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Last active November 8, 2024 18:23
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  • Save coltenkrauter/3e6a2f71cc6e37b03f227b8c7a8f7825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save coltenkrauter/3e6a2f71cc6e37b03f227b8c7a8f7825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automatically switches to main, pulls latest changes, and creates a branch feature/user/YYYY-MM-DD/INDEX, incrementing the index if branches exist for the day. Streamlines date-indexed feature branch creation in Git.
# Creates a feature branch with date-indexed naming based on $USER.
# Add this function to your .bashrc or .zshrc file for easy access in every terminal session.
# Example:
# If $USER is "ckrauter" and today is 2024-11-08:
# Running `fb` creates a branch like `feature/ckrauter/2024-11-08/1`.
# Running `fb utils package` creates `feature/ckrauter/utils-package/2024-11-08/1`.
feature_branch() {
local main_branch="main"
local prefix="feature"
local today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
local username=$(echo "$USER" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # Convert $USER to lowercase
local additional_path=$(echo "$*" | tr ' ' '-') # Convert arguments to hyphen-separated string
local index=1
local new_branch
# Construct the branch path prefix with optional additional path
local branch_path="${prefix}/${username}"
[[ -n "$additional_path" ]] && branch_path="${branch_path}/${additional_path}"
# Switch to main branch and pull latest changes if not on main
if [[ "$(git branch --show-current)" != "$main_branch" ]]; then
echo "Switching to ${main_branch} and pulling latest changes..."
git checkout $main_branch
git pull
# Find the next available branch index for today
while git rev-parse --verify --quiet "${branch_path}/${index}"; do
index=$((index + 1))
# Create and switch to the new branch
echo "Creating and checking out ${new_branch}..."
git checkout -b $new_branch
alias fb="feature_branch"
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