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libhooker/libblackjack headers
// libblackjack.h
// libblackjack
// Created by CoolStar on 2/24/20.
// Copyright © 2020 CoolStar. All rights reserved.
#include "libhooker.h"
#ifndef libblackjack_h
#define libblackjack_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @function LBHookMessage
* @abstract
* Hook an Objective-C method
* @discussion
* Libraries often need to hook Objective-C methods. This provides an easy way to hook the method and call to the
* original method. This also provides a guarantee that hooking a class that doesn't implement a method won't overwrite the method
* in the super class.
* @param class
* The Objective C class to hook
* @param selector
* The Objective C selector to hook
* @param replacement
* A pointer to the replacement implementation that gets called instead of the original function
* @param old_ptr
* A pointer to the original implementation that can be called if needed
* @result
* Returns any errors that may have taken place when hooking the method
enum LIBHOOKER_ERR LBHookMessage(Class objcClass, SEL selector, void *replacement, void *old_ptr);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* libblackjack_h */
// libhooker.h
// libhooker
// Created by CoolStar on 8/17/19.
// Copyright © 2019 CoolStar. All rights reserved.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#ifndef libhooker_h
#define libhooker_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @enum libhooker errors
* @abstract
* Get a human readable string for debugging purposes.
* @discussion
* Passing zero for the value is useful for when two threads need to reconcile
* the completion of a particular event. Passing a value greater than zero is
* useful for managing a finite pool of resources, where the pool size is equal
* to the value.
* @constant LIBHOOKER_OK No errors took place
* @constant LIBHOOKER_ERR_SELECTOR_NOT_FOUND An Objective-C selector was not found. (This error is from libblackjack)
* @constant LIBHOOKER_ERR_SHORT_FUNC A function was too short to hook
* @constant LIBHOOKER_ERR_BAD_INSN_AT_START A problematic instruction was found at the start. We can't preserve the original function due to this instruction getting clobbered.
* @constant LIBHOOKER_ERR_VM An error took place while handling memory pages
* @constant LIBHOOKER_ERR_NO_SYMBOL No symbol was specified for hooking
* @function LHStrError
* @abstract
* Get a human readable string for debugging purposes.
* @discussion
* Passing zero for the value is useful for when two threads need to reconcile
* the completion of a particular event. Passing a value greater than zero is
* useful for managing a finite pool of resources, where the pool size is equal
* to the value.
* @param err
* The raw error value.
* @result
* A human-readable error string, or "Unknown Error" on invalid error.
const char *LHStrError(enum LIBHOOKER_ERR err);
* @function LHOpenImage
* @abstract
* Open a dylib for use with LHFindSymbols
* @discussion
* dyld handles do not provide enough information to grab symbols. Use this to have libhooker load the dylib.
* @param path
* The path to the image on disk or in the shared cache.
* @result
* A handle to the dylib that may then be used with LHFindSymbols to find symbols.
struct libhooker_image *LHOpenImage(const char *path);
* @function LHCloseImage
* @abstract
* Close and free a dylib handle opened with LHOpenImage
* @param libhookerImage
* The libhooker handle to the image on disk or in the shared cache.
void LHCloseImage(struct libhooker_image *libhookerImage);
* @function LHFindSymbols
* @abstract
* Search for symbols within a dylib either on disk or in the dyld shared cache.
* @discussion
* dyld often is not able to find symbols that are present but not marked as public and/or exported.
* Also often the dyld shared cache has symbols replaced with `<redacted>` when loaded into memory.
* @param libhookerImage
* The libhooker handle to the image on disk or in the shared cache
* @param symbolNames
* An array of the symbol names to search for
* @param searchSyms
* An array that gets populated with the symbols found
* @param searchSymCount
* The number of symbols to search for
* @result
* Returns true if all symbols were found
bool LHFindSymbols(struct libhooker_image *libhookerImage,
const char **symbolNames,
void **searchSyms,
size_t searchSymCount);
* @function LHExecMemory
* @abstract
* Creates an executable page from raw instruction data
* @discussion
* Sometimes a library may generate or load new code, but may simply want an executable page with this new code.
* @param page
* A pointer that gets written to with the address of code in the new memory page
* @param data
* An array of ARM64 opcodes to write to this new memory page.
* @param size
* The size of data
* @result
* Returns true if the memory was created. Returns false otherwise.
bool LHExecMemory(void **page, void *data, size_t size);
* @struct LHMemoryPatch
* @abstract
* Describes a memory region to patch
* @field destination
* A pointer to the memory location to patch
* @field data
* A pointer to the data to write at the patch location
* @field size
* The number of bytes to write at the patch location
* @field options
* A pointer to an extended options struct. Currently unused.
struct LHMemoryPatch {
void *destination;
const void *data;
size_t size;
void *options;
* @function LHPatchMemory
* @abstract
* Patch memory (that may often be read-only or read/execute-only)
* @discussion
* Sometimes low level memory access is required to hook parts of applications. This function
* provides an easy way for libraries to do so, with a relatively safe guarantee of preserving
* memory permissions, and re-mapping the memory if required.
* @param patches
* A pointer to the destination to write to
* @param count
* The number of memory regions to patch
* @result
* Returns the number of memory regions successfully patched. This should match count if all regions were succesfully patched.
* @result errno
* Returns any errors that may have taken place while hooking the functions
int LHPatchMemory(const struct LHMemoryPatch *patches, int count);
enum LHOptions {
LHOptionsNone = 0,
LHOptionsSetJumpReg = 1
struct LHFunctionHookOptions {
enum LHOptions options;
int jmp_reg;
* @struct LHFunctionhook
* @abstract
* Describes a function hook
* @field function
* A pointer to the function to hook
* @field replacement
* A pointer to the replacement function that will get called in place
* @field oldptr
* If not null, this pointer gets written to with the address of a trampoline that lets you call the original function
* @discussion
* Setting oldptr to null will allow libhooker to hook smaller functions and will skip over several checks since it does not need to try preserving the original function
* @field options
* An optional field that may be populated with a pointer to an LHFunctionHookOptions struct
struct LHFunctionHook {
void *function;
void *replacement;
void *oldptr;
struct LHFunctionHookOptions *options;
* @function LHHookFunctions
* @abstract
* Hook Functions in memory
* @discussion
* Libraries often need to hook functions in memory. This provides an easy way to hook the function and get back
* a pointer to the original function, should you need to call it.
* @param hooks
* An array of LHFunctionHook describing each function to hook
* @param count
* The number of functions to hook
* @result
* Returns the number of functions successfully hooked. This should match count if all functions were succesfully hooked.
* @result errno
* Returns any errors that may have taken place while hooking the functions
int LHHookFunctions(const struct LHFunctionHook *hooks, int count);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* libhooker_h */
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73abbas commented Feb 11, 2021


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