One thing I had trouble grasping at first were dotfiles, and I know that is pretty basic, but all the articles I read skipped the initial, what and went into customization details. So, I am documenting the basics of what dotfiles are, how to see them, access them, set them up etc.
Mac, Bash,, Git
- Dotfiles start with a '.' and are followed by their name
- Ex) .bash_prompt
- They hold configurations for files
- I've only set up dotfiles to be used for bash, so that's all I'm really going to talk about right now.
- They are originally hidden
- You might even have to create them like I did.
- Before you can do anything, you need to see your dotfiles
- Open your terminal
- Paste in
$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
- Then you'll have to restart your Finder, the command
$ killall Finder
is kind of scary, but it's just telling Finder to restart
- Create some if you don't have any
- Now I thought I was stupid because I still couldn't find my dotfiles, and that's because for some reason, I didn't have any of the bash ones
- To create your bash dotfiles navigate to your home directory
$ cd ~
- Then use the touch command
$ touch <file name>
- The first two I created were .bashrc and .bash_profile
- I started off by creating aliases because those are pretty easy and you can have a lot of fun with them.
- Create an alias with this structure
alias <aliasName>="<original command"
- Here's a link to my dotfiles. I would suggest looking at this handy dandy list GitHub put together a list of some of the best dotfiles people have created
- I put my aliases in a dotfiles I created called .aliases, if you do that make sure to call that file in your main bash dotfile
- Also, everytime you add a new alias to the dotfile, or anything for that matter, just saving the file will not be enough for your changes to show up in the terminal
- You need to restart the terminal everytime with
source ~/.bashrc
<< that's a good one to create an alias for! - Mine is
alias rbash="source ~/.bashrc"
- Create an alias with this structure