This covers interactive content written and commisioned by Guardian development teams.
The proposal is that Composer is used to write (i) a basic accessible description of the interactive from within an article, (ii) define the URL to an interactive application associated with that block.
For example, such a block might look like this as it comes out of Content API :-
Article paragraph that has been written in Composer.
<!-- An accessible description of the interactive -->
<figure class="interactive" data-interactive="http://path/to/interactive/boot.js">
<td>North Circular</td>
This is a chart describing the most polluted roads in London.
During the bootstrapping of the frontend code we scan the DOM for interactives and require()
each one.
The interface between frontend & interactives should therefore follow this sort of pattern,
define(['your/dependencies'], function () {
return {
* @param el : The Element of the interactive that is being progressively enhanced.
* @param context : The DOM context this module must work within.
* @param config : The configration object for this page.
* @param mediator : The event system (publish/subscribe) for this page.
// 'boot' is a standard interface for our application to start the interactive
boot: function (el, context, config, mediator) {
// do something to bootstrap the interactive
This module can be uploaded in to s3.
What the interactive modules does after this is largely up to whoever is writing it.
This means we :-
- Deprecate the use of a distinct 'interactive' page type (it is just a module in an article).
- Deprecate the use of code objects.
- Move to all interactives being loaded as AMD modules.
There are other types of work that are classified as 'interactive' - galleries, elections coverage, assorted page enhancements.
I feel this work is best taken on a case by case basis rather than us designing a general system.
For example, a 3 month election campaign we should hive off some URL space and write a dedicated application for the purpose.
Or, for things like the NSA rollovers component, are better deployed as part of our main frontend application under an AB test.
Or, things that look like galleries should probably just be standard responsive galleries.