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Last active February 10, 2017 20:50
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isSuperAdminCheck (Yesod Google Group question)
isAuthorized AssetR _ = isSuperAdmin
isAuthorized HomeR _ = isAuthenticated
-- | Are you logged in?
isAuthenticated :: Handler AuthResult
isAuthenticated =
do muid <- maybeAuthId
return $
case muid of
Nothing -> Unauthorized "You must login to access this page"
Just _ -> Authorized
-- | Are you a super admin
isSuperAdmin :: Handler AuthResult
isSuperAdmin = maybeAuthId >>= isSuperAdminCheck SuperAdmin
-- | Check that the user has the required role (using Esqueleto)
:: RoleType -> Maybe (Key User) -> Handler AuthResult
isSuperAdminCheck _ Nothing =
return $ Unauthorized "You need to be an administrator to access this area."
isSuperAdminCheck r (Just uid) =
runDB $
do us <- $
E.from $
\(user `E.InnerJoin` userRole) ->
do E.on $
userRole ^. UserRoleUserId E.==. user ^. UserId E.&&.
E.isNothing (userRole ^. UserRoleDeletedAt) E.&&.
userRole ^.
UserRoleRoleType E.==.
E.val r
E.where_ (user ^. UserId E.==. E.val uid)
return user
case us of
[users] -> return Authorized
_ ->
return $
Unauthorized "You need to be an administrator to access this area."
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