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Last active December 16, 2024 10:58
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Way too annotated version of Stroustrup's calculator from Chapter 6 of Stroustrup's Principles and Practice book.
//Working version of calculator from Chapter 6 of stroustrup
//Contains way too many print statements so you can track what is going on.
//Each grammatical rule, and main, is annotated with attempt to explain what is happening.
//Note I prefer to use '#' instead of '8' to represent numbers because I'm not a monster (see: Stroop effect).
#include "std_lib_facilities.h"
class Token {
char kind; // what kind of token
double value; // for numbers: a value
Token(char ch) // make a Token from a char
:kind(ch), value(0) { }
Token(char ch, double val) // make a Token from a char and a double
:kind(ch), value(val) { }
class Token_stream {
Token_stream(); // make a Token_stream that reads from cin
Token get(); // get a Token (get() is defined elsewhere)
void putback(Token t); // put a Token back
bool full; // is there a Token in the buffer?
Token buffer; // here is where we keep a Token put back using putback()
// The constructor just sets full to indicate that the buffer is empty:
:full(false), buffer(0) // no Token in buffer; how does this take in 0?
// The putback() member function puts its argument back into the Token_stream's buffer
void Token_stream::putback(Token t)
if (full)
error("Attempted to putback() into a full buffer");
buffer = t; // copy t to buffer
full = true; // buffer is now full
Token Token_stream::get()
if (full)
{ //Is there a token already in the stream?
return buffer; //note: buffer is just the previous Token instance
char ch;
cin >> ch; // note that >> skips whitespace (space, newline, tab, etc.)
switch (ch)
case '=': // for "print"
case 'x': // for "quit"
case '(':
case ')':
case '+':
case '-':
case '*':
case '/':
return Token(ch); // let each character represent itself
case '.':
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
cin.putback(ch); // put digit back into the input stream to recast as double
double val;
cin >> val; // read a floating-point number
return Token('#',val); // let '8' represent "a number"
error("TOKEN STREAM ERROR: Bad token");
return Token('z'); //dummy return just to avoid reaching end w/o return
} //switch
} //token_stream::get()
//Global because all the parsers use it
Token_stream ts; // provides get() and putback()
double expression(); // declaration so that primary() can call expression()
// deal with numbers and parentheses
//Logic of primary (this is always a number or an expression in parens)
//1. Get token from stream. Primary will either start with # or (.
//2. If it is a paren
// a Get the doulbe value of the expression inside
// b Return value of expression (after checking for closing paren)
//3. If it is a number, return its value
//4. If it is not a number or paren, throw an error.
double primary()
cout << " primary() get()\n";
Token t = ts.get();
switch (t.kind)
case '(': // handle '(' expression ')'
double d = expression();
t = ts.get();
if (t.kind != ')')
error("PRIMARY: ')' expected after expression to end parens.");
return d;
case '#':
cout << " primary() returning value " << t.value << "\n";
return t.value; // return the number's value
default: //not a number or paren, so throw error
cout << "Primary error kind/value: "
<< t.kind << " | " << t.value << "\n";
error("PRIMARY ERROR: no primary provided.");
return -9.9;
} //switch
// deal with *, /: return the product/quotient
//In what follows, ? denotes * or / .
//Logic of term ()
//1 Leftmost entity is a primary, which you pull using primary().
//2 Get the next token t, which will be a ? or something else.
//3 If t is a ?, then it is ? followed by a primary (that is how ? works).
// a Carry out the operation on left [left ?= primary()] yielding a double
// b Go to step 2 (i.e., get next token and see what's up)
//4 If t is not a ?, then you have nothing to do here. Put that token back in the stream so the next
// function can see what it is, and return the value of the number you have calculated.
double term()
cout << " term() calling primary()\n";
double left = primary(); //left-hand side of ? is always a double
cout << " term() calling get()\n";
Token t = ts.get(); // get the next token from token stream
//If next token is a * or //, then carry out that operation. Otherwise, return the double
//and put that token back in the token stream
switch (t.kind)
case '*':
cout << " term() *case primary()\n";
left *= primary();
cout << " term() *case get()\n";
t = ts.get();
break; //FIXESD this was not here so multiplication was not working
case '/':
cout << " term() /case primary()\n";
double d = primary();
if (d == 0) error("divide by zero");
left /= d;
cout << " term() /case get()\n";
t = ts.get();
cout << " In term(): no */ so putting current token back in token stream: "
<< t.kind << " | " << t.value << "\n";
ts.putback(t); // put t back into the token stream
return left;
} //switch
} //while
//Expression logic:
//1 Get the leftmost numerical value (it will be a term)
//2 Get the next token t. It will be a ?, or won't be (? here stands for + or -)
//3 If it is a ?, it will be followed by a term (that is how ? works)
// a. Carry out operation ? between left and term (e.g., left += term())
// b. Go to step 2.
//4 If it is not a ?, then put that token back in the stream for someone else to use, and
// return the left double value you have calculated so far.
double expression()
cout << " expression() term()\n";
double left = term(); // Get value of first entity
cout << " expression() get()\n";
Token t = ts.get(); // get the next token from token stream
case '+':
cout << " expression() +case term()\n";
left += term(); // evaluate Term and add
cout << " expression() +case get()\n";
t = ts.get();
cout << " expression() got " << t.kind << " | " << t.value << "\n";
case '-':
left -= term();
t = ts.get();
cout << " expression() putback() " << t.kind << " | " << t.value << "\n";
ts.putback(t); // put t back into the token stream
cout << " expression() returning " << left << "\n";
return left; // no more + or -: return the answer
} //switch
} //while
//The logic of main
//Get the first token
//If it is an x, then exit.
//If it is an '=', then print the value of the expression.
// (if no expression has been entered then all bets are off)
//Otherwise, put back token, and run expression() to get the value.
// Expression is the top-level grammatical category, and returns a double. See expression().
int main()
cout << "Welcome to Calculator\n"
<< "Enter expressions followed by equals sign.\n"
<< "Enter an 'x' to exit.\n\n";
double val = 0;
while (cin)
cout << "main(): calling get()\n";
Token t = ts.get();
//quit case
if (t.kind == 'x')
//if user is done entering data, print value
//If they dont' want to quit or print, put the token back
//into the stream and get the expression
if (t.kind == '=')
cout << "Result: " << val << '\n';
cout << "Reset value.\n";
val = 0;
cout << "main(): putback() "
<< t.kind << " | " << t.value << "\n";
cout << "no x or = in main(), so call expression()\n";
val = expression();
cout << "main() reached end of while. Let's start again....\n\n";
} //while
cout << "You are finished with Calculator. Thank you.\n";
return 0;
} //main
catch (exception& e) {
cerr << "MAIN: Exception caught. e.what == " << e.what() << '\n';
return 1;
catch (...) {
cerr << "Oops: unknown exception!\n";
return 2;
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