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Forked from nathansmith/module_pattern_init.js
Last active February 18, 2019 16:55
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Init + Module Pattern JS
// Revealing pattern
var basketModule = (function() {
var basket = []; //private
return { //exposed to public
addItem: function(values) {
getItemCount: function() {
return basket.length;
getTotal: function(){
var q = this.getItemCount(),p=0;
p+= basket[q].price;
return p;
* Creating a constructor with prototype properties
* @version 0.1.0
function ModuleName(n, s) { = n;
this.version = s;
var config = {};
ModuleName.prototype.init = function(options) {
// We can do sonething about the config array/oject here...
this.config = $.extend(this.config, options);
ModuleName.prototype.controller = {
saveScore:function (theScoreToAdd) {
changeEmail:function (newEmail) { = newEmail;
return "New Email Saved: " +;
mobileMenuOutsideClick: function() {
// we are going to do something here...
var module = new ModuleName('Demo', '1.0.1');
module.init({name: "Hello"});
APP.util.myModule = module;
* Basic event handler system for modules
* @todo Add event namespacing e.g. moduleName.eventName
* @todo Add method to replace event
var EventsHandler = function(){
var _triggers = {};
this.on = function(event,callback) {
_triggers[event] = [];
_triggers[event].push( callback );
this.triggerHandler = function(event) {
if( _triggers[event] ) {
for( i in _triggers[event] )
// Initialize our events system
events = new EventsHandler();
// Create a module interface
class ModuleInterface extends EventsHandler
this.module = {};
* A basic module setup with custom events
var NavigationModule = (function($, events){
let config = {};
let init = function(){
const eventHandler = {
on: events.on,
trigger: events.triggerHandler
let bindEvents = function(){
events.on('beforeTemplateRender', function() {
console.log('Before template render event!');
events.on('afterTemplateRender', function() {
console.log('After template render event!');
let templateRender = function(){
console.log('Rendering template');
return {
init: init,
on: eventHandler.on,
trigger: eventHandler.trigger,
render: templateRender
})(jQuery, events);
// Initialize our module
Navigation = NavigationModule;
// Attaching an event
Navigation.on('afterTemplateRender', function(){
console.log('Attached after template event...');
// Redefine: $, window, document, undefined.
var APP = (function($, window, document, undefined) {
// Parameters: Zepto/jQuery, window, document.
})(typeof Zepto === 'function' ? Zepto : jQuery, this, this.document);
// JS Module Pattern:
// Redefine: $, window, document, undefined.
var APP = (function($, window, document, undefined) {
// Automatically calls all functions in APP.init
$(document).ready(function() {
// For use only inside APP.
var PRIVATE_CONSTANT_1 = 'foo';
var PRIVATE_CONSTANT_2 = 'bar';
// Expose contents of APP.
return {
// APP.go
go: function() {
var i, j = this.init;
for (i in j) {
// Run everything in APP.init
j.hasOwnProperty(i) && j[i]();
// APP.init
init: {
call_automatically_one: function() {
// Called on page-load.
// Can still be called individually, via:
// APP.init.call_automatically_one();
call_automatically_two: function() {
// Called on page-load.
// Can still be called individually, via:
// APP.init.call_automatically_two();
util: {
call_specifically_one: function() {
// Must be called individually, via:
// APP.util.call_specifically_one();
call_specifically_two: function() {
// Must be called individually, via:
// APP.util.call_specifically_two();
// Parameters: Zepto/jQuery, window, document.
})(typeof Zepto === 'function' ? Zepto : jQuery, this, this.document);
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