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Last active October 10, 2020 13:24
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Handlers for IV errors
$problems: $body
@while( $problems ) {
$test: $body//*[self::*[has-class("fb-post")] or self::blockquote or self::aside or self::figure or self::img[not(./ancestor::figure)] or self::iframe[not(./ancestor::figure)] or self::script[@data-telegram-post] or self::slideshow[not(./ancestor::figure)] or self::video[not(./ancestor::figure)] or self::audio[not(./ancestor::figure)] or self::related or self::footer or self::table[not(ancestor::table) and not(descendant::table)]]
$problems: $test/self::*[ancestor::anchor or ancestor::blockquote[not(contains(@class,"instagram"))] or ancestor::aside or ancestor::footer or ancestor::strong or ancestor::b or ancestor::em or ancestor::i or ancestor::ins or ancestor::u or ancestor::del or ancestor::s or ancestor::strike or ancestor::code or ancestor::kbd or ancestor::samp or ancestor::tt or ancestor::mark or ancestor::sup or ancestor::pic or ancestor::sub or ancestor::a or ancestor::reference or ancestor::h1 or ancestor::h2 or ancestor::h3 or ancestor::h4 or ancestor::h5 or ancestor::h6 or ancestor::p or ancestor::pre or ancestor::hr or ancestor::img or ancestor::br]
@split_parent: $problems
@unsupported: //body[has-class("t-body")] # Tilda sites not supported
@unsupported: $body//*[text()[contains(., "$latex")]]
@unsupported: $body//div[has-class("apester-media")]
@unsupported: $body//div[has-class("issuuembed")]
@unsupported: $body//div[has-class("juxtapose")]
@unsupported: $body//div[has-class("piktowrapper-embed")]
@unsupported: $body//div[has-class("playbuzz")]
@unsupported: $body//div[has-class("scrbbl-embed")]
@unsupported: $body//div[has-class("quizz-container")]
@unsupported: $body//div[starts-with(@class, "wtf-broadcast")]
@unsupported: $body//div[has-class("articlevideo") and not(@data-type="instagram")]
@unsupported: $body//script[contains(., "apester.") or contains(@src, "apester.")]
@unsupported: $body//script[contains(., "playbuzz.") or contains(@src, "playbuzz.")]
@unsupported: $body//script[contains(@src, "leaflet")]
@unsupported: $body//script[contains(text(), "opinionstage")]
# Remove unwanted elements
@remove: //button
@remove: //script
@remove: //noscript
@remove: //xml
@remove: //img[ends-with(@src, ".svg")]
@remove: //pic[ends-with(@src, ".svg")]
# Lazyload images fix
@set_attrs(src, @data-lazy-src, srcset, @data-lazy-srcset, src, @data-src, srcset, @data-srcset, src, @data-original, src, @data-wpfc-original-src, srcset, @data-wpfc-original-srcset, src, @data-layzr, srcset, @data-layzrset, src, @data-gmsrc, src, @data-link, srcset, @data-linkset): //*


  • Misho @mushi_f
  • Andrei Afanasiev
  • Illia Pyshniak @corbee
  • Mikhail Komendant

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