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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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CodeMirror 4 use spaces instead of tabs
cm_config = {}
cm_config['extraKeys'] = {
"Tab": checkToUseSpacesInsteadofTabs
CodeMirror($(".code")[0], cm_config)
checkToUseSpacesInsteadofTabs = (cm) ->
return CodeMirror.Pass
indentUnit = cm.getOption("indentUnit")
getYoSpaceCount = (head) ->
# Use preceding to determine what room is taken by tabs
preceding = cm.getRange {line:head.line, ch:0}, head
tabCount = 0
tabreg = /\t/g
while(tabreg.exec preceding)
return indentUnit - ( + tabCount*(indentUnit - 1)) % indentUnit
makeYoSpaces = (spaceCount) ->
spaces = ""
for [1..spaceCount]
spaces += " "
return spaces
putYoSpacesHere = (range) ->
{anchor, head} = range
if anchor.line isnt head.line or isnt
for line in [anchor.line..head.line]
curLine = cm.getLine(line)
curPos = {line, ch:0}
cm.replaceRange makeYoSpaces(indentUnit), curPos, curPos += indentUnit += indentUnit
cm.replaceRange makeYoSpaces(getYoSpaceCount(head)), anchor, head
cm.doc.sel.ranges.forEach putYoSpacesHere
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