Schema Organization: Description: Organize your database objects into logical schemas to improve manageability and security.
CREATE SCHEMA auth; CREATE SCHEMA billing; -- Grant usage to roles GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA auth TO web_user;
Caution: Be aware of search_path to avoid schema name conflicts.
Indexing: Description: Proper indexing is crucial for query performance. PostgreSQL supports several types of indexes, each suited for different scenarios.
a. B-tree Index (default): Best for equality and range queries on sortable data.
CREATE INDEX idx_users_email ON users(email);
b. Hash Index: Optimized for equality comparisons, not for range queries.
CREATE INDEX idx_users_email_hash ON users USING HASH (email);
c. GiST (Generalized Search Tree): Useful for full-text search, geospatial data, and custom data types.
CREATE INDEX idx_articles_fts ON articles USING GIST (to_tsvector('english', body));
d. GIN (Generalized Inverted Index): Efficient for multi-value columns like arrays and full-text search.
CREATE INDEX idx_products_tags ON products USING GIN (tags);
e. BRIN (Block Range INdex): Useful for very large tables with natural ordering.
CREATE INDEX idx_logs_timestamp_brin ON logs USING BRIN (timestamp);
f. Partial Index: Index only a subset of a table.
CREATE INDEX idx_orders_pending ON orders (created_at) WHERE status = 'pending';
Monitor index usage:
SELECT indexrelname, idx_scan, idx_tup_read, idx_tup_fetch FROM pg_stat_user_indexes;
Caution: Over-indexing can slow down write operations. Regularly review and remove unused indexes.
Constraints: Description: Constraints ensure data integrity at the database level.
ALTER TABLE users ADD CONSTRAINT chk_email_format CHECK (email ~* '^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}$'); ALTER TABLE orders ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT;
Error Handling: Catch constraint violations in application code or stored procedures.
Transactions: Description: Use transactions to ensure data consistency across multiple operations.
BEGIN; -- Operations here COMMIT;
Error Handling:
BEGIN; SAVEPOINT my_savepoint; -- Risky operations here EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK TO my_savepoint; -- Handle error END;
Naming Conventions: Description: Consistent naming conventions improve code readability and maintainability.
CREATE TABLE t_users ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, c_email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, c_created_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); CREATE FUNCTION f_get_user_by_email(p_email VARCHAR) RETURNS t_users AS $$ -- Function body $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Prepared Statements: Description: Use prepared statements to improve performance and prevent SQL injection.
In application code (e.g., Node.js with node-postgres):
const query = { text: 'INSERT INTO users(name, email) VALUES($1, $2)', values: [userName, userEmail], } client.query(query)
VACUUM and ANALYZE: Description: Regular maintenance is crucial for optimal performance.
-- Automated vacuum (adjust these settings in postgresql.conf) autovacuum = on autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 50 autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 50 -- Manual operation VACUUM (VERBOSE, ANALYZE) users;
Caution: VACUUM FULL locks the table. Use with care on production databases.
Data Types: Description: Choose appropriate data types to ensure data integrity and optimize storage.
Connection Pooling: Description: Use connection pooling to efficiently manage database connections.
Using PgBouncer (in pgbouncer.ini):
[databases] mydb = host= port=5432 dbname=mydb [pgbouncer] pool_mode = transaction max_client_conn = 1000 default_pool_size = 20
Row-Level Security (RLS): Description: RLS allows you to restrict access to row data based on user attributes.
CREATE POLICY user_policy ON users USING (id = current_user_id()); ALTER TABLE users ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY;
Caution: Ensure all access to the table goes through RLS-aware connections.
Partitioning: Description: Table partitioning can significantly improve query performance for very large tables.
CREATE TABLE orders ( id SERIAL, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, total NUMERIC(10,2) NOT NULL ) PARTITION BY RANGE (created_at); CREATE TABLE orders_2023 PARTITION OF orders FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-01-01') TO ('2024-01-01');
Error Handling: Handle cases where data doesn't fit into any partition.
Materialized Views: Description: Materialized views can dramatically speed up complex queries by pre-computing results.
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_monthly_sales AS SELECT date_trunc('month', created_at) AS month, SUM(total) AS total_sales FROM orders GROUP BY 1 WITH DATA; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON mv_monthly_sales (month); -- Refresh REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY mv_monthly_sales;
Caution: Be aware of the trade-off between data freshness and query performance.
Optimistic Locking: Description: Implement optimistic locking to handle concurrent updates without using exclusive locks.
CREATE TABLE products ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, price NUMERIC(10,2), version INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- In application code or stored procedure UPDATE products SET name = 'New Name', price = 19.99, version = version + 1 WHERE id = 1 AND version = 0; -- Check if any row was updated
Error Handling: Handle cases where the update fails due to concurrent modifications.
Extensions: Description: PostgreSQL extensions provide additional functionality. Use them to extend database capabilities.
CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;
Caution: Some extensions may have security implications. Review carefully before use.
Error Handling in Stored Procedures: Description: Implement robust error handling in stored procedures to manage exceptions gracefully.
CREATE FUNCTION process_order(order_id INTEGER) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_user_id INTEGER; BEGIN -- Process order EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Order % not found', order_id; WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Error processing order %: %', order_id, SQLERRM; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Roles and Grants: Description: Implement a robust security model using roles and grants.
CREATE ROLE read_only; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE mydb TO read_only; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO read_only; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO read_only; CREATE ROLE john_doe LOGIN; GRANT read_only TO john_doe;
JSON/JSONB: Description: Use JSON/JSONB types for flexible schema designs and complex data structures.
CREATE TABLE events ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, payload JSONB NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX idx_events_payload ON events USING GIN (payload); -- Query SELECT * FROM events WHERE payload @> '{"type": "login", "status": "success"}';
Caution: Complex JSON operations can be slower than operations on normalized data.
Function Overloading: Description: Create multiple functions with the same name but different parameters for flexibility.
CREATE FUNCTION get_user(id INTEGER) RETURNS users AS $$ -- Function body $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE FUNCTION get_user(email VARCHAR) RETURNS users AS $$ -- Function body $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Input Validation: Description: Validate input parameters within stored procedures to ensure data integrity.
CREATE FUNCTION create_user(p_email VARCHAR, p_name VARCHAR) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ BEGIN IF p_email !~ '^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}$' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid email format'; END IF; -- Rest of function END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Custom Types: Description: Use custom types to group related data and improve code readability.
CREATE TYPE user_info AS ( id INTEGER, email VARCHAR, name VARCHAR ); CREATE FUNCTION get_user_info(p_id INTEGER) RETURNS user_info AS $$ -- Function body $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
PL/pgSQL Features: Description: Leverage advanced PL/pgSQL features for complex logic and data processing.
CREATE FUNCTION process_orders() RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE r RECORD; v_total NUMERIC := 0; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT * FROM orders WHERE status = 'pending' LOOP -- Process each order v_total := v_total + r.amount; END LOOP; RAISE NOTICE 'Processed orders with total amount: %', v_total; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Logging in Procedures: Description: Implement logging within procedures for debugging and auditing.
CREATE TABLE audit_log ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, action VARCHAR NOT NULL, timestamp TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); CREATE FUNCTION audit_action(p_action VARCHAR) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO audit_log (action) VALUES (p_action); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Usage in another function PERFORM audit_action('User created');
Idempotent Procedures: Description: Design procedures to be idempotent, allowing safe re-execution.
CREATE FUNCTION ensure_user_exists(p_email VARCHAR, p_name VARCHAR) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE v_user_id INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT id INTO v_user_id FROM users WHERE email = p_email; IF v_user_id IS NULL THEN INSERT INTO users (email, name) VALUES (p_email, p_name) RETURNING id INTO v_user_id; END IF; RETURN v_user_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
RETURNS TABLE: Description: Use RETURNS TABLE for functions that return multiple rows and columns.
CREATE FUNCTION get_recent_orders(p_user_id INTEGER, p_limit INTEGER DEFAULT 10) RETURNS TABLE (order_id INTEGER, order_date TIMESTAMP, total NUMERIC) AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT id, created_at, total FROM orders WHERE user_id = p_user_id ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT p_limit; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Transaction Management: Description: Implement fine-grained transaction control within procedures.
CREATE FUNCTION transfer_funds( sender_id INTEGER, recipient_id INTEGER, amount NUMERIC ) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_sender_balance NUMERIC; BEGIN -- Start a subtransaction SAVEPOINT my_savepoint; -- Deduct from sender UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - amount WHERE id = sender_id RETURNING balance INTO v_sender_balance; IF v_sender_balance < 0 THEN ROLLBACK TO my_savepoint; RAISE EXCEPTION 'Insufficient funds'; END IF; -- Add to recipient UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + amount WHERE id = recipient_id; -- If we get here, commit the subtransaction RELEASE SAVEPOINT my_savepoint; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK TO my_savepoint; RAISE; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;