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Evgeniy Shubin com30n

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coraxster / CiscoAnyConnectVPNauto.scpt
Last active January 25, 2021 08:46
update for AnyConnect 4.*
-- 1. Create a new password entry in Keychain Access called "ExnessLDAP" with your ldap password
-- 2. Create a new password entry in Keychain Access called "Exness2Factor" with your 2factor token
-- 3. Install oath-toolkit. (brew install oath-toolkit)
-- 4. Open this script in Script Editor (both this and the above are in the Applications->Utilities folder) and "Save as.." an Application (.app) with desired name.
-- 5. Open Security & Privacy System Preferences, go to Privacy, Accessibility.
-- 6. Enable the above .app so it can access Accessibility
-- 7. Add the new .app to /Users/[yourshortname]/Applications with a shortcut to your Dock
-- 8. Enjoy the fast connection with no need to enter password and increased security of not having a sensitive password stored as plain text.
set targetApp to "Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client"