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  • Save costr/db0959cc5746f1c35b366bd301a4254b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save costr/db0959cc5746f1c35b366bd301a4254b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
As someone who fishes near Okoboji, IA I wanted fishing reports but I found that the IA DNR site had annoying modals and required several clicks to get what I wanted. Instead I wanted to compile the fishing information and pump the information into Home Assistant for faster digestion.
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"name": "Prettify",
"func": "var lake = msg.topic;\nvar lakeUrl = msg.responseUrl;\n\nvar result = `\n# [${lake}](${lakeUrl}) #\n\n<details>\n`;\n\nvar payload = msg.payload;\n\nif(!payload || payload.length < 1) return [null, msg];\n\nfor(var forecast in payload) {\n var dashPosition = payload[forecast].indexOf('-');\n var colonPosition = payload[forecast].indexOf(':');\n \n var header = payload[forecast].substring(0, dashPosition).trim();\n var level = payload[forecast].substring(dashPosition+1, colonPosition).trim().toUpperCase();\n var body = payload[forecast].substring(colonPosition+1, payload[forecast].length).trim();\n if(header && level) {\n result += `\n## ${header} ##\n\n### Forecast Level: ${level} ###\n\n${body}\n\n`;\n }\n \n if(header && !level) {\n result += `\n## ${header} ##\n\n${body}\n\n `;\n }\n \n if(!header) {\n result += `\n${body}\n`;\n }\n}\n\nresult += `\n</details>\n`;\n\nvar newResult = {\n \"Report\" : result,\n \"Lake\": lake\n};\n\nmsg.payload = newResult;\n\nreturn [msg,null];",
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"id": "8ed28f5e.c7316",
"type": "function",
"z": "338f10b4.b5013",
"name": "Create HASS payload",
"func": "var payload = msg.payload;\nvar reportAttributes = {};\n\nfor(var lake in payload) {\n reportAttributes[payload[lake].Lake] = payload[lake].Report;\n}\n\nvar sensorData = {\n \"attributes\" : reportAttributes,\n \"state\" : new Date()\n};\n\nvar newPayload = {\n \"data\": sensorData\n};\n\nmsg.payload = newPayload;\n\nreturn msg;",
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"z": "",
"name": "Home Assistant",
"legacy": false,
"hassio": false,
"rejectUnauthorizedCerts": false,
"ha_boolean": "y|yes|true|on|home|open",
"connectionDelay": true
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