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Created August 11, 2009 21:02
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{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, ImplicitParams, RankNTypes, GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, NoImplicitPrelude, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
-- ZOMG failgebra by copumpkin (not intended to be useful, but just as a straggly experiment to see what's possible)
-- TODO: using2 could take a function mapping from common types to wrapper types and maybe reduce ugliness
import Prelude hiding (id, (+), (-), (*), (/), Integral, fromInteger, Real)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Data.Number.CReal
import Data.Number.Natural
import Data.Ratio
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Functor.Pointed
import Control.Functor.Extras hiding (Natural)
import Control.Functor.Algebra
infixl 7 *
infixl 6 +
type Real = CReal
convert :: (Copointed a, Pointed b) => a :~> b
convert = point . extract
class (Pointed op, Copointed op) => Operation op
newtype Positive a = Positive a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Nonnegative a = Nonnegative a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Nonpositive a = Nonpositive a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Negative a = Negative a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Plus a = Plus a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Times a = Times a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Max a = Max a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Min a = Min a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype And a = And a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Or a = Or a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype GCD a = GCD a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype LCM a = LCM a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Append a = Append a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Union a = Union a deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Intersection a = Intersection a deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Pointed Positive where point = Positive
instance Pointed Nonnegative where point = Nonnegative
instance Pointed Nonpositive where point = Nonpositive
instance Pointed Negative where point = Negative
instance Pointed Plus where point = Plus
instance Pointed Times where point = Times
instance Pointed Max where point = Max
instance Pointed Min where point = Min
instance Pointed And where point = And
instance Pointed Or where point = Or
instance Pointed GCD where point = GCD
instance Pointed LCM where point = LCM
instance Pointed Append where point = Append
instance Pointed Union where point = Union
instance Pointed Intersection where point = Intersection
instance Copointed Positive where extract (Positive a) = a
instance Copointed Nonnegative where extract (Nonnegative a) = a
instance Copointed Nonpositive where extract (Nonpositive a) = a
instance Copointed Negative where extract (Negative a) = a
instance Copointed Plus where extract (Plus a) = a
instance Copointed Times where extract (Times a) = a
instance Copointed Max where extract (Max a) = a
instance Copointed Min where extract (Min a) = a
instance Copointed And where extract (And a) = a
instance Copointed Or where extract (Or a) = a
instance Copointed GCD where extract (GCD a) = a
instance Copointed LCM where extract (LCM a) = a
instance Copointed Append where extract (Append a) = a
instance Copointed Union where extract (Union a) = a
instance Copointed Intersection where extract (Intersection a) = a
instance Operation Plus
instance Operation Times
instance Operation Max
instance Operation Min
instance Operation And
instance Operation Or
instance Operation GCD
instance Operation LCM
instance Operation Append
instance Operation Union
instance Operation Intersection
instance Functor Positive where fmap f (Positive a) = Positive (f a)
instance Functor Nonnegative where fmap f (Nonnegative a) = Nonnegative (f a)
instance Functor Nonpositive where fmap f (Nonpositive a) = Nonpositive (f a)
instance Functor Negative where fmap f (Negative a) = Negative (f a)
instance Functor Plus where fmap f (Plus a) = Plus (f a)
instance Functor Times where fmap f (Times a) = Times (f a)
instance Functor Max where fmap f (Max a) = Max (f a)
instance Functor Min where fmap f (Min a) = Min (f a)
instance Functor And where fmap f (And a) = And (f a)
instance Functor Or where fmap f (Or a) = Or (f a)
instance Functor GCD where fmap f (GCD a) = GCD (f a)
instance Functor LCM where fmap f (LCM a) = LCM (f a)
instance Functor Append where fmap f (Append a) = Append (f a)
instance Functor Union where fmap f (Union a) = Union (f a)
instance Functor Intersection where fmap f (Intersection a) = Intersection (f a)
instance Applicative Positive where pure = point; Positive f <*> Positive x = Positive (f x)
instance Applicative Nonnegative where pure = point; Nonnegative f <*> Nonnegative x = Nonnegative (f x)
instance Applicative Nonpositive where pure = point; Nonpositive f <*> Nonpositive x = Nonpositive (f x)
instance Applicative Negative where pure = point; Negative f <*> Negative x = Negative (f x)
instance Applicative Plus where pure = point; Plus f <*> Plus x = Plus (f x)
instance Applicative Times where pure = point; Times f <*> Times x = Times (f x)
instance Applicative Max where pure = point; Max f <*> Max x = Max (f x)
instance Applicative Min where pure = point; Min f <*> Min x = Min (f x)
instance Applicative And where pure = point; And f <*> And x = And (f x)
instance Applicative Or where pure = point; Or f <*> Or x = Or (f x)
instance Applicative GCD where pure = point; GCD f <*> GCD x = GCD (f x)
instance Applicative LCM where pure = point; LCM f <*> LCM x = LCM (f x)
instance Applicative Append where pure = point; Append f <*> Append x = Append (f x)
instance Applicative Union where pure = point; Union f <*> Union x = Union (f x)
instance Applicative Intersection where pure = point; Intersection f <*> Intersection x = Intersection (f x)
class (Operation op) => Magma op a where
op :: op a -> op a -> op a
using :: (Copointed op) => Coalgebra op a -> op a -> a
using _ = extract
class (Magma op a) => Associative op a
testAssociative :: (Eq a, Associative op a) => op a -> op a -> op a -> Bool
testAssociative x y z = extract ((x `op` y) `op` z) == extract (x `op` (y `op` z))
class (Magma op a) => Commutative op a
testCommutative :: (Eq a, Commutative op a) => op a -> op a -> Bool
testCommutative x y = extract (x `op` y) == extract (y `op` x)
class (Magma op a) => Identity op a where
id :: op a
testIdentity :: (Eq a, Identity op a) => op a -> Bool
testIdentity x = extract (x `op` id) == extract x
class (Identity op a) => Invertible op a where
invert :: op a -> op a
testInvertible :: (Eq a, Invertible op a) => op a -> Bool
testInvertible x = extract (x `op` invert x) == extract (id `asTypeOf` x)
class (Magma op a) => Idempotent op a
testIdempotent :: (Eq a, Idempotent op a) => op a -> Bool
testIdempotent x = extract (x `op` x) == extract x
-- Synonyms
class (Associative op a) => Semigroup op a
class (Semigroup op a, Commutative op a) => CommutativeSemigroup op a
class (Semigroup op a, Identity op a) => Monoid op a
class (Monoid op a, Commutative op a) => CommutativeMonoid op a
class (Monoid op a, Invertible op a) => Group op a
class (Group op a, Commutative op a) => CommutativeGroup op a
class (CommutativeSemigroup op a, Idempotent op a) => Semilattice op a
class (Monoid op a, Idempotent op a) => BoundedSemilattice op a
class (Magma f a, Magma s a) => Dimagma f s a
data Element (f :: * -> *) (s :: * -> *) a = Element a
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Element f s) where
fmap f (Element x) = Element (f x)
instance Pointed (Element f s) where
point = Element
instance Copointed (Element f s) where
extract (Element a) = a
using2 :: Coalgebra f a -> Coalgebra s a -> Element f s a -> a
using2 _ _ = extract
f2b :: (Operation f) => f a -> Element f s a
f2b = convert
s2b :: (Operation s) => s a -> Element f s a
s2b = convert
b2f :: (Operation f) => Element f s a -> f a
b2f = convert
b2s :: (Operation s) => Element f s a -> s a
b2s = convert
class (Dimagma f s a) => Distributive f s a
-- Oh my!
testDistributive :: forall f s a. (Eq a, Distributive f s a) => Element f s a -> Element f s a -> Element f s a -> Bool
testDistributive a b c = extract (b2s a `op` convert (b2f b `op` b2f c)) == extract ((convert (b2s a `op` b2s b) :: f a) `op` convert (b2s a `op` b2s c))
-- Better name?
class (Dimagma f s a) => Absorbtion f s a
testAbsorbtion :: forall f s a. (Eq a, Distributive f s a) => Element f s a -> Element f s a -> Bool
testAbsorbtion x y = extract (b2f x `op` convert (b2s x `op` b2s y)) == extract x
&& extract (b2s x `op` convert (b2f x `op` b2f y)) == extract x
class (Semilattice join a, Semilattice meet a, Absorbtion join meet a) => Lattice join meet a where
(∨) :: Element join meet a -> Element join meet a -> Element join meet a
a ∨ b = f2b (b2f a `op` b2f b)
(∧) :: Element join meet a -> Element join meet a -> Element join meet a
a ∧ b = s2b (b2s a `op` b2s b)
class (Lattice join meet a, Distributive join meet a) => DistributiveLattice join meet a -- Synonym
class (Lattice join meet a, BoundedSemilattice join a, BoundedSemilattice meet a) => BoundedLattice join meet a -- Not a synonym, missing additional properties
class (BoundedLattice join meet a) => ComplementedLattice join meet a where
complement :: Element join meet a -> Element join meet a
class (DistributiveLattice join meet a, ComplementedLattice join meet a) => BooleanAlgebra join meet a
-- TODO: (Semi)Nearrings and asymmetric properties
class (CommutativeMonoid plus a, Monoid times a, Distributive plus times a) => Semiring plus times a where
zero :: Element plus times a
zero = f2b id
(+) :: Element plus times a -> Element plus times a -> Element plus times a
a + b = f2b (b2f a `op` b2f b)
one :: Element plus times a
one = s2b id
(*) :: Element plus times a -> Element plus times a -> Element plus times a
a * b = s2b (b2s a `op` b2s b)
class (Semiring plus times a, Idempotent plus a) => Dioid plus times a -- Synonym
class (Semiring plus times a, Invertible plus a) => Ring plus times a where
(-) :: Element plus times a -> Element plus times a -> Element plus times a
a - b = f2b $ b2f a `op` invert (b2f b)
class (Ring plus times a, Commutative times a) => CommutativeRing plus times a
class (Ring plus times a, Invertible times a) => DivisionRing plus times a where
(/) :: Element plus times a -> Element plus times a -> Element plus times a
a / b = s2b $ b2s a `op` invert (b2s b)
class (CommutativeRing plus times a, Invertible times a) => Field plus times a
class Number a where
fromInteger :: Integer -> a
instance Number Int where
fromInteger = P.fromInteger
instance Number Integer where
fromInteger =
instance Number Natural where
fromInteger = P.fromInteger
instance Number Real where
fromInteger = P.fromInteger
instance Number Rational where
fromInteger = P.fromInteger
instance (Number a) => Number (Element plus times a) where
fromInteger = point . fromInteger
instance (Number a) => Number (Plus a) where
fromInteger = point . fromInteger
instance (Number a) => Number (Times a) where
fromInteger = point . fromInteger
instance (Number a) => Number (Max a) where
fromInteger = point . fromInteger
instance (Number a) => Number (Min a) where
fromInteger = point . fromInteger
instance (P.Integral a, Nat n) => Number (a `Mod` n) where
fromInteger x | x < natToInteger (undefined :: n) = point $ P.fromInteger x -- point $ P.fromInteger (x `mod` natToInteger (undefined :: n))
| otherwise = error (show x ++ " is not a valid number mod " ++ show (natToInteger (undefined :: n)))
instance (Number a) => Number (Positive a) where
fromInteger = point . fromInteger -- TODO: check
instance (Number a) => Number (Nonnegative a) where
fromInteger = point . fromInteger -- TODO: check
instance (Number a) => Number (Nonpositive a) where
fromInteger = point . fromInteger -- TODO: check
instance (Number a) => Number (Negative a) where
fromInteger = point . fromInteger -- TODO: check
instance Magma Plus Integer where
op = liftA2 (P.+)
instance Magma Times Integer where
op = liftA2 (P.*)
instance Commutative Plus Integer
instance Commutative Times Integer
instance Associative Plus Integer
instance Associative Times Integer
instance Identity Plus Integer where
id = point 0
instance Identity Times Integer where
id = point 1
instance Invertible Plus Integer where
invert = fmap negate
instance Semigroup Plus Integer
instance Semigroup Times Integer
instance Monoid Plus Integer
instance Monoid Times Integer
instance CommutativeMonoid Plus Integer
instance CommutativeMonoid Times Integer
instance Group Plus Integer
instance CommutativeGroup Plus Integer
instance Dimagma Plus Times Integer
instance Distributive Plus Times Integer
instance Semiring Plus Times Integer
instance Ring Plus Times Integer
instance CommutativeRing Plus Times Integer
instance Magma LCM Natural where
op = liftA2 lcm
instance Magma GCD Natural where
op = liftA2 gcd
instance Commutative LCM Natural
instance Commutative GCD Natural
instance Associative LCM Natural
instance Associative GCD Natural
instance Identity LCM Natural where
id = point 1
instance Idempotent LCM Natural
instance Idempotent GCD Natural
instance Semigroup LCM Natural
instance Semigroup GCD Natural
instance CommutativeSemigroup LCM Natural
instance CommutativeSemigroup GCD Natural
instance Monoid LCM Natural
instance Dimagma LCM GCD Natural
instance Semilattice LCM Natural
instance Semilattice GCD Natural
instance BoundedSemilattice LCM Natural
instance Absorbtion LCM GCD Natural
instance Distributive LCM GCD Natural
instance Lattice LCM GCD Natural
instance DistributiveLattice LCM GCD Natural
instance Magma Or Bool where
op = liftA2 (||)
instance Magma And Bool where
op = liftA2 (&&)
instance Commutative Or Bool
instance Commutative And Bool
instance Associative Or Bool
instance Associative And Bool
instance Identity Or Bool where
id = point False
instance Identity And Bool where
id = point True
instance Idempotent Or Bool
instance Idempotent And Bool
instance Semigroup Or Bool
instance Semigroup And Bool
instance CommutativeSemigroup Or Bool
instance CommutativeSemigroup And Bool
instance Monoid Or Bool
instance Monoid And Bool
instance CommutativeMonoid Or Bool
instance CommutativeMonoid And Bool
instance Semilattice Or Bool
instance Semilattice And Bool
instance BoundedSemilattice Or Bool
instance BoundedSemilattice And Bool
instance Dimagma Or And Bool
instance Semiring Or And Bool
instance Absorbtion Or And Bool
instance Lattice Or And Bool
instance BoundedLattice Or And Bool
instance Distributive Or And Bool
instance DistributiveLattice Or And Bool
instance ComplementedLattice Or And Bool where
complement = fmap not
instance BooleanAlgebra Or And Bool
instance Magma Plus Real where
op = liftA2 (P.+)
instance Magma Times Real where
op = liftA2 (P.*)
instance Commutative Plus Real
instance Commutative Times Real
instance Associative Plus Real
instance Associative Times Real
instance Identity Plus Real where
id = point 0
instance Identity Times Real where
id = point 1
instance Semigroup Plus Real
instance Semigroup Times Real
instance CommutativeSemigroup Plus Real
instance CommutativeSemigroup Times Real
instance Monoid Plus Real
instance Monoid Times Real
instance CommutativeMonoid Plus Real
instance CommutativeMonoid Times Real
instance Invertible Plus Real where
invert = fmap negate
instance Invertible Times Real where
invert = fmap (1 P./)
instance Group Plus Real
instance Group Times Real
instance CommutativeGroup Plus Real
instance CommutativeGroup Times Real
instance Dimagma Plus Times Real
instance Distributive Plus Times Real
instance Semiring Plus Times Real
instance Ring Plus Times Real
instance CommutativeRing Plus Times Real
instance DivisionRing Plus Times Real
instance Field Plus Times Real
instance Magma Max Integer where
op = liftA2 max
instance Magma Min Integer where
op = liftA2 min
instance Associative Max Integer
instance Associative Min Integer
instance Semigroup Max Integer
instance Semigroup Min Integer
instance Commutative Max Integer
instance Commutative Min Integer
instance CommutativeSemigroup Max Integer
instance CommutativeSemigroup Min Integer
instance Magma Max Natural where
op = liftA2 max
instance Magma Min Natural where
op = liftA2 min
instance Associative Max Natural
instance Associative Min Natural
instance Semigroup Max Natural
instance Semigroup Min Natural
instance Commutative Max Natural
instance Commutative Min Natural
instance CommutativeSemigroup Max Natural
instance CommutativeSemigroup Min Natural
instance Identity Max Natural where
id = point 0
instance Monoid Max Natural
instance CommutativeMonoid Max Natural
instance Magma Max Real where
op = liftA2 max
instance Magma Min Real where
op = liftA2 min
instance Associative Max Real
instance Associative Min Real
instance Semigroup Max Real
instance Semigroup Min Real
instance Commutative Max Real
instance Commutative Min Real
instance CommutativeSemigroup Max Real
instance CommutativeSemigroup Min Real
instance Dimagma Max Plus Real
instance Dimagma Min Plus Real
instance Dimagma Max Times Real
instance Dimagma Min Times Real
instance Distributive Max Plus Real
instance Distributive Min Plus Real
instance Distributive Max Times Real
instance Distributive Min Times Real
instance Magma Plus Natural where
op = liftA2 (P.+)
instance Magma Times Natural where
op = liftA2 (P.*)
instance Associative Plus Natural
instance Associative Times Natural
instance Semigroup Plus Natural
instance Semigroup Times Natural
instance Commutative Plus Natural
instance Commutative Times Natural
instance CommutativeSemigroup Plus Natural
instance CommutativeSemigroup Times Natural
instance Identity Plus Natural where
id = point 0
instance Identity Times Natural where
id = point 1
instance Monoid Plus Natural
instance Monoid Times Natural
instance CommutativeMonoid Plus Natural
instance CommutativeMonoid Times Natural
instance Dimagma Plus Times Natural
instance Distributive Plus Times Natural
instance Semiring Plus Times Natural
-- Don't want to be too general, so limit to plus and times and max and min
instance (Magma Plus a) => Magma Plus (Nonnegative a) where
(Plus (Nonnegative a)) `op` (Plus (Nonnegative b)) = point . convert $ (point a :: Plus a) `op` point b
instance (Magma Times a) => Magma Times (Nonnegative a) where
(Times (Nonnegative a)) `op` (Times (Nonnegative b)) = point . convert $ (point a :: Times a) `op` point b
instance (Magma Plus a) => Magma Plus (Nonpositive a) where
(Plus (Nonpositive a)) `op` (Plus (Nonpositive b)) = point . convert $ (point a :: Plus a) `op` point b
instance (Magma Times a) => Magma Times (Nonpositive a) where
(Times (Nonpositive a)) `op` (Times (Nonpositive b)) = point . convert $ (point a :: Times a) `op` point b
instance (Magma Max a) => Magma Max (Nonnegative a) where
(Max (Nonnegative a)) `op` (Max (Nonnegative b)) = point . convert $ (point a :: Max a) `op` point b
instance (Magma Max a) => Magma Max (Nonpositive a) where
(Max (Nonpositive a)) `op` (Max (Nonpositive b)) = point . convert $ (point a :: Max a) `op` point b
instance (Magma Min a) => Magma Min (Nonnegative a) where
(Min (Nonnegative a)) `op` (Min (Nonnegative b)) = point . convert $ (point a :: Min a) `op` point b
instance (Magma Min a) => Magma Min (Nonpositive a) where
(Min (Nonpositive a)) `op` (Min (Nonpositive b)) = point . convert $ (point a :: Min a) `op` point b
instance (Associative Plus a) => Associative Plus (Nonnegative a)
instance (Associative Times a) => Associative Times (Nonnegative a)
instance (Associative Plus a) => Associative Plus (Nonpositive a)
instance (Associative Times a) => Associative Times (Nonpositive a)
instance (Associative Max a) => Associative Max (Nonnegative a)
instance (Associative Max a) => Associative Max (Nonpositive a)
instance (Associative Min a) => Associative Min (Nonnegative a)
instance (Associative Min a) => Associative Min (Nonpositive a)
instance (Semigroup Plus a) => Semigroup Plus (Nonnegative a)
instance (Semigroup Times a) => Semigroup Times (Nonnegative a)
instance (Semigroup Plus a) => Semigroup Plus (Nonpositive a)
instance (Semigroup Times a) => Semigroup Times (Nonpositive a)
instance (Semigroup Max a) => Semigroup Max (Nonnegative a)
instance (Semigroup Max a) => Semigroup Max (Nonpositive a)
instance (Semigroup Min a) => Semigroup Min (Nonnegative a)
instance (Semigroup Min a) => Semigroup Min (Nonpositive a)
instance (Commutative Plus a) => Commutative Plus (Nonnegative a)
instance (Commutative Times a) => Commutative Times (Nonnegative a)
instance (Commutative Plus a) => Commutative Plus (Nonpositive a)
instance (Commutative Times a) => Commutative Times (Nonpositive a)
instance (Commutative Max a) => Commutative Max (Nonnegative a)
instance (Commutative Max a) => Commutative Max (Nonpositive a)
instance (Commutative Min a) => Commutative Min (Nonnegative a)
instance (Commutative Min a) => Commutative Min (Nonpositive a)
instance (CommutativeSemigroup Plus a) => CommutativeSemigroup Plus (Nonnegative a)
instance (CommutativeSemigroup Times a) => CommutativeSemigroup Times (Nonnegative a)
instance (CommutativeSemigroup Plus a) => CommutativeSemigroup Plus (Nonpositive a)
instance (CommutativeSemigroup Times a) => CommutativeSemigroup Times (Nonpositive a)
instance (CommutativeSemigroup Max a) => CommutativeSemigroup Max (Nonnegative a)
instance (CommutativeSemigroup Max a) => CommutativeSemigroup Max (Nonpositive a)
instance (CommutativeSemigroup Min a) => CommutativeSemigroup Min (Nonnegative a)
instance (CommutativeSemigroup Min a) => CommutativeSemigroup Min (Nonpositive a)
instance (Identity Plus a) => Identity Plus (Nonnegative a) where
id = point $ convert (id :: Plus a)
instance (Identity Times a) => Identity Times (Nonnegative a) where
id = point $ convert (id :: Times a)
instance (Identity Plus a) => Identity Plus (Nonpositive a) where
id = point $ convert (id :: Plus a)
instance (Identity Times a) => Identity Times (Nonpositive a) where
id = point $ convert (id :: Times a)
instance (Monoid Plus a) => Monoid Plus (Nonnegative a)
instance (Monoid Times a) => Monoid Times (Nonnegative a)
instance (Monoid Plus a) => Monoid Plus (Nonpositive a)
instance (Monoid Times a) => Monoid Times (Nonpositive a)
instance (CommutativeMonoid Plus a) => CommutativeMonoid Plus (Nonnegative a)
instance (CommutativeMonoid Times a) => CommutativeMonoid Times (Nonnegative a)
instance (CommutativeMonoid Plus a) => CommutativeMonoid Plus (Nonpositive a)
instance (CommutativeMonoid Times a) => CommutativeMonoid Times (Nonpositive a)
instance (Dimagma Plus Times a) => Dimagma Plus Times (Nonnegative a)
instance (Distributive Plus Times a) => Distributive Plus Times (Nonnegative a)
instance (Semiring Plus Times a) => Semiring Plus Times (Nonnegative a)
instance Identity Max (Nonnegative Real) where
id = point . point $ 0
instance Monoid Max (Nonnegative Real)
instance CommutativeMonoid Max (Nonnegative Real)
instance Dimagma Max Plus (Nonnegative Real)
instance Dimagma Max Times (Nonnegative Real)
instance Distributive Max Plus (Nonnegative Real)
instance Distributive Max Times (Nonnegative Real)
instance Semiring Max Plus (Nonnegative Real)
instance Semiring Max Times (Nonnegative Real)
instance Identity Min (Nonpositive Real) where
id = point . point $ 0
instance Monoid Min (Nonpositive Real)
instance CommutativeMonoid Min (Nonpositive Real)
instance Dimagma Min Plus (Nonpositive Real)
instance Dimagma Min Times (Nonpositive Real)
instance Distributive Min Plus (Nonpositive Real)
instance Distributive Min Times (Nonpositive Real)
instance Semiring Min Plus (Nonpositive Real)
instance Semiring Min Times (Nonpositive Real)
instance Magma Plus Rational where
op = liftA2 (P.+)
instance Magma Times Rational where
op = liftA2 (P.*)
instance Commutative Plus Rational
instance Commutative Times Rational
instance Associative Plus Rational
instance Associative Times Rational
instance Identity Plus Rational where
id = point 0
instance Identity Times Rational where
id = point 1
instance Semigroup Plus Rational
instance Semigroup Times Rational
instance CommutativeSemigroup Plus Rational
instance CommutativeSemigroup Times Rational
instance Monoid Plus Rational
instance Monoid Times Rational
instance CommutativeMonoid Plus Rational
instance CommutativeMonoid Times Rational
instance Invertible Plus Rational where
invert = fmap negate
instance Invertible Times Rational where
invert = fmap (1 P./)
instance Group Plus Rational
instance Group Times Rational
instance CommutativeGroup Plus Rational
instance CommutativeGroup Times Rational
instance Dimagma Plus Times Rational
instance Distributive Plus Times Rational
instance Semiring Plus Times Rational
instance Ring Plus Times Rational
instance CommutativeRing Plus Times Rational
instance DivisionRing Plus Times Rational
instance Field Plus Times Rational
instance Magma Append [a] where
op = liftA2 (++)
instance Associative Append [a]
instance Semigroup Append [a]
instance Identity Append [a] where
id = point []
instance Monoid Append [a]
data Z = Z
newtype S n = S n
newtype I x = I { unI :: x }
newtype K x y = K { unK :: x }
class Nat n where
caseNat :: forall r. n -> (n ~ Z => r) -> (forall p. (n ~ S p, Nat p) => p -> r) -> r
instance Nat Z where
caseNat _ z _ = z
instance Nat n => Nat (S n) where
caseNat (S n) _ s = s n
induction :: forall p n. Nat n => n -> p Z -> (forall x. Nat x => p x -> p (S x)) -> p n
induction n z s = caseNat n isZ isS where
isZ :: n ~ Z => p n
isZ = z
isS :: forall x. (n ~ S x, Nat x) => x -> p n
isS x = s (induction x z s)
-- witnessNat = unI $ induction (witnessNat :: n) (I Z) (I . S . unI)
witnessNat :: forall n. Nat n => n
witnessNat = theWitness where
theWitness = unI $ induction theWitness (I Z) (I . S . unI)
data AnyNat where
AnyNat :: Nat n => n -> AnyNat
data IsNat n where
IsNat :: Nat n => IsNat n
mkNat :: Integer -> AnyNat
mkNat x | x < 0 = error "Nat must be >= 0"
mkNat 0 = AnyNat Z
mkNat x = case (mkNat (pred x)) of (AnyNat n) -> AnyNat (S n)
natToInteger :: Nat n => n -> Integer
natToInteger n = unK $ induction n (K 0) (K . succ . unK)
instance Eq AnyNat where
(==) = eqAnyNat
eqAnyNat :: AnyNat -> AnyNat -> Bool
eqAnyNat (AnyNat n) (AnyNat m) = caseNat n (caseNat m True (const False)) (\x -> caseNat m False (\y -> eqAnyNat (AnyNat x) (AnyNat y)))
instance Show AnyNat where
showsPrec p (AnyNat n) = showParen (p > 11) (shows (natToInteger n))
data Vec a n where
Nil :: Vec a Z
Cons :: Nat n => a -> Vec a n -> Vec a (S n)
replicateVec :: (Nat n) => a -> Vec a n
replicateVec a = induction witnessNat Nil (Cons a)
-- Sadly parameter order must be this way to get useful instances, but we can keep the flip around for other stuff
data FlipMod n s = Mod s deriving Eq
type s `Mod` n = FlipMod n s
instance (Show a, Nat n) => Show (a `Mod` n) where
showsPrec p (Mod x) = showParen (p > 11) (\y -> y ++ (show x ++ " mod " ++ show (AnyNat (undefined :: n))))
instance (Nat n) => Functor (FlipMod n) where
fmap f (Mod a) = Mod (f a)
instance (Nat n) => Pointed (FlipMod n) where
point = Mod
instance (Nat n) => Copointed (FlipMod n) where
extract (Mod a) = a
instance (Nat n) => Applicative (FlipMod n) where
pure = point
Mod f <*> Mod a = Mod (f a)
instance (Nat n) => Magma Plus (Natural `Mod` n) where
op = liftA2 (liftA2 (\x y -> (x P.+ y) `mod` (fromIntegral (natToInteger (undefined :: n)))))
instance (Nat n) => Magma Times (Natural `Mod` n) where
op = liftA2 (liftA2 (\x y -> (x P.* y) `mod` (fromIntegral (natToInteger (undefined :: n)))))
instance (Nat n) => Associative Plus (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Associative Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Commutative Plus (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Commutative Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Semigroup Plus (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Semigroup Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => CommutativeSemigroup Plus (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => CommutativeSemigroup Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Identity Plus (Natural `Mod` n) where
id = point . point $ 0
instance (Nat n) => Identity Times (Natural `Mod` n) where
id = point . point $ 1
instance (Nat n) => Monoid Plus (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Monoid Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => CommutativeMonoid Plus (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => CommutativeMonoid Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Invertible Plus (Natural `Mod` n) where
invert = fmap . fmap $ \x -> P.fromIntegral ((-(P.fromIntegral x)) `mod` natToInteger (undefined :: n))
-- Stolen from cdsmith's blog!
inverse :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural
inverse q 1 = 1
inverse q p = (n P.* q P.+ 1) `div` p
where n = p P.- inverse p (q `mod` p)
instance (Nat n) => Invertible Times (Natural `Mod` n) where
invert = fmap . fmap $ inverse (P.fromIntegral (natToInteger (undefined :: n)))
instance (Nat n) => Group Plus (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Group Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => CommutativeGroup Plus (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => CommutativeGroup Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Dimagma Plus Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Distributive Plus Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Semiring Plus Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Ring Plus Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => CommutativeRing Plus Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => DivisionRing Plus Times (Natural `Mod` n)
instance (Nat n) => Field Plus Times (Natural `Mod` n)
data Quaternion = Quaternion Real Real Real Real
instance Magma Plus Quaternion where
Plus (Quaternion a1 b1 c1 d1) `op` Plus (Quaternion a2 b2 c2 d2) = point $ Quaternion (a1 P.+ a2) (b1 P.+ b2) (c1 P.+ c2) (d1 P.+ d2)
instance Magma Times Quaternion where
Times (Quaternion a1 b1 c1 d1) `op` Times (Quaternion a2 b2 c2 d2) = point $
Quaternion (a1 P.* a2 P.- b1 P.* b2 P.- c1 P.* c2 P.- d1 P.* d2)
(a1 P.* b2 P.+ b1 P.* a2 P.+ c1 P.* d2 P.- d1 P.* c2)
(a1 P.* c2 P.- b1 P.* d2 P.+ c1 P.* a2 P.+ d1 P.* b2)
(a1 P.* d2 P.+ b1 P.* c2 P.- c1 P.* b2 P.+ d1 P.* a2)
instance Associative Plus Quaternion
instance Associative Times Quaternion
instance Semigroup Plus Quaternion
instance Semigroup Times Quaternion
instance Commutative Plus Quaternion
instance Identity Plus Quaternion where
id = point (Quaternion 0 0 0 0)
instance Identity Times Quaternion where
id = point (Quaternion 1 0 0 0)
instance Monoid Plus Quaternion
instance Monoid Times Quaternion
instance CommutativeSemigroup Plus Quaternion
instance CommutativeMonoid Plus Quaternion
instance Invertible Plus Quaternion where
invert (Plus (Quaternion a b c d)) = point (Quaternion (-a) (-b) (-c) (-d))
instance Invertible Times Quaternion where
invert (Times (Quaternion a b c d)) = point (Quaternion (a P./ alpha) (b P./ alpha) (c P./ alpha) (d P./ alpha))
where alpha = a P.* a P.+ b P.* b P.+ c P.* c P.+ d P.* d
instance Group Plus Quaternion
instance Group Times Quaternion
instance CommutativeGroup Plus Quaternion
instance Dimagma Plus Times Quaternion
instance Distributive Plus Times Quaternion
instance Semiring Plus Times Quaternion
instance Ring Plus Times Quaternion
instance DivisionRing Plus Times Quaternion
instance Field Plus Times Quaternion
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