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Created October 23, 2014 05:56
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  • Save command-tab/4b04b479b256fa243f95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save command-tab/4b04b479b256fa243f95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Fix Microsoft's broken Consolas font metrics
# Based in part on
function fail()
local error=${1:-Unknown error}
echo "Failed! $error"
exit 1
# Check for ttx and xmlstarlet
# Get ttx here:
# Get xmlstarlet via Homebrew: brew install xmlstarlet
[[ -z "`which ttx`" || -z "`which xml`" ]] && fail "\"$tool\" was not found in your PATH"
# Loop over Consolas fonts
for font in 'Consolas' 'Consolas Italic' 'Consolas Bold' 'Consolas Bold Italic'; do
if [ -f "$font.ttf" ]; then
# Dump font tables into .ttx XML file
ttx "$font.ttf"
[ $? -ne 0 ] && fail "ttx returned non-zero while processing $font"
# Validate the .ttx XML file
xml val "$font.ttx"
[ $? -ne 0 ] && fail "$font.ttx is not valid XML"
# Update the ascent, descent, and lineGap values in the Horizontal Header (hhea) table
xml ed -L -u "/ttFont/hhea/ascent/@value" -v "1884" "$font.ttx"
xml ed -L -u "/ttFont/hhea/descent/@value" -v "-514" "$font.ttx"
xml ed -L -u "/ttFont/hhea/lineGap/@value" -v "0" "$font.ttx"
# Delete the digital signature (DSIG) table, since the
# modified font will no longer match the original signature
xml ed -L -d "/ttFont/DSIG" "$font.ttx"
# Loop over namerecord XML nodes in the name table and change the font name
namerecord_count="`xml sel -t -v "count(/ttFont/name/namerecord)" "$font.ttx"`"
[ -z "$namerecord_count" ] && fail "Failed to namerecord nodes"
for (( namerecord_index = 1; namerecord_index <= $namerecord_count; namerecord_index++ )); do
echo "Updating $namerecord_index of $namerecord_count namerecord nodes..."
namerecord="`xml sel -t -v "$namerecord_xpath" "$font.ttx"`"
new_namerecord="`echo "$namerecord" | sed -e "s/Consolas/Collinsolas/g"`"
xml ed -L -u "$namerecord_xpath" -v "$new_namerecord" "$font.ttx"
# Rewrite the font from the .ttx file
ttx "$font.ttx"
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