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Created February 26, 2013 11:06
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Backbone Month, Week 1, Models - completed code
var Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
completed: false,
priority: 0
initialize: function() {
this.on('change', function() {
window.changed = true;
this.on("change:priority", function() {
window.changedPriority = true;
complete: function() {
this.set('completed', true);
uncomplete: function() {
this.set('completed', false);
toggle: function() {
this.set('completed', !this.get('completed'));
setPriority: function(newPriority) {
this.set('priority', newPriority);
// 1. Extend Backbone.Model to create a new Model called Todo
// 2. Add an attribute of 'completed' with a default value of false
// 3. Add a custom method 'complete' which sets the completed attribute to true
// 4. Add a custom method 'uncomplete' which sets the completed attribute to false
// 5. Create an instance of Todo named 'myFirstTodo' with a description attribute of "Buy Jamie and Nick a beer"
var myFirstTodo = new Todo({
'description': "Buy Jamie and Nick a beer"
// 6. Create a new instance of Todo named 'mySecondTodo' with a description of "Play with Backbone Models"
var mySecondTodo = new Todo({
'description': "Play with Backbone Models"
// 7. Set mySecondTodo completed state to true
// 8. Add a new custom method to Todo named 'toggle' which toggles the completed state
// 9. Add a new attribute to Todo named 'priority' with a default value of 0
// 10. Add a new custom method to Todo named 'setPriority' which sets the priority attribute to the given value
// 11. Bind a handler to the 'change' event which sets global var changed to true when the model is changed
// 12. Bind a handler to the 'change:<attr>' event which sets global var changedPriority to true only when the priority attribute is changed
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