module.exports = function(grunt) { |
var config = grunt.config |
, file = grunt.file |
, log = grunt.log; |
grunt.initConfig( { |
'ejs': { |
'app/assets/js/templates.js': 'app/views/templates/**/*.ejs' |
} |
, 'watch': { |
'files': 'app/views/templates/**/*.ejs' |
, 'tasks': 'ejs' |
} |
} ); |
grunt.registerMultiTask( 'ejs' , 'Compile ejs templates to JST file' , function(){ |
// If namespace is specified use that, otherwise fallback |
var namespace = config( 'meta.ejs.namespace' ) || 'JST'; |
console.log(namespace); |
// Create JST file. |
var files = file.expand( this.data ); |
file.write( |
this.target |
, grunt.helper( 'ejs' , files , namespace ) |
); |
// Fail task if errors were logged. |
if ( grunt.errors ) { return false; } |
// Otherwise, print a success message. |
log.writeln( 'File "' + this.target + '" created.' ); |
}); |
grunt.registerTask( 'default' , 'ejs' ); |
grunt.registerHelper( 'ejs' , function( files , namespace ){ |
namespace = "window['" + namespace + "']"; |
var contents = namespace + ' = ' + namespace + " || {};\n" |
, raw_namespace = namespace + "['raw']"; |
contents = contents + raw_namespace + ' = ' + raw_namespace + " || {};\n\n"; |
// Compile the template and get the function source |
contents += files ? files.map( function( filepath ){ |
console.log( 'compiling file:' + filepath ); |
var key = filepath.replace( /app\/views\/templates\// , '' ).replace( /\.ejs/ , '' ) |
, template = JSON.stringify( file.read( filepath ) ); |
var compile_fn = "function( locals ){ return window.ejs.compile( " + raw_namespace + "['" + key + "'] )( locals ); }" |
, hash_fn = "function( locals ){ return _.chain( locals ).values().reduce( function( m , v ){ return m + v.toString() } , '' ).value(); }" |
, template_data = ''; |
template_data = template_data + raw_namespace + "['" + key + "'] = " + template + ";\n"; |
template_data = template_data + namespace + "['" + key + "'] = _.memoize( " + compile_fn + " , " + hash_fn + " );\n"; |
return template_data; |
} ).join( "\n\n" ) : ""; |
return contents; |
}); |
}; |
This is great. Why don't you use ejs.compile() though?