH_AREA, 40.0);
parameters.set(KEY.STIMULUS_THRESHOLD, 1.0);
parameters.set(KEY.SYN_PERM_INACTIVE_DEC, 0.0005);
parameters.set(KEY.SYN_PERM_ACTIVE_INC, 0.0015);
parameters.set(KEY.SYN_PERM_TRIM_THRESHOLD, 0.05);
parameters.set(KEY.SYN_PERM_CONNECTED, 0.1);
parameters.set(KEY.MIN_PCT_OVERLAP_DUTY_CYCLES, 0.1);
parameters.set(KEY.MIN_PCT_ACTIVE_DUTY_CYCLES, 0.1);
parameters.set(KEY.DUTY_CYCLE_PERIOD, 1000);
parameters.set(KEY.MAX_BOOST, 2.0);
//Temporal Memory specific
parameters.set(KEY.INITIAL_PERMANENCE, 0.2);
parameters.set(KEY.CONNECTED_PERMANENCE, 0.8);
parameters.set(KEY.MIN_THRESHOLD, 5);
parameters.set(KEY.MAX_NEW_SYNAPSE_COUNT, 6);
parameters.set(KEY.PERMANENCE_INCREMENT, 0.1);//0.05
parameters.set(KEY.PERMANENCE_DECREMENT, 0.1);//0.05
parameters.set(KEY.ACTIVATION_THRESHOLD, 4);
return parameters;
public static MakeshiftLayer createLayer() {
MultiEncoder encoder = createEncoder();
Parameters parameters = getParameters();
// testRandom(random);
// int[] encoding = testEncoder(encoder);
Connections conn = new Connections();
SpatialPooler sp = null;
if(!RunLayer.TM_ONLY) {
sp = new SpatialPooler();
// int[] sparseSdr = testSpatialPooler(sp, conn, encoding);
TemporalMemory tm = null;
if(!RunLayer.SP_ONLY) {
tm = new TemporalMemory();
// Tuple = (activeCells, predictiveCells)
// testTemporalMemory(tm, conn, sparseSdr);
//CLAClassifier cl = new CLAClassifier(new TIntArrayList(new int[] { 1 }), 0.1, 0.3, 0);
// Test Classifier Output
// ...
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put(KEY_MODE, Mode.PURE);
params.put(KEY_WINDOW_SIZE, 0);
params.put(KEY_USE_MOVING_AVG, false);
Anomaly anomalyComputer = Anomaly.create(params);
// Test Anomaly Output
// ...
MakeshiftLayer layer = new MakeshiftLayer(conn, encoder, sp, tm, null, anomalyComputer);
return layer;
public static void printPreliminaryTestHeader() {
System.out.println("Prelimary Test of: Random, Encoder, SP, TM, Classifier, Anomaly: \n");
public static void testRandom(Random random) {
for(int i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
System.out.println("random[" + i + "] = " + random.nextInt());
for(int i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
System.out.println("randomDbl[" + i + "] = " + random.nextDouble());
public static int[] testEncoder(MultiEncoder encoder) {
DateTime timestamp = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parseDateTime("2014-04-01 00:00:00");
double value = 20.0;
Map<String, Object> d = new HashMap<String, Object>();
d.put("value", value);
d.put("timestamp", timestamp);
int[] output = encoder.encode(d);
System.out.println("ScalarEncoder Output = " + Arrays.toString(output));
System.out.println("len = " + output.length);
return output;
public static int[] testSpatialPooler(SpatialPooler sp, Connections conn, int[] encoding) {
int[] dense = new int[2048];
//sp.compute(conn, encoding, dense, true, true);
int[] sparse = ArrayUtils.where(dense, ArrayUtils.WHERE_1);
System.out.println("SP out = " + Arrays.toString(sparse));
System.out.println("SP out len: " + sparse.length);
return sparse;
public static Tuple testTemporalMemory(TemporalMemory tm, Connections conn, int[] sparseSPOutput) {
int[] expected = {
0, 87, 96, 128, 145, 151, 163, 180, 183, 218, 233, 242, 250, 260,
264, 289, 290, 303, 312, 313, 334, 335, 337, 342, 346, 347, 353, 355, 356, 357,
365, 370, 376, 384, 385, 391, 392, 393, 408, 481 };
System.out.println("First SP Output Line == expected ? " + Arrays.equals(sparseSPOutput, expected));
ComputeCycle cc = tm.compute(conn, sparseSPOutput, true);
System.out.println("TM act out: " + Arrays.toString(SDR.asCellIndices(cc.activeCells())));
System.out.println("TM act out: " + Arrays.toString(SDR.asCellIndices(cc.predictiveCells())));
return new Tuple(cc.activeCells, cc.predictiveCells());
public static void loadSPOutputFile() {
try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(MakeshiftLayer.readFile))) {
MakeshiftLayer.input = -> {
String line = l.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").trim();
int[] result ="[\\s]*\\,[\\s]*")).mapToInt(i -> Integer.parseInt(i)).toArray();
return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
public static void loadRawInputFile() {
try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(MakeshiftLayer.INPUT_PATH))) {
MakeshiftLayer.raw = -> l.trim()).collect(Collectors.toList());
}catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
public static void main(String[] args) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
RunLayer.MakeshiftLayer layer = RunLayer.createLayer();
for(int i = 0;i < MakeshiftLayer.input.size();i++) {
int[] sparseSPOutput = MakeshiftLayer.input.get(i);
layer.networkStep(sparseSPOutput, LEARN);
}else if(TM_ONLY) {
for(int i = 0;i < MakeshiftLayer.input.size();i++) {
int[] sparseSPOutput = MakeshiftLayer.input.get(i);
Tuple tmTuple = layer.tmStep(sparseSPOutput, LEARN, IS_VERBOSE);
double score = layer.anomalyStep(sparseSPOutput, (int[])tmTuple.get(1), true);
// Store the current prediction as previous
}else if(SP_ONLY) {
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(MakeshiftLayer.INPUT_PATH))) {
stream.skip(1).forEach(l -> {
String[] line = l.split("[\\s]*\\,[\\s]*");
DateTime timestamp = formatter.parseDateTime(line[0].trim());
double value = Double.parseDouble(line[1].trim());
Tuple encTuple = layer.encodingStep(timestamp, value, IS_VERBOSE);
Tuple spTuple = layer.spStep((int[])encTuple.get(0), LEARN, IS_VERBOSE);
if(layer.recordNum == 200) {
} catch (IOException e) {
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(MakeshiftLayer.INPUT_PATH))) {
stream.skip(1).forEach(l -> {
String[] line = l.split("[\\s]*\\,[\\s]*");
DateTime timestamp = formatter.parseDateTime(line[0].trim());
double value = Double.parseDouble(line[1].trim());
Tuple encTuple = layer.encodingStep(timestamp, value, IS_VERBOSE);
Tuple spTuple = layer.spStep((int[])encTuple.get(0), LEARN, IS_VERBOSE);
int[] spOutput = (int[])spTuple.get(1);
Tuple tmTuple = layer.tmStep((int[])spTuple.get(1), LEARN, IS_VERBOSE);
//Classification<Double> cla = layer.classificationStep((int[])tmTuple.get(0), (int)encTuple.get(1), value, LEARN, IS_VERBOSE);
double score = layer.anomalyStep(spOutput, layer.prevPredictedCols, IS_VERBOSE);
// Store the current prediction as previous
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("--- " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000d) + " seconds ---");
Created on Feb 8, 2015
@author: David Ray
from datetime import datetime
import csv
import re
import time
import numpy as np
from nupic.encoders import MultiEncoder, ScalarEncoder, DateEncoder
from nupic.algorithms.CLAClassifier import CLAClassifier as CLAClassifier
from nupic.research.spatial_pooler import SpatialPooler as SpatialPooler
from nupic.research.temporal_memory import TemporalMemory as TemporalMemory
from nupic.math.universal_random import UniversalRandom
from nupic.algorithms import anomaly
from pandas._sparse import sparse_add
# You gotta change this path, yo.
#INPUT_PATH = "/Users/cogmission/git/NAB/data/artificialNoAnomaly/art_daily_no_noise.csv"
INPUT_PATH = "/Users/cogmission/git/NAB/data/realTraffic/TravelTime_387.csv"
TM_ONLY = True
SP_ONLY = False
class Layer():
""" Makeshift Layer to contain and operate on algorithmic entities """
def __init__(self, encoder, sp, tm, classifier):
self.encoder = encoder
self.sp = sp = tm
self.classifier = classifier
self.theNum = 0
self.weeksAnomaly = 0.0
self.settleWeek = 0
self.recordNum = 0
self.prevPredictedCols = set()
self.predictiveCols = set()
self.readFile = list()
self.spFilePath = "/Users/cogmission/git/NAB/data/realTraffic/TravelTime_sp_output.txt" #artificialNoAnomaly/art_daily_sp_output.txt"
self.encFilePath = "/Users/cogmission/git/lscheinkman/NAB/art_daily_encoder_output_python.txt"
self.encFile = open(self.encFilePath, 'w')
#self.spFile = open(self.spFilePath, 'w')
#self.tmFile = open(self.tmFilePath, 'w')
def printHeader(self):
print "--------------------------------------------"
print "Record #: " + str(self.recordNum) + "\n"
print "Raw Input: {}, {}".format(self.timestamp, self.value)
def encodingStep(self, timestamp, value, isVerbose):
""" Returns Tuple containing { encoding, bucketIdx } """
encoder = self.encoder
encodingInput = {
"timestamp": timestamp,
"value": value,
encoding = encoder.encode(encodingInput)
enc = list(encoding)
bucketIdx = encoder.getBucketIndices(encodingInput)[0]
if isVerbose:
#print "-----------------------------------------"
#print "Record #: " + str(self.recordNum) + "\n"
print "ScalarEncoder Output = {}".format(enc)
return (encoding, bucketIdx)
def spStep(self, encoding, learn, isVerbose):
""" Returns Tuple containing { dense output, sparse output } """
sp = self.sp
output = np.zeros(shape=(sp.getNumColumns(),))
sp.compute(encoding, True, output)
sparseSPOutput = sorted(set(np.where(output > 0)[0].flat))
if isVerbose:
print "SpatialPooler Output: " + str(sparseSPOutput) + "\n"
return (output, sparseSPOutput)
def tmStep(self, sparseSPOutput, learn, isVerbose):
Returns a Tuple { active cell indices, previous predicted column indices, predicted column indices }
tm =
tm.compute(sparseSPOutput, True)
activeCells = tm.getActiveCells()
predictiveCells = tm.getPredictiveCells()
actCols = set()
for c in activeCells:
preCols = set()
for c in predictiveCells:
predictiveCols = sorted(preCols)
if isVerbose:
print " TemporalMemory Input: {}".format(sparseSPOutput)
print "TemporalMemory prev. predicted: {}".format(self.prevPredictedCols)
print " TemporalMemory active: {}".format(sorted(actCols))
#self.writeTmOutput(activeCells, predictiveCells)
return (activeCells, self.prevPredictedCols, predictiveCols)
def classificationStep(self, activeCells, bucketIdx, inputValue, learn, isVerbose):
retval: dict containing inference results, there is one entry for each
step in self.steps, where the key is the number of steps, and
the value is an array containing the relative likelihood for
each bucketIdx starting from bucketIdx 0.
There is also an entry containing the average actual value to
use for each bucket. The key is 'actualValues'.
for example:
{1 : [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.7],
4 : [0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5],
'actualValues': [1.5, 3,5, 5,5, 7.6],
# Input into classifier
retVal = self.classifier.compute(self.recordNum,
classification= {'bucketIdx': bucketIdx, 'actValue':inputValue},
print "CLAClassifier Prediction = " + str(getSDR(activeCells)) +\
" | CLAClassifier 1 step prob = " + str(retVal[1])
print ""
return retVal
def anomalyStep(self, sparseSPOutput, prevPredictedCols, isVerbose):
score = anomaly.computeRawAnomalyScore(sparseSPOutput, prevPredictedCols)
if isVerbose:
print "Anomaly Score: {}\n".format(score)
return score
def writeEncOutput(self, output):
def writeSpOutput(self, output):
def writeTmOutput(self, activeCells, predictiveCells):
def loadSPOutputFile(self):
with open(self.spFilePath) as f:
self.readFile =
def loadRawInputFile(self):
with open(INPUT_PATH) as f:
self.rawFile =
def incRecordNum(self):
self.recordNum += 1
def getRecordNum(self):
return self.recordNum
def storeCyclePrediction(self, predictiveCols):
At the end of a cycle, stores the current prediction
as the previous prediction.
self.prevPredictedCols = predictiveCols
def getSDR(self, cells):
retVal = set()
for cell in cells:
retVal.add(cell /
return retVal
def createEncoder():
"""Create the encoder instance for our test and return it."""
valueEncoder = ScalarEncoder(21, 0.0, 100.0, n=50, name="value",
timeEncoder = DateEncoder(timeOfDay=(21, 9.5), name="timestamp")
encoder = MultiEncoder()
encoder.addEncoder("value", valueEncoder)
encoder.addEncoder("timestamp", timeEncoder)
return encoder
def createLayer():
random = UniversalRandom(42)
encoder = createEncoder()
sp = SpatialPooler(
inputDimensions = (encoder.getWidth()),
columnDimensions = (2048),
potentialRadius = 12,
potentialPct = 0.85,
globalInhibition = True,
localAreaDensity = -1.0,
numActiveColumnsPerInhArea = 40,
stimulusThreshold = 1.0,
synPermInactiveDec = 0.0005,
synPermActiveInc = 0.0015,
synPermConnected = 0.1,
minPctOverlapDutyCycle = 0.1,
minPctActiveDutyCycle = 0.1,
dutyCyclePeriod = 1000,
maxBoost = 2.0,
seed = 42,
random = random,
spVerbosity = 0
# This is set above in the SP constructor
tm = TemporalMemory(
columnDimensions = (2048,),
cellsPerColumn = (32),
initialPermanence = 0.2,
connectedPermanence = 0.8,
minThreshold = 5,
maxNewSynapseCount = 6,
permanenceDecrement = 0.1,
permanenceIncrement = 0.1,
activationThreshold = 4
classifier = CLAClassifier(
steps = [1],
alpha = 0.1,
actValueAlpha = 0.3,
verbosity = 0
#print ""
# testRandom(random)
# encoding = testEncoder(encoder)
# sparseSdr = testSpatialPooler(sp, encoding)
# (activeCells, predCells) = \
# testTemporalMemory(tm, sparseSdr)
layer = Layer(encoder, sp, tm, classifier)
return layer
def testRandom(random):
for i in range(10):
print "random[" + str(i) +"] = " + str(random.nextIntNB())
for i in range(10):
print "randomDbl[" + str(i) + "] = " + str(random.nextDouble())
def testEncoder(encoder):
timestamp = datetime.strptime("2014-04-01 00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
value = float("20.0")
encodingInput = {
"timestamp": timestamp,
"value": value,
encoding = encoder.encode(encodingInput)
print "ScalarEncoder Output = {}".format(encoding)
print "encoder width = " + str(encoder.getWidth())
return encoding
def testSpatialPooler(sp, encoding):
output = np.zeros(shape=(sp.getNumColumns(),))
sp.compute(encoding, True, output)
sparse = sorted(set(np.where(output > 0)[0].flat))
print "SP out = " + str(sparse)
print "SP out len: " + str(len(sparse))
print ""
return sparse
def testTemporalMemory(tm, sparseSPOutput):
expected = [0, 87, 96, 128, 145, 151, 163, 180, 183, 218, 233, 242, 250, 260,
264, 289, 290, 303, 312, 313, 334, 335, 337, 342, 346, 347, 353, 355, 356, 357,
365, 370, 376, 384, 385, 391, 392, 393, 408, 481]
print "First SP Output Line == expected ? " + str(sparseSPOutput == expected)
tm.compute(sparseSPOutput, True)
print "TM act out: " + str(tm.getActiveCells())
print "TM pre out: " + str(tm.getPredictiveCells())
return (tm.getActiveCells(), tm.getPredictiveCells())
def run():
LEARN = True
layer = createLayer()
print "\n===================================\n"
pattern = re.compile("^\s+|\s*,\s*|\s+$")
start_time = time.time()
for x in xrange(0, len(layer.readFile)):
spOutput = pattern.split(layer.readFile[x][1:-1])
(timestamp, value) = pattern.split(layer.rawFile[x + 1])
lInt = map(int, spOutput)
layer.timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
layer.value = float(value)
tmTuple = layer.tmStep(lInt, LEARN, IS_VERBOSE)
score = layer.anomalyStep(lInt, layer.prevPredictedCols, IS_VERBOSE)
elif SP_ONLY:
y = 0
for line in [x.strip() for x in layer.rawFile]:
y += 1
if y == 1: continue
(timestamp, value) = pattern.split(line)
timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
layer.timestamp = timestamp
value = float(value)
layer.value = value
(encoding, bucketIdx) = layer.encodingStep(timestamp, value, True)
spTuple = layer.spStep(encoding, LEARN, True)
y = 0
for line in [x.strip() for x in layer.rawFile]:
y += 1
if y == 1: continue
(timestamp, value) = pattern.split(line)
timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
layer.timestamp = timestamp
value = float(value)
layer.value = value
(encoding, bucketIdx) = layer.encodingStep(timestamp, value, True)
spTuple = layer.spStep(encoding, LEARN, True)
spOutput = spTuple[1]
tmTuple = layer.tmStep(spTuple[1], LEARN, True)
#layer.classificationStep(tmTuple[0], bucketIdx, value, True, True)
layer.anomalyStep(spOutput, layer.prevPredictedCols, IS_VERBOSE)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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