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Forked from arohner/google-api.clj
Created November 7, 2016 01:49
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Clojure example of accessing google APIs directly
(:require [cemerick.url :as url]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clj-jwt.core :as jwt]
[clj-jwt.key :as key]
[clj-time.core :as time]
[clj-http.client :as http]
[clojure.string :as str])
;;; Example code for calling Google apis using a service account.
(defn load-creds
"Takes a path to a service account .json credentials file"
(-> secrets-json-path slurp (json/parse-string keyword)))
;; list of API scopes requested, e.g.
(def scopes [""
(defn create-claim [creds & [{:keys [sub] :as opts}]]
(let [claim (merge {:iss (:client_email creds)
:scope (str/join " " scopes)
:aud ""
:exp (-> 1 time/hours time/from-now)
:iat (time/now)}
(when sub
;; when using the Admin API, delegating access, :sub may be needed
{:sub sub}))]
(-> claim jwt/jwt (jwt/sign :RS256 (-> creds :private_key (#(StringReader. %)) (#(key/pem->private-key % nil)))) (jwt/to-str))))
(defn request-token [creds & [{:keys [sub] :as opts}]]
(let [claim (create-claim creds opts)
resp (http/post "" {:form-params {:grant_type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"
:assertion claim}
:as :json})]
(when (= 200 (-> resp :status))
(-> resp :body :access_token))))
;; Call request-token to make an API call to google to create a new access token, using creds. Access-tokens are valid for 1 hour after creating. Pass the received token to API calls.
(defn api-req [{:keys [] :as request} token]
(http/request (-> request
(assoc-in [:headers "Authorization"] (str "Bearer " token))
(assoc :as :json))))
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