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Created August 11, 2009 21:01
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{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, TypeOperators #-}
module Fold where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Functor.Contra
import Data.Array.Vector
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
data Fold b c = forall a. Fold (a -> b -> a) a (a -> c)
instance Functor (Fold a) where
fmap = after
instance Applicative (Fold a) where
pure f = foldF undefined undefined (const f) -- The do-nothing fold! :P
f <*> g = (\(h :*: x) -> h x) <$> both f g
-- Just to be exotic
newtype ContraFold a b = ContraFold { runContraFold :: Fold b a }
instance ContraFunctor (ContraFold a) where
contramap g (ContraFold f) = ContraFold $ g `before` f
-- Fucking haskell typeclass hierarchy, I hate you
instance Show (Fold a b) where
show = undefined
-- Fucking haskell typeclass hierarchy, I hate you
instance Eq (Fold a b) where
(==) = undefined
instance Num b => Num (Fold a b) where
(+) = liftA2 (+)
(-) = liftA2 (-)
(*) = liftA2 (*)
negate = fmap negate
abs = fmap abs
signum = fmap signum
fromInteger = undefined
instance Fractional b => Fractional (Fold a b) where
(/) = liftA2 (/)
recip = fmap recip
fromRational = undefined
instance Floating b => Floating (Fold a b) where
pi = pure pi
exp = fmap exp
log = fmap log
sqrt = fmap sqrt
sin = fmap sin
cos = fmap cos
tan = fmap tan
asin = fmap asin
acos = fmap acos
atan = fmap atan
sinh = fmap sinh
cosh = fmap cosh
tanh = fmap tanh
asinh = fmap asinh
acosh = fmap acosh
atanh = fmap atanh
(**) = liftA2 (**)
logBase = liftA2 logBase
{-# INLINE foldF #-}
foldF :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> (a -> c) -> Fold b c
foldF f x c = Fold f x c
{-# INLINE fold1F #-}
fold1F :: (b -> b -> b) -> (b -> b1) -> Fold b (MaybeS b1)
fold1F f c = Fold (\m x -> pure $ maybeS x (`f` x) m) NothingS (fmap c)
{-# INLINE both #-}
both :: Fold b c -> Fold b c' -> Fold b (c :*: c')
both (Fold f x c) (Fold g y c') = Fold (\(a :*: b) e -> (f a e :*: g b e))
(x :*: y)
(\(a :*: b) -> (c a :*: c' b))
{-# INLINE after #-}
after :: (c -> c') -> Fold b c -> Fold b c'
after g (Fold f x c) = Fold f x (g . c)
{-# INLINE before #-}
before :: (b' -> b) -> Fold b c -> Fold b' c
before g (Fold f x c) = Fold ((. g) . f) x c
{-# INLINE bothWith #-}
bothWith :: (c -> c' -> c'') -> Fold b c -> Fold b c' -> Fold b c''
bothWith c f1 f2 = uncurryS c <$> both f1 f2
{-# INLINE applyFold #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE applyFold :: Fold b c -> [b] -> c #-}
applyFold :: (Foldable.Foldable f) => Fold b c -> f b -> c
applyFold (Fold f x a) = a . Foldable.foldl' f x
{-# INLINE applyFoldU #-}
applyFoldU :: (UA b) => Fold b c -> UArr b -> c
applyFoldU (Fold f x a) = a . foldlU f x
{-# INLINE lengthF #-}
lengthF :: Fold a Int
lengthF = foldF (const . (+1)) 0 id
{-# INLINE genericLengthF #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE genericLengthF :: Fold a Double #-}
genericLengthF :: (Num b) => Fold a b
genericLengthF = foldF (const . (+1)) 0 id
{-# INLINE sumF #-}
sumF :: (Num a) => Fold a a
sumF = foldF (+) 0 id
{-# INLINE productF #-}
productF :: (Num a) => Fold a a
productF = foldF (*) 1 id
{-# INLINE maximumF #-}
maximumF :: (Ord a) => Fold a (MaybeS a)
maximumF = fold1F max id
{-# INLINE minimumF #-}
minimumF :: (Ord a) => Fold a (MaybeS a)
minimumF = fold1F min id
{-# INLINE meanF #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE meanF :: Fold Double Double #-}
meanF :: (Num a, Fractional a) => Fold a a
meanF = sumF / genericLengthF
{-# INLINE harmonicF #-}
harmonicF :: (Num a, Fractional a) => Fold a a
harmonicF = genericLengthF / (recip `before` sumF)
{-# INLINE geometricF #-}
geometricF :: (Num a, RealFloat a) => Fold a a
geometricF = productF ** (recip genericLengthF)
{-# INLINE rangeF #-}
rangeF :: (Num a, Ord a) => Fold a (MaybeS a)
rangeF = liftA2 (-) <$> maximumF <*> minimumF
-- Not a very good name
{-# INLINE linregF #-}
linregF :: (Num a, Floating a) => Fold (a :*: a) (a :*: a :*: a)
linregF = (\x y z -> x :*: y :*: z) <$> alpha <*> beta <*> r
where sX = fstS `before` sumF
sY = sndS `before` sumF
n = genericLengthF
sXX = ((^2) . fstS) `before` sumF
sXY = (uncurryS (*)) `before` sumF
sYY = ((^2) . sndS) `before` sumF
alpha = sY - beta * sX
beta = (n * sXY - sX * sY) / (n * sXX - sX * sX)
r = (n * sXY - sX * sY) / (sqrt (n * sXX - sX^2) * (n * sYY - sY^2))
-- The following functions do not short circuit!
{-# INLINE andF #-}
andF :: Fold Bool Bool
andF = foldF (&&) True id
{-# INLINE orF #-}
orF :: Fold Bool Bool
orF = foldF (||) False id
{-# INLINE allF #-}
allF :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold a Bool
allF f = f `before` andF
{-# INLINE anyF #-}
anyF :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold a Bool
anyF f = f `before` orF
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