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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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create-msqueue-send-message-and-receive-message (powershell)
# References:
# to see queue, search via "Computer Mamagment"
# simular sample:
$path = ".\Private$\test"
$queue = $null
$exists = [System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::Exists($path)
if($exists -eq $false)
$queue = [System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::Create($path)
} else
$queue = New-Object System.Messaging.MessageQueue -ArgumentList $path
[console]::WriteLine("queue {0} exists (or created)", $path)
# Send message
$msg = New-Object System.Messaging.Message
$msg.Priority = [System.Messaging.MessagePriority]::Normal
$msg.Label = "Test Message (powershell)"
$msg.Body = "Test Body (powershell)"
[console]::WriteLine("sent '{0}' message with body '{1}'", $msg.Label, $msg.Body)
# Receive message
$timeSpan = New-Object System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 3)
$msg = $queue.Receive($timeSpan)
$msg.Formatter = New-Object System.Messaging.XmlMessageFormatter -ArgumentList "System.String,mscorlib"
[console]::WriteLine("received '{0}' message with body '{1}'", $msg.Label, $msg.Body)
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