- Quit Skype, Mail, Etc
- http://demo.smoke.economy.zynga.com/games/demogame
- http://demo.smoke.economy.zynga.com/games/demogame/cohorts
- http://demo.smoke.economy.zynga.com/games/demogame/items
- http://demo.smoke.economy.zynga.com/games/demogame/campaigns/us_players
- http://zynga.economy.zynga.com/games/wtp/players
- http://zynga.economy.zynga.com/games/wtp/reports
- Slide 1: Economy in a box
- Thanks Cadir, Hi I'm Corey Martella from ztoronto, goign to do a little show and tell about the economy service
- So what is the economy service?
- Virtual Economy in a box
- Handle your virtual currencies and goods
- Track player balances and inventories
- Handle In-App-Purchases converting Real $ into Virtual currencies and goods
- Monitor and report on your economy to let you make intelligent decisions
- Slide 2: Why
- Dev:
- Lots of features that all games try to implement and all do differently
- Centralize the tech so things like Taxonomy/SOX/Fraud+Risk are included for every game
- Integrate with other Zynga services, Watch-To-Earn, xPromo, …
- Timesavings can be used for new features/mechanics and feedback loop of innovation back into the service (expiring goods)
- PM:
- No need to involve dev teams for sales and other incentives
- Target offerings to players on a variety of dimensions to drive revenue up
- Manage your item registry server side with a cadence
- 2P
- Indie/small game teams don’t have the man power or knowledge of running an economy, this is something that Zynga does very well
- Adding developer stickyness to the platform is critical
- Dev:
- Demo
- Show Game Setup
- ZDC Integration
- Currency Configuration
- Initial Grants
- Use Case: Targetted Content
- Talk about Cohorts
- Show Item configured only to be available via campaign/experiment
- show campaign configured for item
- User Case: Centralized Blob
- Show player listing and various slices
- Device information
- Dive into a whale and show transaction history
- Also doubles as a CSR portal for troubleshooting and user satisfaction
- the real value here is long term being able to apply intelligence and heurstics to spending habits accross a wide audience
- Show Game Setup
- Future Roadmap (Back to slides)
- Live in WTP, Draw2 and WOTF and 6 others in dev for Q2/Q3
- Full support for Web games (JS/HTML5 SDK, possibly PHP)
- CXX/Unity Bindings
- Network Wide Subscriptions, ZWF Premium User Featureset, or currency conversions between games
- Any real-world economy incentive can be built
- Auctions
- Trading
- Group Buying
- etc etc
- (Next Slide) Thanks for your time and if you're interested in a deeper demo or want to chat with the team just drop us a line, [email protected]