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Created June 30, 2016 16:40
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Python script which takes a list of many regex and combines into a master regex. The script takes an input file, tests each line for a master regex match, then outputs lines where match=TRUE to an output file.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
input_file = 'infile.txt' # enter full file path, precede string with 'r' (r'PATH') if using Windows
output_file = 'outfile.txt' # enter full file path, precede string with 'r' (r'PATH') if using Windows
delete_counter = 0
# list of individual regex, which will be combined into a single regex in the next step
regexes = [
# Make a master regex which combines all the individual regex in the regexes list
combined_regexes = "(" + ")|(".join(regexes) + ")"
# Goes line by line, applies combined regex to line, writes to outfile if match=TRUE
with open(input_file, 'r', encoding='UTF8') as inFile, open(output_file, 'w', newline='', encoding='UTF8') as outFile:
line_counter = 0
for line in inFile:
line_counter += 1
if, line):
delete_counter += 1
if line_counter % 1000 == 0:
print("Currently on line: {}".format(line_counter))
print(str(delete_counter) + " matching domains were removed.")
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