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Last active May 22, 2023 05:09
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PHP - convert any dollar/cents amount into just cents
function to_pennies($value)
return intval(
preg_replace("/[^0-9.]/", "", $value)
) * 100)
echo to_pennies("1"); // 100
echo to_pennies("12"); // 1200
echo to_pennies("123"); // 12300
echo to_pennies("123.45"); // 12345
echo to_pennies("$123.45"); // 12345
echo to_pennies("$12,345.67"); // 1234567
echo to_pennies("$123,456.78"); // 12345678
echo to_pennies("$1,234,567.89"); // 123456789
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colynb commented Jul 28, 2020

Thanks for sharing this. PHP Storm recommended converting it to this:

function toPennies($value): int
    return (int) (string) ((float) preg_replace("/[^0-9.]/", "", $value) * 100);

"To reduce cognitive load, up to 6x faster in PHP 5.x"

Nice! Didn't know anyone was using this. Thanks for the tip!

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