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Last active December 16, 2024 03:18
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# This will respond to keyboard input after either a 12ms delay (capital A) or
# no delay (lowercase a).
# For some reason this causes up to 50ms of difference in
# Press Ctrl-C to stop.
import os, time, re, tty, termios
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(0)
while True:
read_data =, 1024)
if b'\x03' in read_data:
# Ctrl-C
should_sleep = b'A' in read_data
pre_sleep = time.time()
if b'A' in read_data:
sleep_time = 0.012
sleep_time = 0.0
post_sleep = time.time()
actual_sleep_time = post_sleep - pre_sleep
deviation = actual_sleep_time - sleep_time
os.write(1, f'got {read_data} should_sleep={should_sleep} [deviation={deviation*1000:.2}ms]\r\n'.encode('ascii'))
termios.tcsetattr(0, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
// Silly tool to measure 'end-to-end' terminal latency on macOS.
// The measured time includes the shell's latency and the terminal itself, but
// not keyboard or display lag.
// To use:
// - You need to be running Sonoma and Xcode 15 (or later).
// - Open two terminal windows.
// - In one terminal window, run `python3`.
// - In the other:
// xcrun -sdk macosx14.0 swiftc terminal-latency-test.swift
// ./terminal-latency-test
// - A window picker should appear; pick the other window.
// - This program will create a screen capture session for that window, and
// also start recording keystrokes. (This data is not saved anywhere.)
// - Switch to the other window and type the letter 'a' repeatedly. This
// program will compare the time it received the keystroke to the time a new
// frame is recorded.
// - Note that `` will behave differently depending on whether
// it's a capital or lowercase 'a'.
// - Ctrl-C when done.
// For each letter 'a', you should see something like:
// got frame after 20.80ms skipped 0
// If 'skipped' is not 0, the measurement may be bogus.
// My results are somewhat noisy but not too bad.
// Originally based on ScreenCaptureKit-Recording-example from
// by Nonstrict B.V., Mathijs Kadijk, and Tom Lokhorst, released under BSD license.
import AVFoundation
import CoreGraphics
import ScreenCaptureKit
let alsoPrintFPS = false
// Permission checks
guard AXIsProcessTrusted() else {
fatalError("No accessibility permission (grant in System Settings)")
guard CGPreflightScreenCaptureAccess() else {
fatalError("No screen capture permission (grant in System Settings)")
actor Comparer {
var keyTime: Date? = nil
var skippedFrames: Int = 0
var lastSecondDate: Date? = nil
var framesInLastSecond: Int = 0
func noteKey(at date: Date) {
keyTime = date
func noteFrame(at date: Date) {
if let keyTime {
let diff = keyTime.distance(to: date)
print(String(format: "got frame after %.2fms skipped %d", diff * 1000, skippedFrames))
self.keyTime = nil
skippedFrames = 0
} else {
skippedFrames += 1
if alsoPrintFPS {
framesInLastSecond += 1
if lastSecondDate == nil || lastSecondDate!.distance(to: date) >= 1 {
print("\(framesInLastSecond) fps")
lastSecondDate = date
framesInLastSecond = 0
let comparer = Comparer()
_ = NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching: [.keyDown]) { (event) in
//print("got event \(event.keyCode)")
if event.keyCode == 0 { // keycode 0 is the letter 'a'
Task { await comparer.noteKey(at: Date()) }
private class StreamHandler: NSObject, SCStreamOutput, SCContentSharingPickerObserver {
var stream: SCStream?
func start() {
let picker = SCContentSharingPicker.shared
picker.isActive = true
picker.present(using: .window)
func contentSharingPicker(_ picker: SCContentSharingPicker, didCancelFor stream: SCStream?) {
fatalError("picker did cancel")
func contentSharingPickerStartDidFailWithError(_ error: Error) {
fatalError("picker failed with error: \(error)")
func contentSharingPicker(_ picker: SCContentSharingPicker, didUpdateWith filter: SCContentFilter, for _stream: SCStream?) {
let configuration = SCStreamConfiguration()
configuration.queueDepth = 6
configuration.capturesAudio = false
configuration.colorSpaceName = CGColorSpace.sRGB
configuration.colorMatrix = CGDisplayStream.yCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2
// Create SCStream and add local StreamOutput object to receive samples
let stream = SCStream(filter: filter, configuration: configuration, delegate: nil)
try! stream.addStreamOutput(self, type: .screen, sampleHandlerQueue: DispatchQueue(label: "stream queue"))
Task {
try await stream.startCapture()
print("started capture")
} = stream
func stream(_ stream: SCStream, didOutputSampleBuffer sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, of type: SCStreamOutputType) {
if type != .screen {
// Return early if the sample buffer is invalid
guard sampleBuffer.isValid else {
print("got bad frame with invalid sample buffer")
// Retrieve the array of metadata attachments from the sample buffer
guard let attachmentsArray = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, createIfNecessary: false) as? [[SCStreamFrameInfo: Any]],
let attachments = attachmentsArray.first
else {
print("got bad frame with no attachments in sample buffer")
// Validate the status of the frame. If it isn't `.complete`, return
guard let statusRawValue = attachments[SCStreamFrameInfo.status] as? Int,
let status = SCFrameStatus(rawValue: statusRawValue) else {
print("got bad frame with no status; attachments: \(attachments)")
switch status {
case .complete:
Task { await comparer.noteFrame(at: Date()) }
//print("got frame with timestamp \(sampleBuffer.presentationTimeStamp)")
case .idle:
break // ignore
print("got bad frame with status = \(status)")
StreamHandler().start() // must do this for keylogging to work
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