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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save copumpkin/9426521 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reasonably painless bidirectional serialization of sums of products
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes, GADTs, ImplicitParams, TypeFamilies, DataKinds, TypeOperators, DeriveGeneric, PolyKinds #-}
module Prickler where
Main goals:
# Minimal indirection, so I didn't want big n-tuples of stuff getting curried into constructors or shit like that
# Magical constructor/eliminator pairing, so I don't have to write ugly unsafe pattern matches or constructor -> Int mappings (unlike the alt combinator in the pickler paper)
# Minimize the amount of metadata traversal that happens during serialization (not 100% there yet)
# Not be ugly to use
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid hiding (Sum, Product, All)
import Data.Binary.Get hiding (Done)
import Data.Binary.Builder
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.ByteString.Base16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
newtype K a b = K { unK :: a }
data (:*:) f g x = f x :*: g x
data Exists f = forall a. Exists { getValue :: f a }
newtype Flip b a = Flip { runFlip :: a -> b }
newtype NFlip a ts = NFlip { runNFlip :: ts @-> a }
type family (@->) (ts :: [*]) (r :: *) :: *
type instance '[] @-> r = r
type instance (t ': ts) @-> r = t -> (ts @-> r)
type family Eliminator (css :: [[*]]) (r :: *) :: *
type instance Eliminator '[] r = r
type instance Eliminator (cs ': css) r = cs @-> r -> Eliminator css r
infixr 1 :*
data All f (ts :: [a]) where
Nil :: All f '[]
(:*) :: f x -> All f xs -> All f (x ': xs)
mapAll :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> All f ts -> All g ts
mapAll f Nil = Nil
mapAll f (a :* as) = f a :* mapAll f as
mapAllF :: (forall a. f a -> b) -> All f ts -> [b]
mapAllF f Nil = []
mapAllF f (a :* as) = f a : mapAllF f as
foldlAll :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> All (Flip b) ts -> (ts @-> a)
foldlAll f z Nil = z
foldlAll f z (Flip g :* gs) = \x -> foldlAll f (f z (g x)) gs
data Case f i a ts = Case { tag :: i, shape :: All f ts, cons :: ts @-> a } -- does the tag belong here? probably not but I'll leave it there for now
data Data f i a = forall ts. Data { sum :: All (Case f i a) ts, elim :: forall r. a -> EliminatorWrapper ts r }
newtype FunctionWrapper ts r = FunctionWrapper { getFunction :: ts @-> r }
newtype EliminatorWrapper ts r = EliminatorWrapper { getEliminator :: Eliminator ts r }
-- All glory to glguy
apN :: Applicative f => f (ts @-> r) -> All f ts -> f r
apN f Nil = f
apN f (x :* xs) = apN (f <*> x) xs
liftAn :: Applicative f => (ts @-> r) -> All f ts -> f r
liftAn = apN . pure
merge :: All (NFlip r) ts -> Eliminator ts r -> r
merge Nil acc = acc
merge (NFlip x :* xs) acc = merge xs (acc x)
eliminate :: Monoid m => All (K m :*: All (Flip m)) ts -> EliminatorWrapper ts m -> m
eliminate xs = merge (mapAll (\(K i :*: shape) -> NFlip (foldlAll (<>) i shape)) xs) . getEliminator
data Prickler a = Prickler { get :: Get a, put :: a -> Builder } -- laws: get . put . get == get, put . get . put == put
word8 :: Prickler Word8
word8 = Prickler getWord8 singleton
bool :: Prickler Bool
bool = Prickler (toEnum . fromIntegral <$> getWord8) (singleton . fromIntegral . fromEnum)
char :: Prickler Char
char = Prickler (toEnum . fromIntegral <$> getWord32be) (putWord32be . fromIntegral . fromEnum)
taggedData :: Integral i => Prickler i -> Data Prickler i a -> Prickler a
taggedData (Prickler gi pi) (Data sum elim) = Prickler getter (eliminate (mapAll (adjust pi) sum) . elim)
adjust :: (i -> Builder) -> Case Prickler i a ts -> (K Builder :*: All (Flip Builder)) ts
adjust pi (Case i shape _) = K (pi i) :*: mapAll (Flip . put) shape
ps = IM.fromList (mapAllF (\x -> (fromIntegral (tag x), Exists x)) sum)
getter = do
tag <- gi
case IM.lookup (fromIntegral tag) ps of
Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid tag: " ++ show (fromIntegral tag :: Integer)
Just (Exists (Case i shape cons)) -> liftAn cons (mapAll get shape)
data Foo
= A Word8 Bool
| B Bool
| C Char
| D Word8 Char
| E
deriving (Show)
-- Now I just need some automagical code for deriving this thing...
elimFoo :: Foo -> (Word8 -> Bool -> r) -> (Bool -> r) -> (Char -> r) -> (Word8 -> Char -> r) -> r -> r
elimFoo (A w8 x) a b c d e = a w8 x
elimFoo (B x ) a b c d e = b x
elimFoo (C x ) a b c d e = c x
elimFoo (D w8 x) a b c d e = d w8 x
elimFoo E a b c d e = e
= Case 0 (word8 :* bool :* Nil) A
:* Case 1 (bool :* Nil) B
:* Case 2 (char :* Nil) C
:* Case 3 (word8 :* char :* Nil) D
:* Case 4 Nil E
:* Nil
dataFoo = Data sumFoo (EliminatorWrapper . elimFoo)
foo :: Prickler Foo
foo = taggedData word8 dataFoo
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