Place marker and name it "respawn_west", and/or any of the other side's marker names accordingly
In mission folder, create file, name it "description.ext", open it and enter:
// description.ext
respawn = 3;
respawnDelay = 1e9;
class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
mission_ZeusRespawnAll = "call compile preprocessFile 'XEH_preInit.sqf'";
class Extended_DisplayLoad_EventHandlers {
class RscDisplayCurator {
mission_ZeusRespawnAll = "call compile preprocessFile 'initDisplayZeus.sqf'";
Create another file, name it "XEH_preinit.sqf", open it and enter:
// XEH_preinit.sqf
if (hasInterface) then {
// event to respawn immediately when dead
["mission_respawn", {
if (!alive player) then {
setPlayerRespawnTime 0.01;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// disable respawn again every time control changes to a new character
["unit", {
setPlayerRespawnTime 1e9;
}] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
Create another file, name it "initDisplayZeus.sqf", open it and enter:
// initDisplayZeus.sqf
params ["_display"];
private _createButton = _display displayCtrl 16105;
ctrlPosition _createButton params ["", "", "_width", "_height"];
ctrlPosition ctrlParentControlsGroup _createButton params ["_left", "_top"];
private _respawnAll = _display ctrlCreate ["RscButton", -1];
_respawnAll ctrlSetPosition [
_left - _width,
_respawnAll ctrlCommit 0;
_respawnAll ctrlSetText toUpper "Respawn All";
_respawnAll ctrlAddEventHandler ["ButtonClick", {
"mission_respawn" call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
Requires @CBA_A3