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Created March 28, 2022 03:14
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A small serializable prefix tree
export interface ISerializer<T> {
toBinary(value: T): Uint8Array;
fromBinary(value: Uint8Array): T;
// example serializer for uuids
import * as uuid from "uuid";
export const uuidSerializer: ISerializer<string> = {
toBinary: (id) => uuid.parse(id) as Uint8Array,
fromBinary: (id) => uuid.stringify(id),
const START_NODE = new Uint8Array([0]);
const START_VALUE = new Uint8Array([1]);
const END_NODE = new Uint8Array([2]);
const PREFIX_BUILDER = new Uint8Array(256);
* A small, serializable prefix tree.
export class PrefixTree<T> {
private value?: T[];
private children?: Map<number, PrefixTree<T>>;
public static deserialize<T>(input: Uint8Array, serializer: ISerializer<T>) {
const deserializeNode = (parent: PrefixTree<T>, offset: number) => {
offset++; // skip start of node
let prefixLen = input[offset++];
let node = parent;
while (prefixLen-- > 0) {
node = node._getOrCreateNode(input[offset++]);
if (input[offset] === START_VALUE[0]) {
node.value = [];
while (input[offset] === START_VALUE[0]) {
offset++; // skip start of value
const len = input[offset++];
serializer.fromBinary(input.subarray(offset, offset + len))
offset += len;
while (input[offset] === START_NODE[0]) {
offset = deserializeNode(node, offset);
offset++; // skip end node
return offset;
const root = new PrefixTree<T>();
deserializeNode(root, 0);
return root.children!.values().next().value;
/** Adds a new item to the prefix tree. */
public add(key: string, value: T, pi = 0) {
if (pi < key.length) {
this._getOrCreateNode(key.charCodeAt(pi)).add(key, value, pi + 1);
} else {
this.value ??= [];
private _getOrCreateNode(char: number): PrefixTree<T> {
this.children ??= new Map();
let node = this.children.get(char);
if (!node) {
node = new PrefixTree();
this.children.set(char, node);
return node;
/** Gets all nodes that have the given prefix. */
public search(prefix: string) {
const results: T[] = [];
this._search(prefix, 0, results);
return results;
* Serializes the tree to a compact, binary format. The format is
* 0x00 - start node
* <any> - prefix byte
* 0x01 - start value (option, repeat)
* <any> - value length byte (max 255)
* <any>* - value contents
* <optional child nodes>
* 0x02 - end node
public serialize(serializer: ISerializer<T>) {
const parts: Uint8Array[] = [];
this._serialize(0, parts, serializer);
let length = 0;
for (const part of parts) {
length += part.byteLength;
const output = new Uint8Array(length);
let i = 0;
for (const part of parts) {
output.set(part, i);
i += part.byteLength;
return output;
private _serialize(
prefix: number,
parts: Uint8Array[],
serializer: ISerializer<T>
) {
let target = this;
let prefixLen = 0;
PREFIX_BUILDER[prefixLen++] = prefix;
while (!target.value && target.children?.size === 1 && prefixLen < PREFIX_BUILDER.length) {
const [char, _target] = target.children.entries().next().value;
target = _target;
PREFIX_BUILDER[prefixLen++] = char;
parts.push(new Uint8Array([prefixLen]));
parts.push(PREFIX_BUILDER.slice(0, prefixLen));
if (target.value) {
for (const value of target.value) {
const valueBytes = serializer.toBinary(value);
if (valueBytes.length > 255) { // todo: could use a varint here to fix this
throw new Error(
`Cannot serialize more than 255 bytes for value: ${JSON.stringify(
parts.push(new Uint8Array([valueBytes.length]));
if (target.children) {
for (const [char, value] of target.children) {
value._serialize(char, parts, serializer);
private _search(prefix: string, pi = 0, results: T[]) {
if (pi < prefix.length) {
?._search(prefix, pi + 1, results);
if (this.children) {
for (const child of this.children.values()) {
child._search(prefix, pi, results);
if (this.value) {
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