- Japanese: qiita
- Russian: Alex Sosn
- Chinese: jianshu, csdn, csdn, Yangyu Chen
- Korean: Chris Song, [Don Kim] http://dgkim5360.tistory.com/entry/understanding-long-short-term-memory-lstm-kr)
- Persian: Mehrdad Salimi
- Chinese: jianshu
- Japanese: postd
- Korean: Chris Song
- Chinese: jianshu, jianshu
- Korean: Chris Song (part 2)
- Chinese: csdn
- Russian: habrahabr
- Albanian: Ridvan Bunjaku
- Japanese: qiita
- Korean: Chris Song, Don Kim
I really enjoy your posts and if you need me to, I would love to translate them into Korean. I'm not really sure where to publish it or if there is even an audience for it in Korea. I know deep learning terminologies only in English, but your explanations make it very easy to understand so translating shouldn't be a problem.