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Created June 30, 2015 16:38
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Save cornhundred/c1a7abc2fd001cd2a0b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tributary inlet
{"description":"Tributary inlet","endpoint":"","display":"svg","public":true,"require":[],"fileconfigs":{"inlet.js":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12}},"fullscreen":false,"play":false,"loop":false,"restart":false,"autoinit":true,"pause":true,"loop_type":"pingpong","bv":false,"nclones":15,"clone_opacity":0.4,"duration":3000,"ease":"linear","dt":0.01,"ajax-caching":true}
// make the svg exp map (one value per tile)
function make_d3_clustergram(network_data) {
// remove old visualization
// initialize clustergram variables
// display col and row title'#row_title').style('display','block');'#col_title').style('display','block');
// toggle sidebar to make more space for visualization'#wrapper').attr('class','toggled');
// display clustergram_container and clust_instruct_container'#clustergram_container').style('display','block');'#clust_instruct_container').style('display','block');
// shift the footer left'#footer_div')
// // highlight resource types - set up type/color association
// highlight_resource_types();
// define the variable zoom, a d3 method
zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1,real_zoom*zoom_switch]).on('zoom',zoomed);
// initialize matrix
matrix = [] ;
// initialize matrix
row_nodes.forEach( function(tmp,i) {
matrix[i] = d3.range(col_nodes.length).map(function(j) { return {pos_x: j, pos_y: i, value:0, group:0}; });
// Add information to the matrix
network_data.links.forEach( function(link) {
// transfer link information to the new adj matrix
matrix[link.source][].value = link.value;
// transfer group information to the adj matrix
matrix[link.source][].group = 1;
// transfer color
matrix[link.source][].color = link.color;
// make clustergram visualization
// initailize clust_group with id clust_group
clust_group ="#svg_div")
.attr('id', 'main_svg')
// the svg can be larger than the visualization - use svg_height and svg_width
.attr("width", svg_width + margin.left + margin.right + spillover_x_offset)
.attr("height", svg_height + + margin.bottom)
.call( zoom )
.attr('id', 'clust_group')
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (margin.left) + "," + ( + ")");
// grey background rect for clustergram'#clust_group')
.attr("class", "background")
.attr("width", svg_width)
.attr("height", viz_height);
// make rows
// use matrix for the data join, which contains a two dimensional
// array of objects, each row of this matrix will be passed into the row function
var row_obj = clust_group.selectAll(".row")
.attr("class", "row")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(0," + y_scale(i) + ")"; })
.each( row_function );
// white lines in clustergram
// horizontal lines
.attr('x2', 20*svg_width)
.style('stroke-width', border_width/zoom_switch+'px')
// append vertical line groups
vert_lines = clust_group
.attr('transform', function(d,i){ return 'translate(' + x_scale(i) + ') rotate(-90)'; })
// add vertical lines
.style('stroke-width', border_width+'px')
// row labels
// white background rect for row labels'#main_svg')
.attr('fill', 'white')
.attr('width', row_label_width+'px')
.attr('height', '3000px')
// append group for row labels'#main_svg')
.attr('id', 'row_labels')
.attr("transform", "translate(" + row_margin.left + "," + + ")")
// generate and position the row labels
var row_label_obj ='#row_labels')
.attr('transform', function(d, i) { return "translate(0," + y_scale(i) + ")"; })
.on('click', reorder_click_row )
.on('mouseover', function(){
// highlight text'text')
.on("mouseout", function mouseout() {'text')
// reset highlighted col'#clicked_row')
// append row label text
// !! this will be fixed once I have separate x and y scales
// !! can be improved
.attr('y', y_scale.rangeBand()/2 )
.attr('dy', y_scale.rangeBand()/4)
.text(function(d, i) { return; } )
// append rectangle behind text
// change the size of the highlighting rects
// get the bounding box of the row label text
var bbox =
// use the bounding box to set the size of the rect
.attr('x', bbox.x*0.5)
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('width', bbox.width*0.5)
.attr('height', y_scale.rangeBand())
// col labels
// white background rect for col labels'#main_svg')
.attr('fill', 'white')
.attr('height', col_label_width+'px')
.attr('width', '3000px')
// append group for column labels'#main_svg')
.attr('id', 'col_labels')
.attr("transform", "translate(" + col_margin.left + "," + + ")");
// offset click group column label
x_offset_click = x_scale.rangeBand()/2 + border_width
// reduce width of rotated rects
reduce_rect_width = x_scale.rangeBand()* 0.36
// add main column label group
col_label_obj ='#col_labels')
.attr("class", "col_label_text")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(" + x_scale(i) + ") rotate(-90)"; })
// append group for individual column label
col_label_click = col_label_obj
// append new group for rect and label (not white lines)
// rotate column labels
.attr('transform', 'translate('+x_scale.rangeBand()/2+','+ x_offset_click +') rotate(45)')
.on('click', reorder_click_col )
.on('mouseover', function(){
// highlight text'text')
.on("mouseout", function mouseout() {
// d3.selectAll("text").classed("active", false);'text')
// reset highlighted col'#clicked_col')
// add column label
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", x_scale.rangeBand() / 2)
// .attr("dy", ".32em")
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.attr('full_name',function(d) { return } )
// remove underscores from name
.text(function(d, i) { return, ' ') ; });
// append rectangle behind text
// change the size of the highlighting rects
// get the bounding box of the row label text
var bbox =
// use the bounding box to set the size of the rect
.attr('x', bbox.x*1.25)
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('width', bbox.width*1.25)
// used teh reduced rect width for the columsn
// reduced because thee rects are slanted
.attr('height', x_scale.rangeBand()*0.6)
// .attr('height', reduce_rect_width)
// add triangle under rotated labels
.attr('d', function(d) {
// x and y are flipped since its rotated
origin_y = - border_width
start_x = 0;
final_x = x_scale.rangeBand() - reduce_rect_width ;
start_y = -(x_scale.rangeBand() - reduce_rect_width + border_width) ;
final_y = -border_width;
output_string = 'M '+origin_y+',0 L ' + start_y + ',' + start_x + ', L ' + final_y + ','+final_x+' Z';
return output_string;
// change the colors of the triangles
// .attr('fill', function(d) {
// // look up color using data_group
// inst_color = res_color_dict[];
// return inst_color;
// });
// Rects to hide spillover
// white rect to cover excess labels'#main_svg')
.attr('fill', 'white')
.attr('width', row_label_width+'px')
.attr('height', col_label_width+'px')
// hide spillover from right'#main_svg')
.attr('fill', 'white')
.attr('width', '200px')
.attr('height', '3000px')
.attr('transform', function() {
tmp_left = margin.left + svg_width;
// compensate for margin
tmp_top = - 5;
return 'translate('+tmp_left+','+tmp_top+')'
// hide spillover from slanged column labels'#main_svg')
// mini-language for drawing path in d3, used to draw triangle
.attr('d', 'M 0,0 L 500,-500, L 500,0 Z')
.attr('transform', function(){
tmp_left = (margin.left + svg_width );
tmp_top = col_label_width ;
return 'translate('+tmp_left+','+tmp_top+')'
// initialize zoom and translate
// initialize translate vector to compensate for label margins
zoom.translate([ margin.left,]);
// resize window'resize', timeout_resize);
// disable double-click zoom: double click should reset zoom level
// do this for all svg elements
d3.selectAll("svg").on("dblclick.zoom", null);
// double click to reset zoom - add transition'#main_svg')
// for some reason, do not put brackets in these functions
.on('dblclick', function(){
// apply the following two translate zoom to reset zoom
// programatically
} );
// row function
function row_function(row_data) {
// generate tiles in the current row
cell =
// data join
.data( row_data )
.attr('class', 'cell')
.attr("x", function(d) { return x_scale(d.pos_x); })
.attr("width", x_scale.rangeBand())
.attr("height", y_scale.rangeBand())
.style("fill-opacity", function(d) {
// calculate output opacity using the opacity scale
output_opacity = opacity_scale( Math.abs(d.value) );
return output_opacity ;
// switch the color based on up/dn enrichment
.style('fill', function(d) {
// console.log(d)
return d.value > 0 ? '#FF0000' : '#1C86EE' ;
// if (d.value != 0){
// inst_color = d.color;
// }
// else{
// inst_color = null;
// }
// return inst_color ;
} )
.on("mouseover", function(p) {
d3.selectAll(".row_label_text text").classed("active", function(d, i) { return i == p.pos_y; });
d3.selectAll(".col_label_text text").classed("active", function(d, i) { return i == p.pos_x; });
.on("mouseout", function mouseout() {
d3.selectAll("text").classed("active", false);
function reorder_clust_rank(order_type) {
// load orders
if ( order_type == 'clust' ){
// order by enrichment
else if (order_type == 'rank'){
// order by enrichment
// define the t variable as the transition function
var t = clust_group.transition().duration(2500);
// reorder matrix
.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(0," + y_scale(i) + ")"; })
.attr('x', function(d){
return x_scale(d.pos_x);
// Move Row Labels'#row_labels').selectAll('.row_label_text')
.attr('transform', function(d, i) { return 'translate(0,' + y_scale(i) + ')'; });
// t.selectAll(".column")'#col_labels').selectAll(".col_label_text")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
return "translate(" + x_scale(i) + ")rotate(-90)";
// initialize clustergram: size, scales, etc.
function initialize_clustergram(network_data){
// move network_data information into global variables
col_nodes = network_data.col_nodes ;
row_nodes = network_data.row_nodes ;
inst_links = network_data.links;
// define screen limits
min_screen_width = 800;
max_screen_width = 2500;
// define screen limits
min_viz_width = 400;
max_viz_width = 2000;
min_viz_height = 600;
max_viz_height = 1500;
// initialize visualization size
// font size controls
// scale default font size: input domain is the number of nodes
min_node_num = 10;
max_node_num = 2000;
// // scale col and row font size
// ///////////////////////////////
// // max and min font sizes
// min_fs = 0.01 * scale_fs_screen(screen_width);
// max_fs = 15 * scale_fs_screen(screen_width);
// scale only col font size
// max and min font sizes
min_fs = 0.05;
max_fs = 15;
// output range is the font size
scale_font_size = d3.scale.log().domain([min_node_num,max_node_num]).range([max_fs,min_fs]).clamp('true');
// controls how much the font size is increased by zooming when the number of nodes is at its max
// and zooming is required
// 1: do not increase font size while zooming
// 0: increase font size while zooming
// allow some increase in font size when zooming
min_fs_zoom = 0.95;
// allow full increase in font size when zooming
max_fs_zoom = 0.0;
// define the scaling for the reduce font size factor
scale_reduce_font_size_factor = d3.scale.log().domain([min_node_num,max_node_num]).range([min_fs_zoom,max_fs_zoom]).clamp('true');
// // define the scaling for the zoomability of the adjacency matrix
// scale_zoom = d3.scale.log().domain([min_node_num,max_node_num]).range([2,17]).clamp('true');
// define screen width font size scale
// having a small screen width should reduce the font size of the columns
// this will be compensated by increasing the available real zoom
scale_fs_screen_width = d3.scale.linear().domain( [min_viz_width,max_viz_width]).range([0.75,1.15]).clamp('true');
scale_fs_screen_height = d3.scale.linear().domain([min_viz_width,max_viz_width]).range([0.75,1.15]).clamp('true');
// the default font sizes are set here
default_fs_row = scale_font_size(row_nodes.length)* scale_fs_screen_height(viz_height);
// the colum font size is scaled by the width
default_fs_col = scale_font_size(col_nodes.length)* scale_fs_screen_width(viz_width);
// correct for forcing the tiles to be squares - if they are forced, then use the col font size scaling on the rows
if (force_square == 1){
// scale the row font size by the col scaling
default_fs_row = default_fs_col;
// calculate the reduce font-size factor: 0 for no reduction in font size and 1 for full reduction of font size
reduce_font_size_factor_row = scale_reduce_font_size_factor(row_nodes.length);
reduce_font_size_factor_col = scale_reduce_font_size_factor(col_nodes.length);
// set up the real zoom (2d zoom) as a function of the number of col_nodes
// since these are the nodes that are zoomed into in 2d zooming
real_zoom_scale_col = d3.scale.linear().domain([min_node_num,max_node_num]).range([2,5]).clamp('true');
// scale the zoom based on the screen size
// smaller screens can zoom in more, compensates for reduced font size with small screen
real_zoom_scale_screen = d3.scale.linear().domain([min_screen_width,max_screen_width]).range([2,1]).clamp('true');
// calculate the zoom factor - the more nodes the more zooming allowed
real_zoom = real_zoom_scale_col(col_nodes.length)*real_zoom_scale_screen(screen_width);
// set opacity scale
max_link = _.max( inst_links, function(d){ return Math.abs(d.value) } )
opacity_scale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, Math.abs(max_link.value) ]).clamp(true).range([0.0,1.0]) ;
function set_visualization_size(){
// find the label with the most characters and use it to adjust the row and col margins
row_max_char = _.max(row_nodes, function(inst) {return;}).name.length;
col_max_char = _.max(col_nodes, function(inst) {return;}).name.length;
// define label scale parameters: the more characters in the longest name, the larger the margin
min_num_char = 5;
max_num_char = 40;
min_label_width = 60;
max_label_width = 200;
label_scale = d3.scale.linear().domain([min_num_char,max_num_char]).range([min_label_width,max_label_width]).clamp('true');
// set col_label_width and row_label_width
row_label_width = label_scale(row_max_char) ;
triangle_space = 30;
col_label_width = label_scale(col_max_char) + triangle_space ;
// distance between labels and clustergram
label_margin = 5;
// Margins
col_margin = { top:col_label_width - label_margin, right:0, bottom:0, left:row_label_width };
row_margin = { top:col_label_width, right:0, bottom:0, left:row_label_width-label_margin };
margin = { top:col_label_width, right:0, bottom:0, left:row_label_width };
// from
x_window = window.innerWidth ;
y_window = window.innerHeight ;
// set wrapper width and height'#wrapper').style('width', x_window);'#wrapper').style('height',y_window);
// initalize clutergram container
// get screen width
screen_width = Number('#wrapper').style('width').replace('px',''));
// get screen height
screen_height = Number('#wrapper').style('height').replace('px',''));
// define offsets for permanent row and col margins
// takes into consideration sidebar
// reducing sidebar width, row_offset used to be 280 when left margin was 260
// now, rowoffset is 240 when left margin is reduced to 220 (-40px)
// further reducing width of from 220 to 210px - left margin will be 230px
container_row_offset = 230;
// takes into consideration footer and header margin
container_col_offset = 50;
// adjust container with border
// define width and height of clustergram container
width_clust_container = screen_width - container_row_offset;
height_clust_container = screen_height - container_col_offset;
// Clustergram Container
// set clustergram_container and clust_and_row_container dimensions
// clustergram_container'#clustergram_container').style('width', width_clust_container+'px')'#clustergram_container').style('height', height_clust_container+'px')
// clust_and_row_container'#clust_and_row_container').style('width',width_clust_container+'px')'#clust_and_row_container').style('height',height_clust_container+'px')
// SVG
// define offset for svg
// compenstates for permanent row and column labels as well
// as x spillover
spillover_x_offset = label_scale(col_max_char)* 0.8 ;
svg_x_offset = 50 + spillover_x_offset;
svg_y_offset = 50;
// svg size: less than container size
// subtract fixed length for permanent col and row labels and variable length for specific col and row labels
svg_width = width_clust_container - svg_x_offset - row_label_width ;
svg_height = height_clust_container - svg_y_offset - col_label_width ;
// define a visualization size, which may be smaller than the svg size if
// there are a small number of rows
// or if there are more columns than rows
// viz_width
// set up a scale that will prevent the visualization
// from stretching a few rows across the entire width
prevent_col_stetch = d3.scale.linear().domain([1,20]).range([0.05,1]).clamp('true');
viz_width = svg_width * prevent_col_stetch(col_nodes.length) ;
// viz_height
// ensure that width of rects is not less than height
if (col_nodes.length > row_nodes.length){
// scale the height
viz_height = svg_width*(row_nodes.length/col_nodes.length);
// keep track of whether or not a force square has occurred
// so that I can adjust the font accordingly
// here it has
force_square = 1;
// make sure that this scaling does not cause the viz to be taller
// than the svg
if (viz_height > svg_height){
// make the height equal to the width, to force square tiles - rather than thin tiles that
// are taller than they are wide
viz_height = svg_height;
// keep track of whether or not a force square has occurred
// here it has not
force_square = 0;
// use the unaltered height
// the height will be calculated normally - leading to wide tiles
viz_height = svg_height;
// keep track of whether or not a force square has occurred
// here it has not
force_square = 0;
// scaling functions used to position tiles
x_scale = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeBands([0, viz_width]) ;
y_scale = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeBands([0, viz_height]);
// Sort rows and columns
orders = {
name: d3.range(col_nodes.length).sort(function(a, b) { return d3.ascending( col_nodes[a].name, col_nodes[b].name); }),
// rank
rank_row: d3.range(col_nodes.length).sort(function(a, b) { return col_nodes[b].rank - col_nodes[a].rank; }),
rank_col: d3.range(row_nodes.length).sort(function(a, b) { return row_nodes[b].rank - row_nodes[a].rank; }),
// clustered
// the clust order is stored under sort !!
clust_row: d3.range(col_nodes.length).sort(function(a, b) { return col_nodes[b].sort - col_nodes[a].sort; }),
clust_col: d3.range(row_nodes.length).sort(function(a, b) { return row_nodes[b].sort - row_nodes[a].sort; })
// Assign the default sort order for the columns
// define border width
border_width = x_scale.rangeBand()/16.66;
// define the zoom switch value - use viz_width and viz_height
// switch from 1 to 2d zoom
zoom_switch = (viz_width/col_nodes.length)/(viz_height/row_nodes.length);
// recalculate the size of the visualization
// and remake the clustergram
function reset_visualization_size(){
// recalculate the size
// reset zoom and translate
// pass the network data to d3_clustergram
// turn off the wait sign
// define zoomed function
function zoomed() {
// gather transformation components
// gather zoom components
zoom_x = d3.event.scale;
zoom_y = d3.event.scale;
// gather translate vector components
trans_x = d3.event.translate[0] - margin.left;
trans_y = d3.event.translate[1] -;
// apply transformation: no transition duration when zooming with mouse
apply_transformation(trans_x, trans_y, zoom_x, zoom_y, 0);
// reset highlighted col'#clicked_col')
// .style('font-size',default_fs_col*1.25)
// apply transformation
function apply_transformation(trans_x, trans_y, zoom_x, zoom_y, duration){
// define d3 scale
d3_scale = zoom_x ;
// y - rules
// available panning room in the y direction
// multiple extra room (zoom - 1) by the width
// always defined in the same way
pan_room_y = (d3_scale - 1) * svg_height ;
// if the transformation is from a gene search, the remove pan_room_y restriction
if (duration > 0){
// set pan_room_y to svg_height - removing restriction
pan_room_y = svg_height;
// do not translate if translate in y direction is positive
if (trans_y >= 0 ) {
console.log('\nrestrict panning in the positive y direction')
// restrict transformation parameters
// no panning in either direction
trans_y = 0;
// restrict y pan to pan_room_y if necessary
else if (trans_y <= -pan_room_y) {
trans_y = -pan_room_y;
console.log('\nrestrict y panning based on y panning ')
// x - rules
// zoom in y direction only - translate in y only
if (d3_scale < zoom_switch) {
// no x translate or zoom
trans_x = 0;
zoom_x = 1;
// zoom in both directions
// scale is greater than zoom_switch
// available panning room in the x direction
// multiple extra room (zoom - 1) by the width
pan_room_x = (d3_scale/zoom_switch - 1) * svg_width ;
// no panning in the positive direction
if (trans_x > 0){
// restrict transformation parameters
// no panning in the x direction
trans_x = 0;
// set zoom_x
zoom_x = d3_scale/zoom_switch;
// restrict panning to pan_room_x
else if (trans_x <= -pan_room_x){
// restrict transformation parameters
// no panning in the x direction
trans_x = -pan_room_x;
// set zoom_x
zoom_x = d3_scale/zoom_switch;
// allow two dimensional panning
// restrict transformation parameters
// set zoom_x
zoom_x = d3_scale/zoom_switch;
// apply transformation and reset translate vector
// the zoom vector (zoom.scale) never gets reset
// translate clustergram
.attr('transform','translate(' + [ margin.left + trans_x, + trans_y ] + ') scale('+ zoom_x +',' + zoom_y + ')');
// transform row labels'#row_labels')
.attr('transform','translate(' + [row_margin.left , + trans_y] + ') scale(' + zoom_y + ')');
// transform col labels
// move down col labels as zooming occurs, subtract trans_x - 20 almost works'#col_labels')
.attr('transform','translate(' + [col_margin.left + trans_x ,] + ') scale(' + zoom_x + ')');
// reset translate vector - add back margins to trans_x and trans_y
.translate([ trans_x + margin.left, trans_y +]);
// Font Sizes
// reduce the font size by dividing by some part of the zoom
// if reduce_font_size_factor_ is 1, then the font will be divided by the whole zoom - and the labels will not increase in size
// if reduce_font_size_factor_ is 0, then the font will be divided 1 - and the labels will increase cuction of the font size
reduce_font_size = d3.scale.linear().domain([0,1]).range([1,zoom_y]).clamp('true');
// scale down the font to compensate for zooming
fin_font = default_fs_row/(reduce_font_size(reduce_font_size_factor_row));
// add back the 'px' to the font size
fin_font = fin_font + 'px';
// change the font size of the labels
.style('font-size', fin_font);
// re-size of the highlighting rects'#row_labels')
// get the bounding box of the row label text
var bbox =
// use the bounding box to set the size of the rect
.attr('x', bbox.x*0.5)
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('width', bbox.width*0.5)
.attr('height', y_scale.rangeBand())
// reduce font-size to compensate for zoom
// calculate the recuction of the font size
reduce_font_size = d3.scale.linear().domain([0,1]).range([1,zoom_x]).clamp('true');
// scale down the font to compensate for zooming
fin_font = default_fs_col/(reduce_font_size(reduce_font_size_factor_col));
// add back the 'px' to the font size
fin_font = fin_font + 'px';
// change the font size of the labels
.style('font-size', fin_font);
// change the size of the highlighting rects
// col_label_click'#col_labels')
// get the bounding box of the row label text
var bbox =
// use the bounding box to set the size of the rect
.attr('x', bbox.x*1.25)
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('width', bbox.width * 1.25)
// used teh reduced rect width for the columsn
// reduced because thee rects are slanted
.attr('height', x_scale.rangeBand()*0.6)
// reorder columns with row click
function reorder_click_row(d,i){
// get inst row (gene)
inst_gene ='text').text();
// highlight clicked column
// first un-highlight all others
// remove previous id'#clicked_row')
// highlight current'text')
// find the row number of this term from row_nodes
// gather row node names
tmp_arr = []
for (i=0; i<row_nodes.length; i++){
// find index
inst_row = _.indexOf( tmp_arr, inst_gene );
// gather the values of the input genes
tmp_arr = [];
for (j=0; j<col_nodes.length; j++) {
// sort the rows
tmp_sort = d3.range( tmp_arr.length ).sort(function(a, b) { return tmp_arr[b] - tmp_arr[a]; })
// resort the columns (resort x)
// reorder
// define the t variable as the transition function
var t = clust_group.transition().duration(2500);
// reorder matrix
.attr('x', function(d){
return x_scale(d.pos_x);
// Move Row Labels'#col_labels').selectAll(".col_label_text")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
return "translate(" + x_scale(i) + ")rotate(-90)";
// // zoom into and highlight selected row
// zoom_and_highlight_found_gene(inst_gene);
// reorder rows with column click
function reorder_click_col(d,i){
// get inst col (term)
inst_term ='text').attr('full_name')
// highlight clicked column
// first un-highlight all others
// remove previous id'#clicked_col')
// highlight current'text')
// find the column number of this term from col_nodes
// gather column node names
tmp_arr = []
for (i=0; i<col_nodes.length; i++){
// find index
inst_col = _.indexOf( tmp_arr, inst_term );
// gather the values of the input genes
tmp_arr = [];
for (i=0; i<row_nodes.length; i++) {
// sort the rows
tmp_sort = d3.range( tmp_arr.length).sort(function(a, b) { return tmp_arr[b] - tmp_arr[a]; })
// resort rows - y axis
// reorder
// define the t variable as the transition function
var t = clust_group.transition().duration(2500);
// reorder matrix
.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(0," + y_scale(i) + ")"; })
.attr('x', function(d){
return x_scale(d.pos_x);
// Move Row Labels
.attr('transform', function(d, i) { return 'translate(0,' + y_scale(i) + ')'; });
// t.selectAll(".column")'#col_labels').selectAll(".col_label_text")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
return "translate(" + x_scale(i) + ")rotate(-90)";
// highlight selected column
// unhilight and unbold all columns (already unbolded earlier)
// highlight column name
// resize clustergram with screensize change
var doit;
function timeout_resize(){
// clear timeout
// set up wait message before request is made
$.blockUI({ css: {
border: 'none',
padding: '15px',
backgroundColor: '#000',
'-webkit-border-radius': '10px',
'-moz-border-radius': '10px',
opacity: 0.8,
color: '#fff'
} });
doit = setTimeout( reset_visualization_size, 500) ;
// interpolate pan and zoom
function interpolate_pan_zoom(pan_dx, pan_dy, fin_zoom){
function two_translate_zoom(pan_dx, pan_dy, fin_zoom){
console.log('pan_dx: '+String(pan_dx))
console.log('pan_dy: '+String(pan_dy))
console.log('fin_zoom: '+String(fin_zoom))
// define the commonly used variable half_height
var half_height = viz_height/2 ;
// y pan room, the pan room has to be less than half_height since
// zooming in on a gene that is near the top of the clustergram also causes
// panning out of the visible region
var y_pan_room = ((half_height)/zoom_switch);
// prevent visualization from panning down too much
// when zooming into genes near the top of the clustergram
if (pan_dy >= half_height - y_pan_room){
console.log('restricting pan down')
// prevent the clustergram from panning down too much
// if the amount of panning is equal to the half_height then it needs to be reduced
// effectively, the the visualization needs to be moved up (negative) by some factor
// of the half width of the visualization. If there was no zooming involved, then the
// visualization would be centered first, then panned to center the top term, then
// the correction would re-center it. However, because of the zooming the offset is
// reduced by the zoom factor (this is because the panning is occurring on something
// that will be zoomed into - this is why the pan_dy value is not scaled in the two
// translate transformations, but it has to be scaled afterwards to set the translate
// vector)
// pan_dy = half_height - (half_height)/zoom_switch
// if pan_dy is greater than the pan room, then panning has to be restricted
// start by shifting back up (negative) by half_height/zoom_switch then shift bak down
// by the difference between half_height and pan_dy (so that the top of the clustergram is
// visible)
var shift_top_viz = half_height - pan_dy ;
var shift_up_viz = - half_height/zoom_switch + shift_top_viz ;
// reduce pan_dy so that the visualization does not get panned to far down
pan_dy = pan_dy + shift_up_viz ;
// prevent visualization from panning up too much
// when zooming into genes at the bottom of the clustergram
if (pan_dy < -(half_height - y_pan_room) ){
console.log('restricting pan up')
var shift_top_viz = half_height + pan_dy ;
// does not seem to be needed
// move up by one row height
// var move_up_one_row = y_scale.rangeBand();
// // do not move up one row if the clustergram is square
// if (zoom_switch == 1){
// move_up_one_row = 0;
// };
var shift_up_viz = half_height/zoom_switch - shift_top_viz; //- move_up_one_row;
// reduce pan_dy so that the visualization does not get panned to far down
pan_dy = pan_dy + shift_up_viz ;
// will improve this !!
zoom_y = fin_zoom;
zoom_x = 1;
// search duration - the duration of zooming and panning
search_duration =700;
// center_y
center_y = -(zoom_y -1)*half_height;
// console.log('\ncenter_y\t'+center_y+'\n')
// console.log('\npan_dy\t'+pan_dy+'\n')
// transform clsut group
// first apply the margin transformation
// then zoom, then apply the final transformation
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + [ margin.left, + center_y ] + ')'+' scale('+ 1 +',' + zoom_y + ')'+'translate(' + [ pan_dx, pan_dy ] + ')');
// transform row labels'#row_labels')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + [ row_margin.left, + center_y ] + ')'+' scale('+ zoom_y +',' + zoom_y + ')'+'translate(' + [ 0, pan_dy ] + ')');
// transform col labels
// move down col labels as zooming occurs, subtract trans_x - 20 almost works'#col_labels')
// .attr('transform','translate(' + [col_margin.left + pan_dx ,] + ') scale(' + 1 + ')');
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + [ col_margin.left, ] + ')'+' scale('+ 1 +',' + 1 + ')'+'translate(' + [ pan_dx, 0 ] + ')');
// Font Sizes
// reduce font-size to compensate for zoom
// calculate the recuction of the font size
reduce_font_size = d3.scale.linear().domain([0,1]).range([1,zoom_y]).clamp('true');
// scale down the font to compensate for zooming
fin_font = default_fs_row/(reduce_font_size(reduce_font_size_factor_row));
// add back the 'px' to the font size
fin_font = fin_font + 'px';
// change the font size of the labels
.style('font-size', fin_font);
// resize the highlighting bar when performing two transition zoom
// re-size of the highlighting rects'#row_labels')
// get the bounding box of the row label text
var bbox =
// use the bounding box to set the size of the rect
.attr('x', bbox.x*0.5)
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('width', bbox.width*0.5)
.attr('height', y_scale.rangeBand())
// reduce font-size to compensate for zoom
// calculate the recuction of the font size
reduce_font_size = d3.scale.linear().domain([0,1]).range([1,zoom_x]).clamp('true');
// scale down the font to compensate for zooming
fin_font = default_fs_col/(reduce_font_size(reduce_font_size_factor_col));
// add back the 'px' to the font size
fin_font = fin_font + 'px';
// change the font size of the labels
.style('font-size', fin_font);
// set y translate: center_y is positive, positive moves the visualization down
// the translate vector has the initial margin, the first y centering, and pan_dy
// times the scaling zoom_y
var net_y_offset = + center_y + pan_dy * zoom_y ;
// reset the zoom translate and zoom
zoom.translate([ pan_dx, net_y_offset])
// zoom into and highlight the found the gene
function zoom_and_highlight_found_gene(search_gene){
// unhighlight and unbold all genes
// find the index of the gene
inst_gene_index = _.indexOf( all_genes, search_gene );
// get y position
inst_y_pos = y_scale(inst_gene_index) ;
// make row name bold
.filter(function(d){ return == search_gene})
// highlight row name
.filter(function(d){ return == search_gene})
// calculate the y panning required to center the found gene
pan_dy = viz_height/2 - inst_y_pos;
// use two translate method to control zooming
// pan_x, pan_y, zoom
two_translate_zoom(0, pan_dy, zoom_switch );
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