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Last active March 16, 2024 02:55
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AngularJS directive for Dropzone.js
* An AngularJS directive for Dropzone.js,
* Usage:
* <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="SomeCtrl">
* <button dropzone="dropzoneConfig">
* Drag and drop files here or click to upload
* </button>
* </div>
angular.module('dropzone', []).directive('dropzone', function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
var config, dropzone;
config = scope[attrs.dropzone];
// create a Dropzone for the element with the given options
dropzone = new Dropzone(element[0], config.options);
// bind the given event handlers
angular.forEach(config.eventHandlers, function (handler, event) {
dropzone.on(event, handler);
angular.module('app', ['dropzone']);
angular.module('app').controller('SomeCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.dropzoneConfig = {
'options': { // passed into the Dropzone constructor
'url': 'upload.php'
'eventHandlers': {
'sending': function (file, xhr, formData) {
'success': function (file, response) {
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I need to use file upload action in several jades. Should i need to write dropzoneconfig for each controller. Is there any way to make this configuration object as global in angular?

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Xusifob commented Jan 14, 2016

I would have put this in the begining

var atts = attrs.dropzone.split('.');

    var config = scope;
        config = config[value];

    // Get the template

So that if you send an array in your template and not only a scope var (variable from a controller for example) it will still work

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Pitu commented Jan 26, 2016

Would it be possible to attach the success function response to the ng-model on the view? Something along the lines of

<div class="dropzone" dropzone="dropzoneConfig" ng-model="response"></div>

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Can anyone advise me on how to update scope variables via the dropzone event handles? It seems you can access scope objects but can't update them from the callback.

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Try new AngularJS directive for Dropzone

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Nice. How do I send uploaded file along with other form inputs. I don't want instant upload

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chinmay235 commented Nov 8, 2016

I have used AngularJS Inspinia admin template. I saw here original inspinia file dropzone not working properly. If I go other page to uploadfile page the dropzone not working. If I refreshed in that page. then dropzone working fine. Please tell me what is the issue behind that dropzone?

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hadijaveed commented Feb 2, 2017

How is angular.forEach is better than _.each(). I prefer to use underscore.js or lodash.js.

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Hi, How to add delete URL to delete the file? and Icon delete (X) is not deleting. Any help would be appreciated.

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