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Last active March 10, 2016 14:28
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module QuotationPrinter =
open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
let rec print depth (expr:Expr) =
match expr with
| Patterns.Value (v, typ) -> sprintf "%A" v
| Patterns.Var v -> sprintf "%s:%s" v.Type.Name v.Name
| Patterns.NewUnionCase (uci, args) ->
sprintf "%s(%s)" uci.Name (printArgs depth args)
| Patterns.NewArray (_,args) ->
sprintf "[%s]" (printArgs depth args)
| Patterns.NewRecord (_,args) ->
sprintf "{%s}" (printArgs depth args)
| Patterns.NewTuple args ->
sprintf "(%s)" (printArgs depth args)
| Patterns.NewObject (ci, args) ->
sprintf "new %s(%s)" ci.Name (printArgs depth args)
| Patterns.Call (Some (Patterns.ValueWithName(_,_,instance)), mi, args) ->
sprintf "%s.%s(%s)" instance mi.Name (printArgs (depth + 1) args)
| Patterns.Call (None, mi, args) ->
sprintf "%s(%s)" mi.Name (printArgs (depth + 1) args)
| Patterns.Lambda (var, body) ->
sprintf "(λ %s -> %s)" (print 0 (Expr.Var var)) (printArgs (depth + 1) [body])
| Patterns.Let (var, bind, body) ->
sprintf "let %s = %s in\r\n%*s%s" (print 0 (Expr.Var var)) (print 0 bind) ((depth - 1) * 4) "" (print depth body)
| Patterns.PropertyGet (Some(var), pi, args) ->
sprintf "%s.%s" (print 0 var) pi.Name
| Patterns.PropertySet (Some(var), pi, args, value) ->
sprintf "%s.%s <- %s" (print 0 var) pi.Name (print depth value)
| Patterns.Sequential (x,y) ->
sprintf "%s; %s" (print depth x) (print depth y)
| a -> failwithf "Unknown patterns %A" a
and printArgs depth args =
match args with
| [a] -> sprintf "\r\n%*s%s\r\n%*s" (depth * 4) "" (print (depth + 1) a) (depth * 4) ""
| a ->
sprintf "\r\n%*s%s" (depth * 4) "" (String.Join(sprintf ",\r\n%*s" (depth * 4) "", (print (depth + 1)) a))
let enableFSI() =
fsi.AddPrinter (fun (x:Expr) -> print 0 x)
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