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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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$(function () { //this javascript code runes immediatly and not in a document ready
// may cause some race conditions
var $xpoNav = $('.xpo-nav'),
nodes= [],
$moreMenu = $('<li class="xpo-nav-dropdown more-menu"><a href="#" class="xpo-nav-dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="xpo-nav-dropdown" data-target="#">More <i class="xico-ui-arrow-down"></i></a></li>'),
$nestedUl = $('<ul class="xpo-nav-dropdown-menu"></ul>');
$xpoNav.find('li').each(function (k) {
var $this = $(this),
offset = $this.offset().left,
width = $this.width();
node: $(this),
visibleAt: offset + width,
isCollapsed: false
//is there a reason this is here and not in the adjust nav function?
var lastVisibleIndex = --nodes.length;
// adding some css to the xpoNav parent and appending the more menu
$xpoNav.parents('div:first').css('min-width', '600px');
//at this point no items are hidden and we have a more button
//appended to the nav... intentional?
$(window).resize(function () {
function adjustNav() {
var collapsePoint =,
collapsePointOffsetLeft = collapsePoint.offset().left - $moreMenu.width();
// this stuff is rough
// try some functions like isNavOffscreen that returns booleans
if (lastVisibleIndex >= 0 && nodes[lastVisibleIndex].visibleAt > collapsePointOffsetLeft) {
lastVisibleIndex -= 1;
// more rough if statements not sure what your intent is easily
} else if (lastVisibleIndex < (nodes.length - 1) && nodes[lastVisibleIndex + 1].visibleAt < collapsePointOffsetLeft) {
removeFromMoreMenu(nodes[lastVisibleIndex + 1].node);
if (lastVisibleIndex < (nodes.length - 1)) {
// console.log(lastVisibleIndex);
lastVisibleIndex += 1;
function addToMoreMenu(item) {
function removeFromMoreMenu(item) {
if ($moreMenu.find('li').length === 0) {
function toggleLoading(){
//since this code runs immediately these should probably be in the dom so it doesn't
//create a visual flash
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