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Created July 20, 2020 22:11
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"date": "06/20/2020",
"version": "1.0",
"note": "Initial release of AutoGG Regex Triggers."
"^ +1st Killer - ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+ - \\d+(?: Kills?)?$",
"^ *1st (?:Place ?)?(?:-|:)? ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+(?: : \\d+| - \\d+(?: Points?)?| - \\d+(?: x .)?| \\(\\w+ .{1,6}\\) - \\d+ Kills?|: \\d+:\\d+| - \\d+ (?:Zombie )?(?:Kills?|Blocks? Destroyed)| - \\[LINK\\])?$",
"^ +Winn(?:er #1 \\(\\d+ Kills\\): \\w+ \\(\\w+\\)|er(?::| - )(?:Hiders|Seekers|Defenders|Attackers|PLAYERS?|MURDERERS?|Red|Blue|RED|BLU|\\w+)(?: Team)?|ers?: ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+(?:, ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+)?|TSeam ?[\\:-] (?:Animals|Hunters|Red|Green|Blue|Yellow|RED|BLU|Survivors|Vampires))$",
"^ +Alpha Infected: \\w+ \\(\\d+ infections?\\)$",
"^ +Murderer: \\w+ \\(\\d+ Kills?\\)$",
"^ +You survived \\d+ rounds!$",
"^ +(?:UHC|SkyWars|The Bridge|Sumo|Classic|OP|MegaWalls|Bow|NoDebuff|Blitz|Combo|Bow Spleef) (?:Duel|Doubles|Teams|Deathmatch|2v2v2v2|3v3v3v3)? - \\d+:\\d+$",
"^ +They captured all wools!$",
"^ +Game over!$",
"^ +[\\d\\.]+k?/[\\d\\.]+k? \\w+$",
"^ +(?:Criminal|Cop)s won the game!$",
"^ +\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+ - \\d+ Final Kills$",
"^ +Zombies - \\d*:?\\d+:\\d+ \\(Round \\d+\\)$",
"^MINOR EVENT! .+ in .+ ended$",
"^DRAGON EGG OVER! Earned [\\d,]+XP [\\d,]g clicking the egg \\d+ times$",
"^GIANT CAKE! Event ended! Cake's gone!$",
"^PIT EVENT ENDED: .+ \\[INFO\\]$",
"^\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? ?\\w+ caught ?a?n? .+! .*$"
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