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Created December 5, 2024 04:14
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[Matrix Transformations Without Numpy] #python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def transpose(matrix):
"Swap the rows and columns of a 2-D matrix."
return [list(row) for row in zip(*matrix, strict=True)]
def rotate(matrix):
Rotate a matrix 90 degrees clockwise
return list(list(row) for row in zip(*matrix[::-1]))
def reflect(matrix, axis):
Reflect a matrix across an axis
If axis=0, reflect vertically (up-down)
If axis=1, reflect horizontally (left-right)
if axis == 0:
return list(reversed(matrix))
elif axis == 1:
return [list(reversed(row)) for row in matrix]
raise ValueError("Unknown axis: %i" % axis)
def invert(matrix):
Reflect a matrix both horizontally and vertically
return reflect(reflect(matrix,0),1)
def translate(matrix, rows, cols):
Translate a matrix by a number of rows and columns.
Positive values cause rightward or downward translation.
return [[matrix[(r+rows) % len(matrix)][(c+cols) % len(matrix[r])]
for c in range(len(matrix[r]))] for r in range(len(matrix))]
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