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Created August 12, 2020 21:06
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Launching the Expo Client on iOS
import {remote} from "webdriverio";
const capabilities = {
platformName: 'iOS',
platformVersion: '13.6',
deviceName: 'DEVICE_NAME', // Change this to the device you want to run
automationName: 'XCUITest',
bundleId: '',
autoAcceptAlerts: true,
const options = {
path: '/wd/hub/',
port: 4723,
async function expoDeepLink13_6(client) {
const urlFieldSelector = 'label == "Address"';
const urlField = await client.$(`-ios predicate string:${ urlFieldSelector }`);
await urlField.setValue('exp://\uE007');
async function handleFirstLaunch(client) {
try {
const gotItSelector = 'label == "Got it"';
const gotIt = await client.$(`-ios predicate string:${gotItSelector}`);
const reloadSelector = 'type == \'XCUIElementTypeOther\' && name CONTAINS \'Reload\'';
const reload = await client.$(`-ios predicate string:${ reloadSelector }`);
} catch (err) {
console.log('No need to handle first launch');
async function reloadExpo(client) {
await client.shake();
const reloadSelector = 'type == \'XCUIElementTypeOther\' && name CONTAINS \'Reload\'';
const reload = await client.$(`-ios predicate string:${ reloadSelector }`);
async function launchExpoIOS() {
const client = await remote({ ...options, capabilities});
await client.execute('mobile: launchApp', { bundleId: '' });
await expoDeepLink13_6(client);
await handleFirstLaunch(client);
await reloadExpo(client);
return client;
describe('Example Test', () => {
let client;
beforeAll(async () => {
client = await launchExpoIOS();
afterAll(async () => {
await client.deleteSession();
// Add tests here
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