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Created May 15, 2020 18:33
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// LndReactModule.m
// lightning
// Created by Johan Torås Halseth on 05/11/2018.
#import "LndReactModule.h"
#import <React/RCTLog.h>
#import <React/RCTConvert.h>
#import <Lndmobile/Lndmobile.h>
static NSString* const streamEventName = @"streamEvent";
static NSString* const streamIdKey = @"streamId";
static NSString* const respB64DataKey = @"data";
static NSString* const respErrorKey = @"error";
static NSString* const respEventTypeKey = @"event";
static NSString* const respEventTypeData = @"data";
static NSString* const respEventTypeError = @"error";
static NSString* const logEventName = @"logs";
@interface NativeCallback:NSObject<LndmobileCallback>
@property (nonatomic) RCTPromiseResolveBlock resolve;
@property (nonatomic) RCTPromiseRejectBlock reject;
@property (nonatomic) RCTEventEmitter* eventEmitter;
@implementation NativeCallback
- (instancetype)initWithResolver: (RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve rejecter:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.resolve = resolve;
self.reject = reject;
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithEmitter: (RCTEventEmitter*)e
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.eventEmitter = e;
return self;
- (void)onError:(NSError *)p0 {
if (self.reject) {
self.reject(@"error", [p0 localizedDescription], p0);
if (self.eventEmitter) {
[self.eventEmitter sendEventWithName:streamEventName
respEventTypeKey: respEventTypeError,
respErrorKey: [p0 localizedDescription],
- (void)onResponse:(NSData *)p0 {
NSString* b64 = [p0 base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];
if (b64 == nil) {
b64 = @"";
if (self.resolve) {
self.resolve(@{respB64DataKey: b64});
if (self.eventEmitter) {
[self.eventEmitter sendEventWithName:streamEventName
respEventTypeKey: respEventTypeData,
respB64DataKey: b64,
@interface RecvStream:NSObject<LndmobileRecvStream>
@property (nonatomic) NSString* streamId;
@property (nonatomic) RCTEventEmitter* eventEmitter;
@implementation RecvStream
- (instancetype)initWithStreamId: (NSString*)streamId emitter: (RCTEventEmitter*)e
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.streamId = streamId;
self.eventEmitter = e;
return self;
- (void)onError:(NSError *)p0 {
[self.eventEmitter sendEventWithName:streamEventName
streamIdKey: self.streamId,
respEventTypeKey: respEventTypeError,
respErrorKey: [p0 localizedDescription],
- (void)onResponse:(NSData *)p0 {
NSString* b64 = [p0 base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];
if (b64 == nil) {
b64 = @"";
[self.eventEmitter sendEventWithName:streamEventName
streamIdKey: self.streamId,
respEventTypeKey: respEventTypeData,
respB64DataKey: b64,
@implementation LndReactModule
- (NSArray<NSString *> *)supportedEvents
return @[streamEventName, logEventName];
typedef void (^SyncHandler)(NSData*, NativeCallback*);
typedef void (^RecvStreamHandler)(NSData* req, RecvStream* respStream);
typedef id<LndmobileSendStream> (^BiStreamHandler)(NSData* req, RecvStream* respStream, NSError** err);
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(start: (RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve
// Avoid crash on socket close.
self.syncMethods = @{
@"GetInfo" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileGetInfo(bytes, cb); },
@"ListChannels" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileListChannels(bytes, cb); },
@"PendingChannels" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobilePendingChannels(bytes, cb); },
@"ClosedChannels" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileClosedChannels(bytes, cb); },
@"ListPeers" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileListPeers(bytes, cb); },
@"ConnectPeer" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileConnectPeer(bytes, cb); },
@"AddInvoice" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileAddInvoice(bytes, cb); },
@"DecodePayReq" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileDecodePayReq(bytes, cb); },
@"QueryRoutes" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileQueryRoutes(bytes, cb); },
@"SendCoins" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileSendCoins(bytes, cb); },
@"GetTransactions" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileGetTransactions(bytes, cb); },
@"ListInvoices" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileListInvoices(bytes, cb); },
@"ListPayments" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileListPayments(bytes, cb); },
@"GenSeed" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileGenSeed(bytes, cb); },
@"InitWallet" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileInitWallet(bytes, cb); },
@"ChangePassword" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileChangePassword(bytes, cb); },
@"UnlockWallet" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileUnlockWallet(bytes, cb); },
@"WalletBalance" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileWalletBalance(bytes, cb); },
@"ChannelBalance" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileChannelBalance(bytes, cb); },
@"NewAddress" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileNewAddress(bytes, cb); },
@"EstimateFee" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileEstimateFee(bytes, cb); },
@"StopDaemon" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileStopDaemon(bytes, cb); },
@"Status" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileStatus(bytes, cb); },
@"SetScores" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileSetScores(bytes, cb); },
@"QueryScores" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileQueryScores(bytes, cb); },
@"ModifyStatus" : ^(NSData* bytes, NativeCallback* cb) { LndmobileModifyStatus(bytes, cb); },
self.recvStreamMethods = @{
@"CloseChannel" : ^(NSData* req, RecvStream* cb) { return LndmobileCloseChannel(req, cb); },
@"OpenChannel" : ^(NSData* req, RecvStream* cb) { return LndmobileOpenChannel(req, cb); },
@"SubscribeTransactions" : ^(NSData* req, RecvStream* cb) { return LndmobileSubscribeTransactions(req, cb); },
@"SubscribeInvoices" : ^(NSData* req, RecvStream* cb) { return LndmobileSubscribeInvoices(req, cb); },
@"SubscribeChannelBackups" : ^(NSData* req, RecvStream* cb) { return LndmobileSubscribeChannelBackups(req, cb); },
self.biStreamMethods = @{
@"SendPayment" : (id<LndmobileSendStream>)^(NSData* req, RecvStream* cb, NSError** err) { return LndmobileSendPayment(cb, err); },
self.activeStreams = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSURL *dir = [[fileMgr URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject];
self.appDir = dir.path;
RCTLogInfo(@"lnd dir: %@", self.appDir);
NSString *lndConf = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"lnd" ofType:@"conf"];
NSString *confTarget = [self.appDir stringByAppendingString:@"/lnd.conf"];
[fileMgr removeItemAtPath:confTarget error:nil];
[fileMgr copyItemAtPath:lndConf toPath: confTarget error:nil];
NSString *logFile = [self.appDir stringByAppendingString:@"/logs/bitcoin/testnet/lnd.log"];
NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:logFile];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification
queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *n) {
NSData *data = [n.userInfo objectForKey:NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem];
if (data != nil && [data length] > 0) {
NSString *s = [[NSString alloc]initWithBytes:[data bytes] length:[data length] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (s != nil) {
[self sendEventWithName:logEventName body:s];
[fileHandle readInBackgroundAndNotify];
[fileHandle seekToEndOfFile];
[fileHandle readInBackgroundAndNotify];
NSString *args = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"--lnddir=%@", self.appDir];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(void){
RCTLogInfo(@"Starting lnd");
NativeCallback* cb = [[NativeCallback alloc] initWithResolver:resolve rejecter:reject];
NativeCallback* unlockCallback = [[NativeCallback alloc] initWithEmitter:self];
LndmobileStart(args, unlockCallback, cb);
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(sendCommand:(NSString*)method body:(NSString*)msg
SyncHandler block = [self.syncMethods objectForKey:method];
if (block == nil) {
RCTLogError(@"method %@ not found", method);
NSData* bytes = [[NSData alloc]initWithBase64EncodedString:msg options:0];
block(bytes, [[NativeCallback alloc] initWithEmitter:self]);
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(sendStreamCommand:(NSString*)method streamId:(NSString*)streamId body:(NSString*)msg)
RecvStream* respStream = [[RecvStream alloc] initWithStreamId:streamId emitter:self];
NSData* bytes = [[NSData alloc]initWithBase64EncodedString:msg options:0];
// Check if the method is among the receive-only stream methods.
RecvStreamHandler recvStr = self.recvStreamMethods[method];
if (recvStr != nil) {
recvStr(bytes, respStream);
// Otherwise check whether this method has a bidirectional stream.
BiStreamHandler biStr = self.biStreamMethods[method];
if (biStr != nil) {
NSError *err = nil;
id<LndmobileSendStream> sendStream = biStr(bytes, respStream, &err);
if (err != nil) {
RCTLogError(@"got init error %@", err);
// This method must have a non-nil send stream.
if (sendStream == nil) {
RCTLogError(@"Got nil send stream for method %@", method);
// TODO: clean up on stream close.
self.activeStreams[streamId] = sendStream;
RCTLogError(@"Stream method %@ not found", method);
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(sendStreamWrite:(NSString*)streamId body:(NSString*)msg)
// TODO: clean up on stream close.
id<LndmobileSendStream> sendStream = self.activeStreams[streamId];
if (sendStream == nil) {
RCTLogError(@"StreamId %@ not found", streamId);
NSData* bytes = [[NSData alloc]initWithBase64EncodedString:msg options:0];
NSError* err = nil;
[sendStream send:bytes error:&err];
if (err != nil) {
NSLog(@"send stream error %@", err);
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