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Last active October 5, 2016 06:03
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Creating a safe user in Ubuntu 16.04
// If the application has a error it can bring down the complete server as it has credentials to do so.
// To prevent this : Create a new user in /home/safeuser/
- if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "Please run as root" ; exit 1 ; fi (Check if you are root)
- sudo -i (change to root)
- cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd (To list all local users)
- useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/safeuser -c "safe user" safeuser :(Create only as root)
- passwd safeuser : (Add a password)
- usermod -aG sudo safeuser :(Give safeuser permission to use root level commands)
- Login as safeUser : ssh safeuser@IP
- chmod 0444 /path/to/folder (Give any folder read-only access, such as SSL folder)
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