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Ivan Malison colonelpanic8

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There’s a lot here so I’m going to respond to this in pieces:

“And because liberalism cannot address our crises, and because it crushes socialist alternatives, it inevitably paves the way for right wing populism.”

I’m curious about the definitions of liberalism and socialism that are being used here. Because the author is describing them in opposition to one another, I’m assuming they mean some sort of “Workers control the means of production” definition for socialism and if so, I’m just fully not on board with anything here.

Socialists often appear hesitant to commit to a specific vision for organizing the economy, and when they do, the details can be quite vague. Do they advocate for syndicalism, a command economy, or something else entirely? How would jobs be assigned, and what mechanisms would be used to address potential perverse incentives? It’s worth noting that worker cooperatives are not illegal; if they can truly compete with traditional capitalist enterprises, why don’t we see more large-scale

There’s a lot here so I’m going to respond to this in pieces:

“And because liberalism cannot address our crises, and because it crushes socialist alternatives, it inevitably paves the way for right wing populism.”

I’m curious about the definitions of liberalism and socialism that are being used here. Because the author is describing them in opposition to one another, I’m assuming they mean some sort of “Workers control the means of production” definition for socialism and if so, I’m just fully not on board with anything here.

Socialists often appear hesitant to commit to a specific vision for organizing the economy, and when they do, the details can be quite vague. Do they advocate for syndicalism, a command economy, or something else entirely? How would jobs be assigned, and what mechanisms would be used to address potential perverse incentives? It’s worth noting that worker cooperatives are not illegal; if they can truly compete with traditional capitalist enterprises, why don’t we see more large-scale e

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import sqlalchemy as sa
from numpy import pi
from sqlalchemy import type_coerce
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY, ENUM
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, deferred, mapped_column, relationship
from sqlalchemy.types import String, TypeDecorator
def build_lexical_condition(
ordering_components: list[gql.ShotsOrderingComponent],
) -> sa.sql.elements.BooleanClauseList:
if not ordering_components:
return False
this_component = ordering_components[0]
_, field, ordering = this_component.get_component_with_column()
this_condition = (
field < ordering.starting_at
function computeClientFieldWith<F, T>(
query: string,
getVariables: (field: F) => { [key: string]: any },
getValue: (field: F, fetchedValue: T) => any,
) {
return async (field: F, _args: any, { cache, client }) => {
const variables = getVariables(field);
try {
var data = cache.readQuery({
│ name │ email │lines│
│Ivan M… │ [email protected] │46 129│
│ │ File: poetry.lock │4553│
│ │ File: railbird/debug/ │2176│
│ │ File: railbird/ │1365│
│ │ File: railbird/shot_parsing/feature_detection/ │1232│
│ │ File: railbird/ │981│
│ │ File: tests/co
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.widgets import Button, Slider
def find_angle_of_vector_that_comes_within(distance, point, direction="left"):
x_p, y_p = point
def find_angle_of_vector_that_comes_within(distance, point, direction="left"):
x_p, y_p = point
if x_p != 0:
theta_min = np.arctan2(y_p, x_p)
theta_min = np.pi / 2 if y_p > 0 else -np.pi / 2
# Now, we need to adjust theta_min to achieve the exact specified distance
# The current minimum distance is the perpendicular distance from (x_p, y_p)
import enum
class SlashType(enum.Enum):
def count_regions_in_slashes_grid(slashes_grid: list[list[SlashType]]):
import enum
class SlashType(enum.Enum):
def count_regions_in_slashes_grid(slashes_grid: list[list[SlashType]]):